Thursday, February 24, 2011

Going on a saving spree

So I might have a shopping addiction. I don't like to buy stuff, or clothes. And it's not the satisfaction of spending money, I hate being broke, which is what happens when you spend too much money, as we all know. It's more that I like owning a lot of books. It's not the buying that does it for me, it's the owning. The owning of ways to spend my time. Of books and movies and music and games. It's at the point where I'd rather spend 800kr on books than spend 300 on a new pair of jeans. On top of that I keep giving my clothes away or actually tossing them, due them not fitting, being ruined or simply belonging to another life.
I also spend a lot of money on nice smelling soaps, bath fizzers, shampoo bars, and other nice smelling beauty stuff. I have become almost addicted to smelling good and pampering boyfriend and myself, and it just costs too much.
This cannot continue.
And then the boyfriend decided that he is taking me shopping in Stockholm for my birthday. And for that I need money.
So until my birthday I am going on a saving spree^^,
This means that I am not gonna buy books, movies or games. I am gonna use up all of my soaps and such before buying more, but I have to be allowed to clean myselfXP
But lets be honest, I have books. I have movies. And I have games. I have not seen, read or played about half of it. No, untrue, I have not read most of it, and have seen nearly all of it, but I just keep watching my favourite movies over and over anyway, and I have played all of my DS games, except one, which I haven't taken the plastic off, but I have decided to make it a birthday gift, so I think I am excused at that game. I have not however finished any of the finishiable games. Not one. Pokémon games can't be finished, but I haven't even taken on the Elite Four in about half of them.

So I think that I will not buy anything but food and cleaning supplies until my birthday. I will play games I already own, watch the movies in my bookshelf, and read my own books. That I have a few of.
I will give or throw away anything that I ended up not liking.
And when my birthday comes up I will hopefully have a neat little pile of money that I can buy clothes with, so that I can throw out my frayed jeans, faded sweaters and dated... well everything. Last year I bought two party dresses, 'cos I needed two party dresses, and some underwear, and that was it. It's too little.
I need a less dated look. So I am gonna stop shopping so that I can shop^^, Maybe even pay to get my hair cut, and get it cut right, and in a way that actually suits me, for the first time in... over 5 years I think. At least. Maybe more. The last time I can remember paying to go to the hairdresser was when I got black streaks when I was 15. I am so over being a model for random people and not even having straight bangs afterwards.

So yeah, I am going to be sugar free. and well dresses soon^^, It's gonna be a whole new me=D

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