Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dead like a TVshow

Remember I told you I had started watching Dead like me?
Which I knew had been canceled after the second season, I knew that before I started watching it, but the place where it stops seems so wrong to me.
Bah! I really should not read or watch anything that has gotten canceled. Firefly got canceled (the very last episode of which ended with Mal and Inara fighting! TT_TT), Moonlight got canceled (that too ended on a cliffhanger), The Tribe got canceled (due to not being appropriate for children anymore, but that too ended on a freakin' cliffhanger). Why do they insist on doing that! Please for gods sake let shows end with a proper ending! Please? Pretty please with sugar, and cherries, and whipped cream, and candy, and all that's sweet on top?

Take Firefly for example. It got thirteen episodes. Thirteen. Fox shat that one all by themselves. It's angled at the Buffy crowd, so they decide to show it at 9 P.M. on a Friday. Do they even know their own audience? And then they go of and show the episodes in the wrong freakin' order! They explanation to why things happened the way it did goes almost last. And it's an awesome show.
It's set in the future, 2517 to be exact, with spaceships and stuff, and an evil alliance. There aren't any aliens, we're alone in the vast emptiness of the universe, so we have inhabited whatever planets we can terraform into taking us. And there's reapers, humans that have gone mad and cannibalistic.
In this future there is a spaceship called Serenity, which hold the coolest crew of outlaws ever. There's a companion (prostitute, this show has an entirely refreshing view on prostitution), a preacher (which in this future is kind of shunned, the reason to which we of course never got to hear TT_TT), a doctor and his sweet little bad ass sister, a real bad ass hit man called Jayne. And there's Mal, and there's Kayley, and there's Zöe, and there's Wash, and and and.... And when we get our projector mounted you are all doing a Firefly weekend with me 'cos it's the best, most awesome TV show ever, and if I have to suffer because it was canceled then so do you!!!XD
And yeah, I know there was a movie, but they killed people and it was all wrong, and I want my show back!!! *cries*

Um, I was supposed to talk about Dead like me wasn't I?
It's about reapers. Grim reapers. They don't kill anyone, but they take their souls, so that they can move on. I really isn't a show about death, it's really about life, it's just a bit morbid is all.XD And a bit dark.XD And a whole deal of fun.
It starts of with Georgia Lass (George) who get's killed by a toilet seat that falls from a Soviet space station. (Yeah, I believe they actually call it a "Soviet" space station, but I might remember wrong, it was Russian anyway.)
She ends up filling someones quota, which means that he gets to move on, and she gets to be undead and reap souls.
Her family doesn't do all that well after she is dead, but that story weaves wonderfully into the fabric of the show.
All of the death is really tasteful, and very creative. It's not like CSI, you don't get to see guts and stuff.XP
It's really about life, and moving on. It's sometimes deep, and sometimes it's sad, but most of the time it's just fun. It has a great character arsenal, and the writing is really good. And you should all see this one as wellXD
(And selling point over all selling points: No moral speeches. This show could really do them, and they didn't, and I LOVE them for that XD XD)

Word of the day:
袋小路 - fukurokouji - blind alley, cul-de-sac, impasse, dead-end (street

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