Saturday, May 1, 2010


Attention citizens. Spring has been put on hold until further notice.

It has be raining for 3 days straight (maybe more, I have a little trouble keeping the days straight). It's biting cold outside. I wear a fleece sweater outside of my regular sweater when I go outside...
Where did the beautiful spring go?
Did the volcano scare it? It seems to me, this sudden cold front came just about the time when the volcano with the unpronounceable name erupted.
Which makes perfect sense when you think about it. The ash and the glass and everything shadows the sun, and makes the warmth not reach us.

Another thing about said ash and glass and sand and everything.
The aeroplane companies keeps saying that the government is crying wolf, and are overreacting.
They keep pointing at that one plane that discovered that these (invisible mind you) clouds are dangerous, that that plane was able to land safely.
Well, that plane had to land on two out of four engines, and that was only after they managed to get them working, because they all stopped. They only managed to get them working by taking a nose dive. And the actual landing was done on half the instruments, because the windscreen was blown opaque, and was thus impossible to see anything through, and the rest of the instruments had stopped working.
It was sheer luck, and a lot of skill on the pilots' part that saved that plane. We might not be that lucky twice.
That is not overreacting or crying wolf. That is being properly cautious.
That said they need to find ways to deal with this, because the aeroplane companies took a big hit this time, and Katla (which is way bigger) is due to blow in the next six months.
They should start building out trains and producing boats right now. They might already have started. I really hope so....

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