Wednesday, February 18, 2009


It's almost two weeks since my last post.
In that time I have applied for University, Japanese of course, with literature and sign language as backup choices^^, I will not get my any response until summer thou, but I will tell you all what I get into^^,
I have started a second blog, completely dedicated to one of my two biggest passions: Pokémon (Japanese being the other one of courseXD)
I have, with the help of my wonderful friends, completed stage one of my Pokémon collection: The early years. (Aka: GameBoy Color compatible games^^,) The next one on the list is the GameBoy Advance games, and then DS. Aaaanywho, I love my friends=D By the time this game came out I had become "cool" and thus I missed this one and everything up until the DS was released. Read all about this and Pokémon statistics on the brand new Pokéblogg^^,

I have also been to the movies since my last entry, I saw Bolt, and let me tell you, even when I don't have to watch her less than purdy face Miley Cyrus is a bad actress. She sounded bored most of the time, even when she was supposed to sound heart broken over losing Bolt.
It's basically another pet-searching-for-owner movie. Except these pets are priceless. The cat is so hilarious, and the crazed fan-hamster is just too cool.
One of the things that I loved about this movie, and that I usually love to find in animated flicks, was the unnecessary details. I mean, there is no need for the hamsterball to have tiny scratches, but they were there, and I loved them. And the one pigeon that kept shedding tiny feathers every time he moved. The peripheral details like that sells me over and over. The tiny white hairs sticking into the black lightning bolt on Bolt, the way Mittens fur was matted and ruffled, but turned soft and silky when she was fed and content. I love attention to details like that^^,
In reality the movie was held up mostly by the supporting roles, Mittens and Rhino were the funny sidekicks that kept the movie from becoming dull. Hard as Travolta tried, a character that's written in two dimensions, regardless of how tragic his story, will never be anything other than a two dimensional character.
All in all it was a fun movie, definitely a good way to spend 103 minutes of my life, but not really worth the outrageous price Oslo Kino are charging for movies nowadays. I am not going to see any film anytime soon if they keep charging 95 kr a person on a regular viewing. And just for any American sulking about having to pay 6 dollars if they want to see a movie when it comes out, those 95kr translates to over 13 USD. And that's a reagular viewing, with no extras. If you want to see it during the first week it plays on the big screen you have to pay almost 15 USD. I do not feel for you.

I have also started watching Dead Like me. Which I will talk about later I think. It's late.

Word of the day:
高い - takai - expensive

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