Sunday, September 14, 2008

Oh! Goody! Hellbabies!!!

So I saw Hellboy with fiancé today. So the title of this blog i a very slight spoiler but it doesn't matter, 'cos you find out in the very beginning and doesn't really matter until the next movie anyway. And there I spoiled you some more. Swowy...

It was very good, and I liked that it wasn't LOTR type epic like it seemed in the trailer. And Doug Jones actually got to talk^^, He would be the man inside Abe Sapiens, the psychic water creature. He talked in Pan Labyrinth, but that doesn't really count, since he apparently doesn't speak spanish, and had absolutely no idea what he was saying, but was reading it all by phonetics. He is really an amazing actor, all he characters portray an amazing array of emotion through their body, and I guess this is natural, since he doesn't normally get to speak, he has to emote in other ways. But I love him, he is gifted, that's the best way I have to decribe it.
But I digress. The movie looked beautiful. I love pretty movies. I wish Liz's flames was blue in this movie too, but she is still an awesome character. They are all awesome characters, and they are all played well.
Apart from some plant gore at the start, and some hinted gore, but really poop, before that, this is a very non-gory movie, which probably means that it appeals to a wider audience. Which I think is good, because it means that the next movie (there will be a next one) will have a big budget, and lots of the essential special effects that this movie depends. Which will probably be aweome (fiancé told me over my shoulder that it will be released in 2017, and these things delevop non-stop).
Long monolog short. I loved it, and I am getting prime seats for the premiere of the next one. I recomend it to anyone that doesn't mind lots of violence (non-gory mind you), kick-ass swordmanship (that elf prince, former boyband vocalist of the eighties, rocked my high heeled boots), and scary-hot-girls on fire^^, It was awesome, and I command you all to go see it if you haven't already. Fly my pretties! Fly! *cackles* (it's 2 in the mowning okay?>.<)

Word of the day:
生き地獄 - ikijigoku - hell on earth

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