Thursday, March 25, 2010

Did YOU feel hit?

It appears that some people took my "I don't want presents but hugs" post a little personally. I have gotten some reactions and I felt it was appropriate to clear this up. It's not directed at anyone. I am not trying to tell anybody anything, it's just me telling how I feel about gifts in general.
And the trinkets post I wrote some while back, I got a sort-of-sorry for today too.

These posts aren't directed at anyone in particular, I am not using my blog to yell at people, I can do that perfectly well to people's faces if I think they need it.

I don't know why people think I am talking to them directly here, but if you were one of the ones that felt hit and hurt, please don't be. I am not yelling at you here. You don't deserve whatever fights we might have splattered all over the internet, and if I have anything to say to you I will do that in person. I will try to anyway, I kind of have a hard time with confrontations. And I trust you will all do the same.
It's mean to talk behind people's backs and it almost always gets back to them, so I try not to do that, and rather talk directly to them.

So yah, I wasn't yelling at anyone in particular.
But please keep this in mind, if you felt hit by any of this (as apparently many of you were, even thou I did not mean it that way) maybe you should take a look on what you actually use gifts for. Whether you are one of those that give because you found something nice that you feel your friend deserves, or if you give gifts as some kind of proof of love, or means to obtain love from others. If you are one of the last two maybe you need to reconsider.
I know people of in three groups.
Also if you belong in the last two, please realize that I don't. I will never judge you by what you give me, and I never take into consideration where a gift I buy goes on the love-o-meter.

I love you all because you are my friends and family, not because I want you to buy me things.
I will probably be pleased if you buy me something nice, but I will never require it of you, and I will never (as I said) judge you by them (or the absence of them).

So yah, to anyone who was hurt or offended by any of these posts, I am sorry. That was not the way I meant them. They are both just me blowing of steam.

Yes, and I did re-read them both, and I realized the trinkets post was a little (or a lot) on the harsh side, so I am guessing there were quite a few of my friends who might have taken it badly, seeing as I am still getting reactions on it.
Here's the deal. Quite a few of you have over the years spent maybe 100NOK or more on trinkets to me in one go. There are actually quite a lot of people who gives me scores of little gifts for my birthday or Christmas. They are more often than not all nice gifts, as I said I love them all, because they are cool. But when two or three or more come with, lets say 4, of these little gift each time, that ends up being a lot of figurines and string lights and little plushies and things like that, and they build up, and conspire among themselves (things like throwing me off the thrown and achieving world dominion and the like XP). There has over the years become boxes full of them. And I honestly don't know where to put them all, and I don't want to throw them away, because they are cool and I love them, but if I keep them all on display I will have to pack away my books, and I don't want to do that, because I like my books, so I usually end up packing away the trinkets, which I don't want to do either, but when you are me, it's the lesser of two evils.
And then I think, what if all the money that have out into the figurines and the string lights and cell phone danglies (I simply don't have enough things to put my cell phone danglies on anymore, after I stopped wearing my cell phone around my neck), what if all those money were put towards a book, or a game, or make up or nail polish.
There's a lot of other cool things that I can get that I can use and play with and have fun with as well, but that will actually get used up, so that when the next gift-giving time comes around I can get new ones that can replace the old ones.

I still stand by my wish that my gift this year will that people show up and pay for themselves, because that is what I want. Most years there are at least one person that cancels at the last minute, or forgets, or simply doesn't show at all without any explanation at all, and that hurts me more than if you show up without a gift, which for me isn't the point of these things anyway.
So this year: Please just come. Celebrate me getting a year older, and that is all I want. If you can't show up, tell me, and tell me a good time in advance. That is what I want for my birthday.
It really hurts me actually when people just doesn't show, and a lot of people do that to me. There's at least one person every year. Please don't be that person.
(Yeah, and if you are one of the many people that have done this, please be informed that even thou I tried to put a happy face on it, I was REALLY hurt. I get hurt by every single person who do this, every single time, and this is the reason that if you asked to be reminded I WILL remind you, every day for a week in advance. People FORGET my birthday parties, EVERY YEAR. People cancel after the party have started. I don't care about your presents, as long as you actually show up. I feel that I have said that maybe too many times in this post. Please please don't just leave me hanging. It really REALLY hurts.)
(PS: If I EVER have done this to you I am truly sorry. I try my best to give a message at least an hour in advance at the very minimum, but sometimes things happen that I have very little control over. So, sorry. And if you did have a good reason that was not obviously made up or a bad excuse (no, I will not be able to repeat any one the many obviously bad excuses or who did not show up when, because I try to stay happy and these things do not make me happy at all) rest assured, I did understand, and I was less hurt. Probably still hurt, but less so when I know you had a good reason, and that you were not standing me up because I don't mean anything to you, and I also know that you didn't forget.
Anywho, I am really sorry if I have ever done this to you. Please accept my apology *insert fancy bowing here*)

1 comment:

Hanne said...

Ikke se bort fra at du er arvelig belastet ;-)
Heller en god sjokolade, en kinobillett, en kopp kaffe enn mange ting!
Bra post!