Friday, September 3, 2010

Kommandør Treholt og Ninjatroppen

Can you say Oscar for Best International Picture?
This movie deserves at the very least a nomination!
It was, hands down, the coolest movie I have seen all year!

It has ninjas, and king Olaf the 5th of Norway, played by Trond-Viggo Torgersen, who is sort of a Norwegian legend. He was the children's ombudsman for a couple of years, which is a person employed by the government to take care of children's rights. He also made a rather legendary series in the 80's explaining how the body works. They were used as educational videos at elementary school when I was a kid, I don't know if they still are.

It has invisibilty technology.
It has the most specatular sneak scenes ever made!
It has been a while since I saw it thou, and it's late, so my brain can't dig up more than this.
But it was amazing!
Go see it!!!

1 comment:

Hanne said...

You do have roots in Telemark too, on my side, so you can wear your bunad with pride :-)