Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Gathering

So I have been up for 18 hours and have eaten next to nothing today. Or, I have eaten some chocolate.
We arrived an hour and a half ago, and thus far my only impression of TG is that it is noisy and flashyXP
There are strobe lights, blaring speakers and people absolutely EVERYWHERE.
Anyone who really knows me should be damn impressed I'm not cowering in a corner right nowXP
It's just about everything that freaks me out at once^^,
Social training is important thou, which is why I'm here in the first place.
Oh, and the photo contest. Which I took second place in^^, So hah XD
The prize was lame thou, a t-shirt and a mousepad^^, None of which I need, and seeing as they didn't actually have any girl-fit shirts, do not particularly want, but I WON SOMETHING. Yay us, right L? We rule^^,
So now I'm sitting at boyfriend's computer while he is off photographing^^,
I am running the drunken singing list on full volume on my pink skullcandy headphones to drown out all the other noise and writing this blogpost.

The lights are purdy thou^^, Even if they make my head hurtXP
I'm guessing it will be better when they turn the lights on in the morning.

The prospects for Pichu is looking up thou (she might need a new name now thou, seeing as she has a new harddrive and therefore is basically almost brand new again. Since I have to set her up again with my settings and programs and everything).
We are downloading Windows 7 of the net, and installing that. And before you go report me to whatever stupid people that you would report this to: I am using my own product key, which I payed for, and if you are going to report anybody at all, you can damned well report Acer, who sent my computer back BROKEN in the first place *glares*

Yeah, I've been up for 18 hours, can you tell?XP

Maxwell's Silver Hammer is the most genius song ever written.^^, My Norwegian textbook in junior high said the Beatles only wrote half-assed love songs. They obviously had not heard Beatles. It's one of the most deviously innocent murder songs I have ever heard. At least the Curse of Milhaven sounds evolXP
Beatles definitely rank up there with Bertine Zetlitz and Kaizers Orchestra^^,

Meh, my stupid armband thingy is really annoying=/

I have been up for 18 hours, and I plan to stay up another six, so expect more nonsensical blogposts during the night^^,

Yeah, and until my own 'puter is up and running, this will be the only thing I will do at a computer seeing as I have to borrow boyfriend's computer, and I guessing he wants to use it himself at some point during the nightXP
So no mail, no facebook, and no msn on me until I have my own toy to play onXP

Oh and one more thing before I go hunting for something containing ridiculous amounts of sugar and caffeine, TG has a nautical theme this year, so there are giant Tentacruels having from the ceiling, and Tentacools on stage.
And if you are here and the thought did not occur to you, you are most certainly the wrong kind of nerdXD

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