Friday, April 9, 2010

Why I love Datakjeden

Yeah, S, I know that you are way less than impressed with Datakjeden, but I think they are the most awesome webshop EVER.^^, Let's agree to disagree, ne?

So I wrote yesterday that my computer broke, and then started working again. Just like that.
So I sent a rather upset email to Jørn, who is the tech dealing with case over Datakjeden, explaining how frustrated I am with this, and how I really can't be without a computer this close to my exams, and how, if my computer really breaks down it would be a catastophe, and how I can't really afford to pay the fee if I send it in and it's not really broken.
I got an answer today, from a very concerned and understanding Jørn. He wants me to send my computer in to be looked at on monday (becuase it's obviously not feeling well and you can't have it fail on you right before your exams), and in the mean time, while it is getting fixed I get to borrow a computer from Datakjeden, so that I won't be without a computer, and so that I can study for my exams.
He seems as frustrated with this as I am, and he totally understand how awful this is for me.
And seriously, it really is awful. I spent my study fund on this computer, money that my parents have saved up for me for many years. And then it just breaks over and over. I cried. I am not ashamed to admit it. When it broke the first time I cried, when I got it back, after almost two months, and it was still broken, I cried. And when the screen just went black, and it told me I didn't have an OS (Windows) yesterday, I litterally shook with tears.

I am starting to develop a strong hate for this computer (which resulted in a rather graphic poem over at Deranged Poetry), and I will never buy anything labeled Acer EVER AGAIN.
Yes, I know I was told to go with Dell or HP, but they just could not match the battery time (which was the main reason I bought this hunk of junk in the first place) within my price range.
And in any case it was the harddrive that failed, and that can happen to any computer at all. If the harddrive fails, it does so within the first three months. Which mine did.

It is mostly the treatment I have gotten with Acer that appals me. (yeah, you've all heard it, but I am going there again)
It took them a month to fix the damned thing (the rest was used on mailing it back and forth and the diagnostics Datakjeden performed to find out what was wrong in the first place). And I understand that they have a lot to do, and that they get backlogged, so I acept that, it's just annoying is all.
But when I get the computer back and it's still broken. Yes, the new harddrive works, but not in my computer, as the device drivers was probably not for my model, but another model which uses the same harddrive.
Jørn tried to fix it for me, but it was little he could do, so he directed me to Acer. Where they talk to me like I am a blasted idiot, and I probably killed the damned thing myself.
And did I remember to tell you that Acer refuses to fix anything at all, if it's sent back in anything but the original packaging with ALL the parts and papers it came with, but that they don't send it all back? I got my computer back wrapped in poorly taped bublewrap, with the power cord lying loose on top and the screen cover crumpled in a corner. Jørn was amazed actually. He said that that is not the way it's supposed to be done.

So the stupid second tech I got to talk to at Acer (the first one told me to run the test that made Jørn tell me to call them directly in the first place, again) listen to the things that I tell him and then goes quiet for a couple of minutes, asking for my information from time to time. Then he tells me that he has sent me an RMA number so that I could send the laptop in and they could fix it. And that's when I told him in no uncertain terms exactly what I thought of sending my computer back so that they coulod spend another month installing my OS, when I am perfectly able to run a freakin' recovery disc, which was what I asked him for in the first place.
So he very meekly told me he had transfered me to the recovery department, who would send me a form that I had to fill out, and return to them, and only then would they send me any recovery disks. I don't get why they can't just send them to me, it's not like they work on any other computer than my model with my herdware.
That was last tuesday or wednesday, and I haven't heard from them yet.

So yah. I effing HATE Acer.

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