Friday, March 26, 2010

Alice in Underland?

Okey, I have now done many things in addition to playing Pokémon for an entire day, so now I am going to write about Alice in Wonderland.

First thing, inspired by Alice in Wonderland would have been a much better thing to write at the end of the movie than "based on Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass".

The movie goes on when Alice have turned 18. She has forgotten all about Wonderland (which for reason is really called Underland. Go figure). The Red Queen has taken over the land, and have pushed out her younger sister the White Queen.

I read a quote from Burton prior to seeing the movie where he had said that one thing he really did not like with other Alice in Wonderland movies was that there was no red thread, no continuum to them, and I thought "have he even read the book?".
So I had very low expectations going into the movie, because all I ever read was this and scores of reviewers saying he did not understand the original material, which was sort of valid thou.

It was a good movie, it was entertaining, and I could remember most of it from the books or other things that Lewis Carroll wrote. Like the Jabberwocky, it is of course from the poem with the same name.
There were of course some things that puzzled me. Like how can the Queen of Hearts (as in Cards) be the older sister of the White Queen (like in chess pieces). And where are all the other Queens?
But I sit here and that was really the only thing that did not make sense. Which really means that the movie wasn't all that bad.
Oh, wait, there was one more. Alice keeps talking about the nightmare she had when she was little, and how that is the only dream that she ever

Maybe because I have known for months that it happens years after the original books, and maybe it's because I had really low expectations going in, but I really really liked it.
It was a very Burtonesque, the colours where weird and the actors looked sickly. It was Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp all the way. And don't get me wrong, they are great actors, and they work well together, but they are going be in Addams Family too, maybe it's time to look for some other leads?
Johnny could not decide if he was English, American or Scottish. That was really annoying. If you are going to do an accent you don't speak every day, then choose one and stick to it, don't jump around like that.
I am guessing it's supposed to underline the fact that he is hopping mad, but it only got across as annoying to me.
And he is mad in this movie, but a cute kind of mad. The right kind of mad. I liked that. I was scared he was going to be icky, like in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, but instead he was endearing.

Anyway, it was a very good movie, and I wholeheartedly recommend it=D

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