Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Calling RSS-feeds

Yeah, I know this is the second post in about two hours, but I got tired of sexist philosophers, so played around with the new features in Windows 7 (which is the OS that Pichu (which is the name of the new laptop, and also a tiny electrical mouse Pokémon) runs).
And I discovered how the RSS feeds gadget works. Now I am very bad at being able to actually follow all the blogs that I follow, so figuring this out was sort of a mayor breakthrough for me. Now I can easily keep tabs on all the latest blogposts of all my friends.
And then I came to thinking, there is a possibility that I missed some of you. So I am gonna need anyone who feels I need their feed to comment on this post with your blog address.
And just so I don't get spammed, here's a list of people I don't need an URL from:
Team Gacha, I went to the forum and got all of your URLs about half an hour ago. (I also need to be better at following the forum, so I have added it to my bookmark barXD)
Anyone who is in the sidebar of this blog under the "blogs I follow" headline, you have all been added.
MinSin, I have ferreted out your URL already. I have even commented on one of your posts. (oh myXP)

People that I really need an URL from is people I used to have lots of contact with, but that I for some reason or another has lost contact with, fully or partly. I really want to know how you are and what you are up to. I know some of you read my blog, and I would like to know how you are as well=D

Other than that just the people who follow this blog really, I would like to know who you are, and what you do with your life=D

So please comment with and URL that has an RSS feed, so that I can add you to my feed.
And even if it does not have an RSS feed I would like your URL. There are things known as bookmarks, and I would like to know, or reconnect with you all=D

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