Thursday, November 19, 2009

Precious: Based on the novel push by Sapphire

Clickable title folks^^,

So I saw Precious today. And it was amazing. Absolutely breathtaking. And it was horrible. The thing that happened to the main character was absolutely horrible.

It's about a sixteen year old girl. Pregnant by her father with her second child. Her mother verbally and physically abuses her. She can't read, but somehow she gets almost straight As (probably pity grades). Every single thing in her life conspires to utterly destroy her.
And still, every time life smashed a plate in her head, or pushed her over on the street or generally just sucked, she got up.
To be brutally honest, some scenes in this movie was horrible to watch I wanted to cry. I wanted to leave, but seeing as I would have to go past the entire row to so I stayed put. I'm glad I did.

What this movie really was about is that you need to keep fighting. Every time life effs you over, every time someone else effs you over, every time you eff your self over, you need to get up and keep fighting. No one can make your life better, other than yourself. If you sit around waiting for someone else to fix things, nothing will get fixed. Sometimes you will need help and that is okey, but in the end, you need to fix your own life.
To be honest, this is the single most inspiring movie of the year, if not the most inspiring movie I have ever seen. I loved it.
And by god, Gabourey Sidibe deserves the Oscar for Female Lead this year. I know they release all Oscar movies around this time of year, but I sincerely doubt that there will be even one performance even close to hers this year at all.

And while we are talking about Gabourey, the Film Festival director (I forgot to mention that, didn't I, this was the opening film for Oslo International Film Festival) said something sad in his speech before the movie; she had to stop reading blog entries about the movie, because all they ever said about it was that they could not believe how ugly she was.
Honestly, how is that constructive at all? Why write something like that? It's not even true. Granted, she is no Halley Berry, but when she smiled she was gorgeous.
When you play a 16 year old girl who has been raped and abused your whole life, you are supposed to go around looking grumpy, and angry, and that makes no girl pretty. But there were these dream sequences where she was dreaming about what she wanted from life. being an actress, a model, a singer and so on, and she looked happy, and in those scenes she was absolutely beautiful. Click on the title and look the pictures and see for your self.
I simply can't understand why people feel that they need write these things.
There was this one guy who said that the movie would be perfectly okey with "regular looking people", and I think he was seriously missing the point of the thing. If someone like, say, Halle Berry played Precious it would not be the same movie. It would be something else entirely.

I hope Gabourey gets at least one great price for this, she needs an Oscar for this. She was that good.

And you all need to go see it when it hits the movie theatres. It was hard to watch at times, but it was totally worth it. As I said, it's the most inspiring movie of the year, and you all need to go see it=D

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