Monday, November 3, 2008

SoraCon pictures

Just thought I'd post a notice that the pictures from SoraCon are finally up. You can find them at fiancé's flickr account here.
There were lots of nice costumes, but taking photos at cons are a real drag. First of all the lighting is dreadful, it's either ugly or dark, which means we have to use blitz, and that looks awful. Second, people at cons obviously thinks it's boring to be photographed, and they seem to think that pictures become great the first time every time. Which usually means that they end up looking bored and/or pissed at the first picture, who doesn't get good, and even more bored and/or pissed at the rest. Why on earth do people take the time to dress up if they don't like getting photographed?
We took a lot more than the ones that fiancé has posted, some of which are decent enough to put up after editing, but a very large amount of them are so fugly that he doesn't feel that he can put them up. We have to think about the models as well you know.
So to anyone in costumes as cons ever: learn cool poses and be prepared to look interesting more than once for each photographer, or you might very well end up looking awful all over the internet for the rest of eternity, for onve it's out there you ain't ever getting it down.

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