Monday, June 23, 2008

Stupid Japanese games...

This has miffed me for quite some while.
So I am in the process of learning myself Japanese right. I have studied by myself since I was about 15, and at some point I bought Eurotalk Interactive's beginner game, which I finished quite quickly. And then I bought their Intermediate game, called World Talk, and didn't understand a thing. All the instructions were in Japanese, and there was very little help that I understood anything of.
Even now, years later, and endless hours of self study, and even a whole level 2 Japanese class later, I still have problems with it. It's kind of annoying that I would almost have to be fluent in Japanese to be able to learn anything at all from this game. I solve the problems by searching for little words in the middle of sentences that I already know, or simply guessing, and end up not really learning anything at all.
But me being kind of stubborn and all, I refuse to give up, I will finish the game with a top score>.< style="font-style: italic;">tokidoki - sometimes

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