Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I got me #131 of 500

So I had some free books lying around. I mean of course that while I was cleaning my flat I found some of those little stampy cards that gives you every 8th book for free, and when I put them together I had enough for this huge, expensive book. 1st edition and signed. Norwegian knight book, based on a true story.

I also drooled on some other books I have to get.
I am number four (I think it was called), which is going to be made into to a movie, and I know next to nothing it, but I know just enough to know that I HAVE to read it!
Also there is Return to Jotunheimen (which is my Norwegian to English translation of a title I am not 100% sure of). It's a new Norwegian Viking type fantasy, and way to expensive for me to be going around and buy it just now. But I have it read it. Libraries are good for that sort of thing.^^,

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