Thursday, February 4, 2010

Uninspiration. The mother of facebook addiction

Yeah, I have to read around 200-250 pages by Tuesday. And I am so uninspired. I keep opening my textbooks and just staring blankly at the open pages, and then going to check if my chicken grass has grown yet.
Facebook is bad for my study habits.
I think this has something to do with the fact that I feel asleep at 5 am this morning. I had forgotten to take my meds apparently and thus I could not sleep.
I lieu of actually reading I am doing some flashcards thou, so that I at least learn something. I am trying anyway. I am not tired or sleepy or anything. Just majorly uninspired.
And Hume is boring. He really is.
And abstract syntactic construction is... I don't know what it is, I have read the first 5 sentences about 10 times today and I have idea what they say.
One thing thou, I thought my philosophy book was heavy reading, it's like a piece of perfectly baked, still warm blueberry pie with a mound of whipped cream and a cherry on top compared to the linguistics book. I do grasp the fact that scientific literature looks better if it's full of long words and complicated formulations (so as to not be unspecific you see), but mostly it just makes the whole thing hard to read.
Oh well. I guess I will have to try and read some more. Tomasello! I choose you!

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