Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The expetations are killing me...

I start Japanese class tomorrow. The butterflies started a week ago, I am so exited. I dare say I am going to be horrible thou, I have not practiced anything much for... Since school started I think, so about two months I think. But I will get good again fast. I hope XP

I should be doing my German homework, but I am so sick of the stupid book that I only understand about a third of. It's frustrating not being good, seeing as usually master things right away. I know I can be good, but it takes so much effort. Blah... But I am trying my hardest. I anyone wanna help me out by being mailbuddies in German I would hugely appreciate it...=D I have a mailbuddy in Germany already, but we've been writing in English so far. I am gonna ask her very nicely if she wanna write in German, but she has her own life too, so I can't really expect her to write as often as I'd like... So if anyone wanna be my German-learning mailbuddy there's lots of virtual huglings in it for you^^,

I have been writing poetry on and of since, well, since I learned how to spell. Mostly in English, and we were supposed to write poetry for this assignment in English class last year, and being the lazy person that I am I brought all my poems to school and asked if I could choose one of those instead. My English teacher is such a doll, so he let me and he thought my poetry as so good so I borrowed them all to him over summer. I went to pick them up a few weeks ago and he said I should try to get published. And I have been wondering about that earlier too, because it would be kind of fun being a published poet. I am a bit uncertain thou, seeing as I would like to start in Norway, but I am not up to translating, and the few one I have in Norwegian are really bad, and noone gets to mess around with my babies, so I have to find some publisher who will be willing to let me publish them in their original form, so we'll see. I'll be sure to let you know if it comes to anything thou^^, Even thou I really doubt it...

Word of the day:
詩人 - shijin - poet

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Wooow, I wish you good luck on your first day *o* I found out today that one of my friend's friend is Jamaican and he learned how to speak Japanese in Jamaica. It's a language that can be learned by anyone ^^