Friday, August 22, 2008

About hookers and drugaddicts

This little comic brought me back to my childhood big time.
You see my mom is a quilter, and has been for as long as I can remember. Now the words for fabric and drugs are the same in Norwegian (stoff), and I am sure any Norwegian quilter has at some point humorously referred to themselves as addicted to fabric, or as most nonquilters would perceive it as: drugaddicts. You can imagine the look of sheer horror on the faces of grownups when a wide eyed, innocent eight year old answers the question "so what does your mom do?" with: "My mom doesn't work, she's a fabricaddict (or as they would interpret it: drugaddict". Hilarious. And then the look of sudden relieve when I explained that she was addicted to quiltingfabrics. >_<>.< style="font-style: italic;"> kakebuton - quilt, comforter

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