Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lazy mornings

So I start school and I am spending the morning putting polish on my nails to see if nail polish really do last longer on buffed nails.

(Random Oh my gosh! moment before I write further: Spotify censors songs!!!!O.o I was very in the mood for angry bopping music, so I put on F*ck You by Lily Allen. There's a freakin' horse whinny in stead of the f-word. And a kitty mewing!O.o And toy like sounds! O.o Holy spoing!)

So, about the nails.
I saw this video on youtube last week (I think) about how nail polish can easily last for up to a week if you buff your nails before you put it on, no base or top coat or anything.
I love wearing nail polish, it's just about the only beauty I ever bother to do, but when my nails start chipping before I've even had it on for a day, that kind of takes the fun out of it. Let's face it, nail polish is a hassle to apply. And any base or top coats that are actually worth having are placed very firmly out of my price range. But if this works as well as the youtube blogger said it does, then I will definitely start painting my nails at a regular basis again.
Her claim is that the nail polish lasts for around 7 days with out major chippage (there will always be a little on the edges), no base or top coat necessary.
I am gonna try to remember to post an update next week to tell you if it worked.
But in the mean time I can tell you how it works. You take a nail buffer, I bought mine for 20 NOK (arund 3.50 USD) at my local super market. She had a 10 or 20 dollar Revlon, but I honestly think she would have traded it for mine any dayXP the reason for this that hers was basically an oversized nail file, with the buffers on the side. Which basically means that if you slip you get deep hashes in you nails from the file (I have had one of these earlier), which is just fugly beyond belief.
Now, my buffer is a sort of long foam cube sort of. (Bad explanation I know. Sorry=/ ) It has a file on one side and the three buffer steps (buff, smooth and shine) on the other three sides. And you basically runs them back and forth over your nail, and this makes them smooth and purdy.
Actually if you want to you can just do the three buffer steps, and leave it at that. It's gonna make your nails look like you have a coat of clear polish on the, all smooth and shiny.
And then you simply apply your polish on top, and this is supposed last you about a week. So check back in a week and I will tell you if it works. (For me that is, unless she was lying it obviously worked for her.)

In the mean time I have given on miss Lily and is now listening to all of the most aggressively bopping surreal songs of Bertine Zetlitz=D
Have I mentioned I love Spotify? I hate that they put two to three commercials about every five to ten minutes. No, I don't want to lose all my money at an online casino, no matter how much Spotify premium this buys me. *grumble grumble*

I am currently in the process of building E&L's drunk singalong playlist=D (Entitled "Songs for misunderstood happy crazy evil people".) If I feel like it maybe I'll share. MaybeXP
It's got such wonders as "The curse of Milhaven" and "Death death devil devil evil evil song"=D
Great fun for cute crazy evil drunk girlsXP
I am an amazing drunk singerXP Or rather, when I get drunk I don't care that I suck. Yes minsin, I know I suck at singing, but we should go drunken karaoke once, you, me, L and M=D And I can embarrass you all with my singing skillsXP Doesn't that sound like fun?XP

And then she had written away her morningXP
Well well, I better get dressed and go to school. All happy fun learning time=D
Love y'all=D

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