Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A coincidence? I think not!

I've been religiously telling all my friends to watch Kröd Mandoon. Which is sort of a Robin Hood type parody, and you all have to see it because it is hilarious.
Anywho, there is a pagan warrior girl in this series named Aneka. If any of my readers resided in the UK in 81 (and was above the age of ten) this probably strike you as funny. Well, I wasn't even born in 81, so I just realized this.
The beautiful pagan warrior girl is named after this one hit wonder:

A coincidence? I think not!

For referance, this is Aneka the warrior:
(And it is NOT SAFE FOR WORK!!! But you had to see it. Mark how the clothing keeps appearing and dissapearing. Can you say annoying?)

An no, it's not a (terribly) indecent series, but she is a pagan, and she is a little bit indecent, and it's all part of a ritual this thing.XD

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