Monday, April 19, 2010

My eating habbit, my business

I watched a Petrilude video on youtube just now.
It's a tutorial about how to make hip/butt padding for drag artists. (Some of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen have started out as men BTW. So NO hating of drag artists or transsexuals please. They don't want to hear it, and I don't want to hear. So just don't, okey?)
It's kind of immaterial what the video is about thou, because what I want to talk about is that he felt he had to start his video with a "I know I am skinny, don't tell me I need to eat" comment.
And it seems ridiculous to me that a comment like that is needed, that he really needs to request that people should not make those comments. The result being a lot of "so true, so tired of that sort of comment"-comments. Which shows just how necessary his commenting on that was.

Now, I have a freakin' awesome body. I am so happy with my body you just wouldn't believe it. But I wasn't always like that. I have never had an ounce too much fat anywhere on my body, but all the little bitches in elementary school pinching their non-existing tummies going "oh em gee, I am so FAT, I soooooo need to diet", they kind of made an impression on me. I decided at one point that anything over 40 kilos was too heavy. I totally freaked when I weighed 42 at an age of 13. Needless to say I was on the fast-track into anorexia. Then I got committed for something else entirely, and I luckily avoided the anorexia.
But it's still hard to tell myself that 60 kilos is an acceptable weight. I still struggle with this need to be thin. Even if I know when I look in the mirror, and I see just how amazing my body is, it hurts a little when I look on weight and it says 60 kilos.
(And please don't call me vain, because I need to be a little vain to not get all diet-crazy. Please allow me my little vanity^^,)

Which is why I get so incredibly annoyed when people get tell other people to eat more or less, because it so entirely not their business.
I have had friends both on the heavy and skinny side during my time, and none of them has had abnormal eating habits. My best-friend is skinny as a rail (incredibly hot, but still thin) and she eats just as my as I do. A little healthier than me (I eat like a total pig XD), but still just as much.
Studies have showed that you need actual nutrients to put on weight anyway. The absolute skinniest people can eat their own weight in BigMacs but still don't put on any weight.

Point being that it's really none of anybody's business what anybody else eats or weigh.
Besides all my friends are drop dead hotties (seriously, I don't surround my self with fugly girls). There are hot ass-sets and breast-sets and hourglass waists all over the place=D
(And I am bi, so I aught to knowXD) You are hots girlies^^, I would do you all any dayXP

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