Sunday, March 21, 2010

I liek mudkips (or rather webcomics, whatever)

Of course I do like mudkips, but this post is supposed to be about the webcomics.
I can of couse drop a little mention that I at the moment have 199 Pokémons in my Crystal game. None of the mudkips, seeing as mudkips are third generation starters, but still. Only evolving and trading left. I have caught every single catchable Pokémon in the game. Do I rock or what^^,
My thanks go out to the Gachas, who with the kind gift of my Crystal game made this possible. Also I would like to thank L who is borrowing me her GameBoy Color, so that I kind do the single most geekiest thing a Pokémon geek can do, namely trading Pokémon with myself. Also I would like to thank all the people who gave me money for my 10th (I think) birthday, so that I could buy a GameBoy Color in the first place, and also a boy in my class in elementary school that borrowed me his Pokémon game, which started my Pokémon craze in the first place,
Thank you all. I am eternally grateful for all of you taking part in getting me to the place I am today. Which is having 199 Pokémon in my Pokédex.
Actually I have the complete 1st, 2nd and 4th generation. (I was too cool when the 3rd and the remake of the 1st came out.)
I actually have 19 Pokémon games. This of course include spin-offs. I have ALL the Pokémon games that came out for the GameBoy Color. Except Green, but that one was only release in Japan, and is basically Blue, but just in Japan.
I have not counted up how many games I am missing.

Anywho, this post was supposed to be about webcomics.

Message to L: This post is not the post you are looking for. (Until after your exam you are not allowed to read any further. Go study!)

These days I am reading the entire archives of Narbonic.
Which is fun. Not as fun as Girl Genuis. If you liked and/or got hooked to Weregeek, which I wrote about a long time ago, then you need to read Girl Genius. Not all that much alike, story wise, but very alike in feel, if you get what I mean. I would go so far as classify Girl Genius as a neon sugar prose-type webcomic.
Then we have Girls with slingshot which is a same type comics as Questionable Content and S*mething Positive, in the meaning that they are all about twenty-something (thirty-something in the case of S*mething positive, because the characters age in real-time and it has been going since late 2001. The archive might seem daunting, but it is SO worth it. I would throw my entire future plans out the window in a second if I got a job offer to work at Nerdrotica. No I am not kidding or hyperboling, I would. In a second seriously=D) people basically living life. I LOVE Hannelore. I want my very own Hannelore. She is so cute^^,
If you like Home on the Strange you need to read Ferret's new series My name is Might Have Been, which is about a post apocalyptic world where musicians a gods. It's really out there, and really god. King of Pops is the guy you go to to have him dig of the corpses of past musicians and have him peel their clothes of their decaying bodies so that you can wear them when you are on stage^^, Okey that sounded really graphic and gross, but it's not. You don't get to see, it's just so you get the feel. And the art is gorgeous.
Then there is Punch an' Pie, which is about the cutest (and craziest) character from Queen of Wands, namely Angela. She is adorable, bi, poly, short and CRAZY^^, It's written by Aerie who also wrote Queen of Wands, and the art is by Chris Daily, the mastermind behind Strip Tease. Which is not dirty. It's not a porn comic, I promise. My mom reads this blog, so I don't post porn links in here. I promise! Cross my heart and hope to live. It's about people making a comic^^,
Khaos Komix doesn't ever get graphic either, but narrowminded/homophobic/transphobic or basically any people who doesn't realize that any love, any love at all, is pure and beautiful, or people who don't realize that some people are simply born in the wrong body, they can all steer clear of this comic.
Are you how ever openminded, and realize that love is love no matter who it is directed at, and that is a pure and beautiful thing regardless, I recommend this Khaos Komix, because it's wonderful. Also I recommend the forums if you have gender/sexuality issues, and simply need to talk in place where noone judges, and everyone is included. If I get wind that anyone from here trolls that forum and make the people there hurt, so help me god I will hunt you down and castrate you with something very dull and very painful, no matter which sex you are you will not be able to spawn in any way when I am done with you. So DON'T TROLL!!!!'
And this last one is of course Devil's Panties which should be a staple in any bookmarks list, and which everyone should read. It's that great!

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