Friday, July 25, 2008

New 'puter and new games make Tink a very happy girl^^,

So I got my 'puter fixed. It's behaving all nicely now^^, Now stray crocodiles trying to eat the other letters^^, The man that came to fix it was very nice indeed. He just plucked the thing apart, put the new parts in and screwed it back together again. Playground even has a nice uniform screen. Have I mentioned I like Dell? XP

I bought an upgrade for my Slime Forest game. That is one nice game indeed. It's for learning how to read and write Japanese. For anyone interested they can find it here: LRNJ
There's a free version, which only has the first storyline and only 200 kanji, but it's a nice place to start, and then you can buy an upgrade for more kanji, and different gamemodes. It's great, I have been neglecting my reading just to play all day^^,
It occurs to me I should get payed for this. And free books, they should send me free books, so that I can read them and write reviews here. I do that anyway, for free. Not all of them very flattering *cough* Becoming Madame Mao *cough*, but still.
And CDs. That reminds me, I haven't gotten around to writing about the CDs yet.

I like the Bertine Zetlitz best of album very much, I don't like the remix part of it all that much thou. But then again, I have been called conservative in the past... I don't like it when people mess with things I like, and many of the remixes were very... messy is probably the best word. Also, how many versions of "Fake your beauty" do they need to cram into one CD? I liked the song the way it was, I don't need 3 not great remixes, one would do just fine. They should have put "Fake your Robots" in the mix I think, even if it technically a mashup and not a remix, but I, personally, like that one even better than the original. Honestly thou, I'm not that great a fan of the original, not because it's not a good song, cos it's a great song, but it has fallen victim to overexposure. When I hear a song over and over on the radio, or some music channel on TV, or in stores I grow tired of it, and they I grow to dislike it, and then I grow to hate it. Overexposure ruins great music, it ruins all music actually. Some I can turn of, but I need radio to sleep, and avoiding shop music means I can't buy what I came there for. But I wish for variation.
I really liked the two new songs thou, they were different, but not too different. Bertine is very good at that, slow change, instead of total transformation, which suits conservative Tinkerbell very nicely^^,

The Juno soundtrack was wonderful. Very different from what I usually listen to, but I love it none the less. When I saw the movie I just knew that soundtrack was for me^^, It's cute and light and summery, without being irritating. I don't really know how to describe it, but it's great, and I recommend you go to a music shop and listen to it straight away^^,

Lumsk have taken poems from Knut Hamsun, put music to it and made magic. I usually don't fall head over heals with new music from my favorite bands but this was just music in my ears, pun intended XP I have always been skeptical against Knut Hamsun, him being nazi and all, but he wrote beautiful poetry. Stine Marie Langstrand's voice is so beautiful, it almost makes me cry. I just love this album^^,

Liv Kristine, I found out has been vocalist in several metal and hard rock bands, which was probably why her album stood in the hard rock section. She too has a wonderful voice, and the lyrics are just so beautiful. I stand by my earlier statement that it's hard pop, but the lyrics could easily have been performed by a hard rock or metal band.

The Kaizers album I am not sure about yet, mostly due to me not listening too much too it yet. I will need to write about it later.

This became a long post... It's 01.12 in the morning here now. I think I will go to bed now.

Word of the day:
真夜中 - mayonaka - dead of night, midnight

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