Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Concering my love of first lectures

I am a very excitable sort of person. All who really know me know this, and school is certainly no exception. I usually completely fall in love with all my classes during the first few lectures, and then after a while my feelings cool somewhat. Making me complain, and lecturing on about the boringness of said class. I usually pass everything thou. I have flunked twice on an exam in my entire life (more than most I am guessing), one because of a too great workload (four exams in two weeks simply proved to much for me), and one because I simply am very bad a at German.

Today I had my first Language Acquisition lecture. We are going to learn about how children first acquire language skills, about language development, and about acquiring second-language skills.
And it's so interesting I can hardly contain my excitement.

I have some suspicions that I will keep on loving this subject thou, because it's basically about the things that I found most interesting in the Language Science class I took last semester.
Language hugely interest me, and always have. I remember in Elementary School, when we started learning English, I had at one point the huge (it seemed to me at the time) epiphany that English and Norwegian words are built the same way. (Like maybe is combined from may and be and can be elongated to "that may be so", and such. You can do the exact same with kanskje, which is the same word in Norwegian.) This comes of course from the fact that these two languages are related, and have developed from the same language, but I learned this later.

As for the project of buying a laptop. Boyfriend and I went looking at laptops yesterday, and I figured, why pay 15k for a laptop when I can pay half that for something just as good? So no MacBook for meXP
Right now we are considering an Acer with an absolutely astounding battery life. It claims to be able to deliver up to 8 hours of solid working time, which was one of the things that attracted me to the MacBook in the first place. 3 hours of working time on a laptop simply will not do, I need to have a laptop that can actually last me an entire school day, not just three hours. Especially since I have not found anywhere I can recharge my laptop.
This little Acer deal is also super light, and will hopefully be able to actually fit comfortably in my backpack, something which my 15,6" Dell laptop can not.
Boyfriend is helping me confirm that this is indeed the laptop for me, and if it is I will run down-town later and buy my new baby.
I need to think up a name for her thou. In my house hold all the computers have names, so that we are easily able to differentiate between them, my Dell is called PlayGround (because that is what it was originally meant to be), the tablet is called Frøet(Froeet) (which means frog in Danish and can be used to refer to small things in Norwegian (the reference to frogs in keeping with the amphibian theme we use for naming laptops in said house holdXP)).
I have not decided yet, might not chose an amphibian name at all, maybe I will call her something else. And before you ask, all my electronic appliances are female, mostly because I firmly believe that most males are not as fussy as my electronics, and therefore they are female. Females generally need much more care than males. Should I ever acquire a stationary computer there is of course the possibility that it will be male, depending on how often it breaks down or over heats and such matters. (Plus, I like things to be pink, and while men certainly can wear pink, I usually find pink to be much more appealing on womenXP)

I am gonna go lose myself in my textbooks now=D I just love new textbooks. All that new knowledge just waiting for me to absorb it=D

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