Thursday, February 26, 2009

About the importance of pronounciation

So I messed up in Japanese class todayXP
We were doing comparative sentences I managed to say "バスのほうが新幹線よりやさいです" instead of "バスのほうが新幹線よりやすいです". Prompting a mini lesson in the importance of pronunciation.
To clarify I said "the bus is more vegetable than the train", when I was supposed to say "the bus is cheaper than the train"XP
Seeing as Japanese is a language based on syllables one syllable (or vocal really) wrong can have horrible effects.

Other examples that she told us is for example the one about the foreign student that has to push his way through the masses of people to get of a crowded train and manages to say "ころしてください" when he means to say "おろしてください". He of course means to say "please let me through", but ends up saying "please kill me". Which must have caused a whole lot of horrified looks. XD

Or the poor tourist at the beach who wants to sit down next to a pair and have a chat but confuses the verbs すわる and さわる, and ends up saying something along the lines of "can I feel you up?" instead of "can I sit here?".

So as you can see, pronunciation is crucial. Or else you can end up getting shot on a train or being smacked down by a jealous boyfriend XP
Or you can have long conversations of which item in a store is more vegetable than another XP

Words of the day:
やさい - yasai - vegetable
やすい - yasui - cheap
ころす - korsu - kill
おろす - oroi - (in the context I have used it here: move, get out of the way)
すわる - suwaru - to sit
さわる - sawaru - to touch, to feel (or to harm actually)

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