Monday, November 23, 2009


So I saw 9 today. A futuristic, post apocalyptic animated movie about puppets.
The plot is that the world has been destroyed because the humans made intelligent machines that turned on humanity and they ended up destroying each other.
It was a very good movie when I saw it, but the more I think about it, the more meh it feels.
Actually the plot and everything just seemed like a bunch of executives sat around a table talking about their favourite parts of their favourite movies, and then just copy-pasted them together into one movie.
Visually it was very nicely done. Not astounding, nor very impressing really, but nice. The puppets weren't very emoting, and things looked very deliberately textured. It looked kind of fake actually. And the puppets either moved too smoothly or not smoothly enough, there's was no golden middle.
All in all it was an okey movie. It was entertaining. Unfortunately it's likely it will get an Oscar nomination. I don't think it deserves that.
Also the ending struck me as very weird. Like some executive (again with the executivesXP) had decided that he wanted it to end that way. Because it didn't seem to correspond to the information given to us earlier in the movie.

Trailer time:

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