Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Reading list update

Sorry about the doubleposting, but I forgot to update the reading list earlier. I gave up on the whole "lets read ten books in a month" deal and returned all the library books except Becoming Madame Mao, because I am half way through and I will finish it! So there! (Stubborn much? >.<)
So the list is now down to a mere twenty, and I think I will update my restrictions; I am as of now not allowed to spend money on any reading material including but not exclusive to books, manga, and magazines until the reading list has gone under 10 titles. (*giggles* ain't I rocking the legal jargon XP) I will try my hardest to keep the list under 10 titles once it has gotten to that length. The exceptions are: A selected few manga titles to which I am addicted and read on a regular basis. Some very few magazines that will go out of stock if I do not buy them the minute they come out. I am also allowed to borrow books to my hearts content, but they will go on the list and will have to be read or returned before they can be taken of. I will also have to go through my bookshelf again and add any borrowed books not on the list to the list as soon as possible.
I have no set time frame and will read in whatever tempo suits me best. Update end

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