Wednesday, January 27, 2010

No sir, I do not own a television

So, I got as visit from the TV license guy just now.
In Norway we have this system with public TV, which everyone gets for free. Just that it isn't free, you have to pay a TV license if you own a TV. Many people try very hard to get around this, and to be quite frank I did for the three years I lived on my own, because this fee is in addition to cable fee that my landlord payed for me to have cable in the first place, and 2000+ NOK a year was simply more than I could afford.
Anywho the guy was very nice, I told him, truthfully mind you, that we don't own a TV. And he was all, "oh, okey. Well that's okey, sorry to bother you."
People like this are very comfortable to deal with.
I do understand why they take a license fee, because producing quality TV is expensive and it has to payed for somehow. NRK (which is what it's called, think BBC in GB) do make good television. And they make good radio, and an awesome weather report website, and all of this costs money. I think they get some money from the government, but without commercials (which is one of their greatest selling points for me) the money has to come from somewhere.
When I get a TV again, and is able to afford it, I will happily pay the TV license, because I think it's worth it!

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