Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tinkerbell writesO.o

So I had this idea when I was walking to my class yesterday, (and this is the reason why I LOVE my huge memory on my cellphone,) so I wrote it down, and I would lie to share.
I am gonna apologize to my international readers thou, I have not translated it. I am not sure that I am going to, but if I do I will post that as well. If anyone wanna give it a shot (and I like your translation) I will post it, and give you credit and whatever. But I want post it by default, I am gonna need to like your translation and feel that it has translated the feeling of the text.
So here goes:

flokken min

studenter er flokkdyr
vi flokker mot forelesningene
gjetet dit av løftet om kunnskap
løftet om lærdom
vi er en flokk og lærdom er vår gjeterhund
om ettermiddagen blir vi gjetet
til kaféene og spisesalene med et løfte om mat
og i helgene blir vi gjetet
til utestedene og festene med et løfte om gøy
vi bælmer øl og nikker til musikken
neste i unison
vi er en saueflokk
som higer etter kunnskapen
som skal gi oss grunnlaget
til å skape en bedre imorgen
kanskje for hele verden
kanskje bare for oss selv
men vet dere én ting
kjære medsauer
kjære studentflokken min?
hele våre liv vil vi lengte tilbake til våre glade studentdager
hvorfor kjempe for en bedre imorgen
når våre beste dager skjer akkurat nå?
la oss nyte idag
og bekymre oss for imorgen
ja nettopp

Yeah, so it's not supposed to be anti-study or anything, it's just that a lot of students get so hung up on getting good grades and being well prepared for the life that comes after that they forget to enjoy what is happening right now.
These are supposed to be the best years of our lives, and we need to enjoy them as such I think, or we will regret it painfully when they are over.
Good grades are still alpha and omega thou. You'll need them for later. Multitasking people! Have fun AND get good grades! Getting good grades is fun! WoooXD

1 comment:

Vilje Vanilje said...

I loved ut. It is really good. (found a few typos I think.. But that doesn't matter at all.

I like how it i all positive and yay a no emo post! I think it is great how you like school. :) Keep it up!