Monday, May 3, 2010

Why I hate the Internet

Do you know what a Tab-Explosion is?
It's when you read an article, and that article links to several other articles, which again links to several other articles, and you want to read all these other articles as well, because you know they are also really interesting. This will make you open all these new articles in tabs so that you can read them when you are done reading the one you are reading right now. They will keep on multiplying. It's a special kind of sexless reproduction only parallelled by the malignant cells in bad cases of cancer tumours. They just keep multiplying until it takes you several minutes just to scroll your tab bar to see where it ends.
You know when is the worst possible time for this to happen? Three weeks before your exam...=/

I did the huge mistake of looking something up on TvTropes a couple weeks ago, and I am still working through the tabs. I have about 20 to go, and I have a severe case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder when it comes to these things, so I am gonna have to read them before I close them.
I try to get a little studying done in between this, and I am succeeding to some little extent, but not very much. I get some reading done while commuting thou. I will be better next year. I promiseXD

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