Friday, October 22, 2010

I can understand it!!!

So I was listening to Me gustas tú by Manu Chau, and I suddenly realized how much I understood.
So I was gonna find the song on youtube so that I could embed it to you, and then I found this video right here:

Now you can learn too^^,
"Me gusta" roughly means "I like", "gusta" being the first person singular in present tense or the verb "gustar" which roughly means "to like" but not quite. It's like that in many languages, which is why my Spanish teacher abhors the use of dictionaries for early learners. It's just gonna confuse you.
Take "vear" in Norwegian (written vær for those of you with Scandinavian letters on your computer. Sorry about the æ, it's 4 in the morning at it was the only word I could think of). It can mean either "to be" in the imperative tense, "weather", the star sign Aries, or a ram (as in the furry, sheep looking animal with horns. Might actually be a male sheep, I don't know. All I know is that it's big and furry and it looks like a sheep.)
The point being that "gustar" does not necessarily act like "to like", like he sings "me gustas tú", and here it is being inflicted in the second person singular.
My Spanish teacher explains this by saying that "gustar" is more similar to "please" than "like", so you aren't really saying "I like this", what you are saying is more in the like of "this pleases me", with "gustar" pointing at the thing you like, rather than you as the liker.

Anyway, now that you know that "me gusta" means more or less "I like" you can just look at the pictures and learn the Spanish words that go with the pictures^^,

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