Monday, January 3, 2011

New year or something

So, yah. I know I promised Christmas posts. I need to stop doing that every year. I never manage to follow through. Might having something to do with me hating Christmas and all. Awful holiday. Detest it.
I am not a Christian, so celebrating the birth of a guy that in all likelihood was born in April anywho seems kind of.... pointless? Is that a nice way to say it?
All the glory to Christian people. You seem very lucky to me. Actually I am for personal religion. I like the idea of having some sort of god to talk to or turn to when life sucks. It would be nice. But I don't have that.
I go to Christmas mass thou. The priest that did my confirmation training is a wonderful person and an amazing priest, at it has gotten to be a nice tradition with me and my mom. And my sister sings also. It's really nice.
But in the end, with me technically believing that Jesus existed (with the amounts that have been written about him in different places the probability that he actually existed is bigger than the probability that Caesar did), but with me believing that the whole son of god thing can at best be called a gross exaggeration it is basically celebrating capitalism. It has become a whole holiday of buying shit for each other.
And over the last... whole of my life, there has been at least one person who has had a habit of judging the power of out love/friendship/whatever on either the gift I gave them or the reaction I had about their gift. I mean, come on! I that persons gift was not the most awesome thing I had ever owned I must not love them. Waahwaahwaah. God, I am so effing tired of that sort of people.
This year that was a lot easier. People like that have either been forcibly removed from my life or they have calmed down. Presents were pleasant this year.
But with the angst that has built up over the last... 7 years mostly, it was hard anyway.
And then after having been stressed and freaked out over the entire course of  November and December I was so tired by the end of it I wasn't able to enjoy it like I should. And being tired and depressed all the time, Christmas posts sort of weren't the first thing on my mind.

However! It was actually nice. I spent time with my family, and my friends. I devoted some days to the person who have always and will always be the closest to my heart, my little sister. We had a great time running all over town at bookstores, and eating pancakes, and just having some sister time.

I did the traditional Gacha New Years eve. Got ridiculously waisted and almost got shot by some stupid drunk 40 year olds and their non-existing fireworks-shooting skills XP
(And according to the texts I was sending the god told me to drink a lot of wineXP)

So all in all it was good. I am tired. And next year I am not doing the X-mas posts. Remind me of that if I promise you some okey?

Plans for the new year will be moving, getting into the new school, seeing more live concerts, and having an all around awesome time of it all. We are only young once, and I am gonna enjoy it to the fullest.
Happy New Year world

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