Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Boybands= awful, but oh, so fun

I was not one of the girls that screamed over Backstreet Boys, I got the creeps from N'Sync, and I thought A1 were stupid, Westlife was for brainless blondes who wore lipgloss in 5th grade.
Oh em gee! I can't believe that I actually remember the names of these bands! O.o

I was more a Spice Girls kind of girl. I had a huge crush on Baby Spice. When I grew out of that face it was No Doubt that was the thing. Then it Kaizer's Orchestra. You know the rest.

But you know how everything is more fun when it's from Asia right?
Well, it's true for boybands too.
I give you 2PM. A Korean boyband that has been at it since '08. It's just as awful as the things that the west grew out of around '00, but how can seeing cute Asian boys dancing in sync not be fun, right?^^,

But wait!
It doesn't stop there. Becuase for the girls who only liked the heartfelt, tear-dripping ballads there is 2AM, which an all ballad band. That's right, they only sing ballads!!! O.o Only in Asia!
They were also started in '08, and they are so cheesy that I don't think it's even almost fun. But that is meXD Happy ballad listening^^,

1 comment:

Filthy Smithereen said...

I keep getting impressed by how well koreans can dance xDD