Thursday, September 18, 2008

The glory of logical learning

I have been struggling long and hard to learn kanji. To me kanji just isn't logical, and I have some problems learning things that aren't logical. That is all changing. Yesterday I made a wonderful addition to my Japanese text-/work-book arsenal: "Let's learn Kanji", (the blue book, number 3 from the bottom of the left pile on yesterday's picture). Suddenly kanji is logical to me^^, Due to the introduction of the radical. I have had a idea of what a radical is from before, because I had to be able to identify the radical to be able to look up kanji in kanji-dictionaries, but up until now I have never understood the significance of the radical on the meaning of the kanji. I have never realized the connection between several kanji with the same radical and the similar meanings of these kanji. But now I do, and now kanji are so much more logical^^, And therefore easier to learn. So if you are having problems, this book is great. I have been contemplating getting myself a heisig book (heisig is a method of learning kanji that bases itself on association patterns), but I will hold of on that for a while to see if this book works better...

Word of the day:
好き - suki - liking, fondness, love
(word of the day is chosen because I like the kanji portion, which consist of the kanji for woman and child, and I like the way it implies that women and children are likeable^^,)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Glad you found the book! Good luck in your next class ^u^