Sunday, August 3, 2008

SoraCon and other things

So I went to SoraCon in Oslo today. Not terribly exiting, I think we got there around two maybe, and by then they were well into most of the contests. There were some nice cosplaying there and the fiancé took some nice pictures that hopefully he'll let me put up later. They had screenings of the first four Naruto episodes, and we went to the second one, but there were all these tall people in front of me who were blocking the subtitles so I entertained myself (and annoyed D) with telling D what all the kanji meant XP
I think I liked last year's DesuCon better, even if SoraCon had more activities. There were more stands and more things to see at DesuCon, but this was SoraCon's first year so hopefully they will get better next year.
Anyway we tired of it all pretty quickly and went out for thai food, then we proceeded to walk aimlessly around Oslo for a couple of hours. All in all I had a pretty nice day^^,

I am house sitting for my parents for the next week while they visit family further north. Rusket loves all the outside time she is getting and is actually fleeing the scene whenever she notices I am home. Well actually it was okey yesterday, but we are fairly certain she knows her days, because today she just ran. (I usually come pick her up on Sundays.)

I started reading my battered Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell agian. Wonderful book really, can't remember why I stopped halfway through, but maybe I just found something more interesting... That sort of happens...XP Anyway, I'm halfway through, but it's going fast, and if I get nice weather and can sit outside I will probably be done by the end of the week. The forecast is full of black clouds thou, so I might just sit inside playing on the 'puter.

Word of the day:
年会 - nenkai - conference, annual convention

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