Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Birthday partay

My darling little sister turned 17 today. She's growing up fast^^, She got lots of great gifts and I think she had a good birthday. We woke her up with soda and Seigmenn at 6 in the morning. I got her sunglasses in Barcelona, she looked amazing in them, of course. We have a saying in Norway that roughly translates to everything looks good on pretty people, which is very true with my sister. She has this mass of golden hair that makes her look gorgeous in sunglasses. I wish I had her hair, but it probably wouldn't look as good on me. My sister is one of the most important persons in the world to me.^^,

I updated the book list. 5 books finished: Chain Mail, Halfmoon Investigations, Kitty goes to Washington, Drømmer, lengsler og mørke skoger, and one more I as a matter of course forgot after I removed it from the list. I will add it when I can think of it. Typical.
I also broke my promise to myself and bought books. Two of the books I bought at the airport on the way to Barcelona, in case I ran out of books, which I almost did. Those would be The SEANCE, and Throne of Jade. Plus I bought NANA essentials and NANA 11, the latter of which I finished the same day, and both of which I was "allowed" to buy, seeing as the fall into the "ongoing manga series"-clause. ^.~
I thought Chain Mail became worse as it went, even thou it started out very good. The ending was kind of blah, but it was overall an okey book, not too long, and not all too boring.
Halfmoon Investigations was very obviously written for people younger than me, but I would recommend it to 13-15 year olds. I had very high expectations thou, seeing as I really liked the Artemis Fowl series by the same author.
Kitty goes to Washington was very good. I like the fact that the Kitty series follows almost like a TV series, the books follow on to each other, and could not be read very well separately. I really like Carrie Vaughn's style of writing, and she has a good flow to her stories. I am very much looking forward to when my list gets short enough for me to buy the next book in the series.
Drømmer, lengsler og mørke skoger was a wonderfully whimsical book, but I felt very keenly that it is the last book from a world that I have not read anything from earlier. I felt that I would have liked to know more about the workings of this world, and maybe I will read more from this world sometime. And maybe not, we'll see. There were illustrations in this book too, beautiful ink on white paper illustrations, I liked them the most.

Word of the day:
tanjoubi - birthday

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