Saturday, November 15, 2008


So Britney Spears has just released her new single:

Warning: Partial nudity in this video.

I have come to the conclusion that Britney makes cool music these days. Actually, I have come to the conclusion that she has been making cool music for quite some time. I was just too "cool" to notice XP
This new song thou, I don't really like it all that much. It's a cool song and all, but the chorus is annoying. It's all repetitive and generic.
One thing I like about the video thou, is the fact that she has become so much more versatile after she shaved her head. She takes on different persona much more effectively when she can use different wigs, and she is using that for all it's worth. Even if they look a bit like helmets thou. They are obviously synthetic. She needs to get a better wigmaker.

Sooo... I just felt like talking a bit Britney=D

Word of the day:
音楽 - ongaku - music

(PS: I'm thinking about taking requests for WotD, seeing as it's a little hard to think of one most of the time, and I sometimes feel it's better to leave them out entirely, instead of having something boring or odd. So requests for WotD are very welcome=D)

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