Saturday, October 25, 2008


Just as unamusing as all the cons in Norway I have been to use to be. It was as usual all about the cosplayers, and seeing as I don't really cosplay it was all that much to do. I bumped into a friend from Japanese class and we mostly sped around taking pictures of the cosplayers, most of which didn't seem to realize that dressing up in costumes make people want to snap pictures of you, and ended up either looking confused or bored or something else equally unbecoming. I got to take pictures of the Joker thou, which I thought was awesome, seeing as he isn't an anime character, or at all Japanese^^, He gave me his business card even, a playing card with a Joker face printed out and glued to it^^,
And what's with free hugs girls who gets confused when you wanna hug them? And why is there always so many catgirls (read: girl's with cats ears in their hair, and paws if the want to be elaborate) at these things. Next year I am so totally wearing this. If I can get a hold of the t-shirt that is.
For the first hour I was there it was hot and impossible to breath, but managed to fix the ventilation at some point, so it became breathable after that.
They had of course a Pokémon area, with tons of preteen boys battling it out with their Pokémon cards, but people with DSs were virtually nonexistent, which was a bit sad, since I would have loved to trade and battle.
They had a few cool stands, including a Swedish store called New Nippon which actually had a pretty awesome selection of Japanese music and magazines. Fiancé bought me inspi' NANA CDs for Christmas, one with Anna Tsuchiya inspi' NANA Black stones, and the other OLIVIA inspi' Reira Trapnest. I was adorable until he gave in and let me listen to the Anna Tsuchiya one. And it was full of all sorts of goodies^^,

All in all it was a bit boring, but perfectly fine. I wished there had been more stands or something selling drinks, because I quickly became dehydrated and in time developed a throbbing headache which resulted in me having to go home lie down in a very quiet, very dark room for a few hours while waiting for it to pass. It was however better than last year, and suspect the next one will be better than this one, and so on, until it becomes a great con. It is only the third one ever after all.

Word of the day:
年会 - nenkai - conference, annual convention

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