Thursday, June 26, 2008

Can I eats flower?

I'm leaving tomorrow. I have everything packed and ready. I hope. Have I mentioned I hate traveling? What if I forgot something? Well, I have my passport, my healthcard, my medicines, and money (cash, ATM card, and Mastercard, I should be covered). Everything else can be bought. Travelnerves are horrible... But I am looking forward to the concert, and once we are in the air, I will be okey. My friends will pick me up at 7 AM tomorrow, so I have to be up bright and early. I will be going to bed early today, so that I can get up that early.

My aloe vera has bloomed. I have always been impressed by my mom being able to make her aloe veras bloom, and now I have managed it myself. By neglecting it, by the look of it. It stands on the windowsill and I kinda forget it's there, I don't think I have watered it for a month. I took it down to get a good picture of it, and Tullerusk decided it was in need of some eating. I snapped this gorgeous picture of her:

Word of the day:
gaiyuu - foreign travel

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The English Roses. (Or silk ones anyway)

Still packing. And I have now gotten to the toiletries, and I just had to snap a picture. A lady travels heavy, doesn't she? I am so glad I have the gigantic toiletry purse my mom made me. I was able to fit everything in, except the makeup, but them again I didn't try. Imagine trying to find a teeny little eyeshadow box at the bottom of that huge thingXP Decided I didn't care to try. Especially considering I we will try to be at the concert hall as early as possible to try to get a spot near the stage, so I will be in a hurry. We will be leaving on Friday. I can feel the travel nerves building already... I will spend tomorrow cleaning and doing the rest of the packing. In my wonderful Gothic & Lolita Bible there was a nice little recipe on how to make silk roses. My first two tries didn't turn out all that well, but the third one is purdy^^, That would be the black one in case you couldn't tell >.<>.< style="font-style: italic;">bara - rose

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Walking day

Been to Oslo with my friend D today. We had a great day, walking all around and windowshopping (mostly>.<). He just sent me a SMS telling me he has major blisters on both his heels.>.<

One of the books I bought is a Japanese book called Chain Mail. I'm a bit worried it might be horror, but I read the back and it seems cute. But then again, Japanese things that seem nice sometimes just aren't. I have gone through my bookcase and updated the "books I need to read list", and it's loooong. I stacked all the books on top of each other, and it became a really, really tall pile. Since I couldn't find my tape measure I measured with myself, and it's as long as my freakin' arm, from the top of my shoulder to the tip of my fingers. O.o
30 books (and manga). That's a lot... 10 of the books are books I started, but never finished, and one is a reread (a study about Geisha, so that I can rewrite the crappy Norwegian wikipedia entry about Geisha). I have not included sequels, I can add them when I finish the first ones. Also there are some that I have borrowed from friends that are missing, I will add them when the list gets a little shorter. The list on the side is abbreviated thou, I have chosen to only show the first ten (it's alphabetical), so that the list won't take up the whole page...

I think I will decide right now to get this list down to under 15 before I buy any new books. I will allow myself to borrow new books at the library, but not from friends. I will allow myself to buy some selected manga titles, and no new series at all. I think this is a good goal, and one that will save me lots and lots of cash>.<

I have started packing for Barcelona. That is I am in the process of washing the clothes I will bring to Barcelona, and I fold and pack them as they get dry. Well, anywho, Tullerusk loves suitcases. She loves them so much, she almost got herself an unwanted trip by plain to Trondheim once. You see; my mother has a friends in Trondheim, and she was going home. It was just luck that we discovered she had shimmied into the suitcase and snuggled into the clothes before she closed properly and left.>.< So what you thinks she does the minute I start packing? She places herself neatly in the middle of the big red suitcase I borrowed from my mom, right on top of all my clothes, and refuses to get out. Ain't she cute? I love my cat^^,

Word of the day:
hon - book

Monday, June 23, 2008

Gothic & Lolita Bible

I bought my first Gothic & Lolita Bible today^^, In English. I have been drooling all over the Japanese one for ages, but the second ever number of the American one has a cover made by Queen of Dorks, which is an amazing artist that I have been watching on DA for the longest time. So, naturally, I had to have it. I preordered it at Outland, which is my local (or half local) comic/manga/book store, where I buy all my manga and most of my books. It came yesterday and I picked it up today.
Ain't it purdy? Up in the left corner you can see my lolita wrist warmers. Pale pink with white lace like edgings. It's too warm to wear them now thou.

I haven't gotten around to read it yet thou. Thought I would read it on the train to Oslo tomorrow. Have been looking through it thou, and it's all pink and purdy inside. I love the fashion reports. Even if it's almost like paying for a high-class advertisement magazine >_<
I spent the weekend with the Man, and went to pick up my cat Tullerusk from my parents, where she lives on the weekends while I'm with the Man, today. She was not happy when we closed the door to the outside. But when we came home she just crawled up in a chair and went straight to sleep. The quilt is just too good to lie on.^^,

Word of the day #2:
kizoku - noble, aristocrat

Stupid Japanese games...

This has miffed me for quite some while.
So I am in the process of learning myself Japanese right. I have studied by myself since I was about 15, and at some point I bought Eurotalk Interactive's beginner game, which I finished quite quickly. And then I bought their Intermediate game, called World Talk, and didn't understand a thing. All the instructions were in Japanese, and there was very little help that I understood anything of.
Even now, years later, and endless hours of self study, and even a whole level 2 Japanese class later, I still have problems with it. It's kind of annoying that I would almost have to be fluent in Japanese to be able to learn anything at all from this game. I solve the problems by searching for little words in the middle of sentences that I already know, or simply guessing, and end up not really learning anything at all.
But me being kind of stubborn and all, I refuse to give up, I will finish the game with a top score>.< style="font-style: italic;">tokidoki - sometimes

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Welcome me

So... I decided to make a blog. About happy things. Or at least that's the plan. I plan to write about movies, art, music, and Japan. And webcomics I like. And books I like. And me and my fiancé, and my cat. And Pokèmon.
Well... Lest just say I will write about my life, and what ever I feel like writing about. Nice things for the most part. That's the plan anyway.
Sugoi desu ne?>.<

First post end