Thursday, August 27, 2009

I am such a good girl>.<

So I went to my first lecture today. Angst is such a sucky thing, which is why I kind of started going a little late. But on the plus side, this was the first day of lectures for this particular subject, so I haven't missed anything.
I almost didn't go thou, I had not read the lesson plan thoroughly enough, so I showed up an hour early. And I was convinced I had the wrong day and that it was yesterday or something, but I called mom and she told me the reason why there was no-one there, so I went a got myself some coffee and waited until they started.

And I have come to the conclusion that archive theory is a whole lot of fun^^,
I have no idea why, and the funny thing was that it was actually kind of boring for the first two periods.It did not get any interesting until they started talking about the proper way to write a qualifying paper. (Yeah I have to qualify to take the exam.) And then there was archive law which was also fun. (Go figure)
I think the actual reason why the first two periods were boring was mostly that the teacher had next to no volume to his voice, so it was difficult to hear him. That, plus he droned. His voice was like white noise, the exact same volume (low) all the time, and no enthusiasm at all. And that is just the thing, when the teacher sounds bored, I get bored, and it gets impossible to pay attention. Plus the history of archiving is (or seems to be, what I can remember) boring.

I got two periods of archiving tomorrow as well, or I have three, but I have exfac (basically a subject designed to prepare you for the line of study which you have chosen, so language theory in my case) at the same time as one of the archiving classes, so I chose exfac.

I'm guessing nothing of this is way to interesting, so I am gonna stop nowXP
But, hey, it's my blog, so I will write about whatever I pleaseXP

I'll probably geek out tomorrow about language theory. Which I have been reading about to make up for my lost classes, and it's really interesting. We are apparently doing phonetics, and I have been spending all my commuting time trying out which sounds corresponds to what in the phonetic alphabet and where my tongue goes when I pronounce said sounds. And I have probably been driving all my fellow commuters insane, what with the tiny little noises I must have been making.XP

Anywho that would be for tomorrowXP
I need to study (read: watch more BuffyXP)
Night my dahlings=D

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