Tuesday, September 1, 2009

They did WHAT to the song?! (otherwise known as the Disney rant)

Remember I told you about Ponyo? The adorable and deep new Studio Ghibli movie? Yeah.
A movie like that needs no help in being the wonder that it is. Obviously Disney thinks otherwise.

Can someone please explain to me how taking that beautiful, whimsical song and turning into THAT could make it better? (It's the Japanese version first and then the American one after.)

You know, I am really starting to loathe Disney with a passion! Honestly I am starting to detest them down to the deepest reaches of my soul. (Note: I am here talking about the Disney media conglomerate here. Thou many (not all) of the actors and artists they employ may be awful in their own right they are not the ones making Disney the horror that it presents itself as today.)
Not only do they feel the need to control the copyright law, effectively making it so that nothing ever made by Disney will be public property. Ever. This is utter hypocrisy of course, seeing as at least 75% of their material was used from public property (Snow White, Hercules, and the Hunchback of Notre Dame to name a few), and now they are doing their very best to make sure no one enjoys Disney for free.

Lets name a few examples to make the horror that is the Disney Law department known throughout the world shall we?

First example:
GummiTarzan (Rubber Tarzan in English) is a Norwegian book written by a Norwegian author. It has no connection in any way shape or form to Disney, or the Disney movie, except ofcourse for the second part of the title.
So when a Norwegian school class wanted to make a scene production of the book of course Disney has to shoot them down. Disney claimed copyright violation and to my better knowledge the play was never performed. Because of the name Tarzan. Which as far as I know Disney doesn't even own. But then again I could be wrong.
I actually met a Disney lawyer once, a Norwegian one, and told her about this. She told me she did not know of this particular case (which I a valid point of course), but that of course they would not be allowed to produce the play of they used any of the songs from the movie. (Mark that I had already told her it was based on a book.) To which I repeated that it was produced on a book and had nothing to do with the movie, music or otherwise.
The only answer she could come up with was to repeat that they could not use the songs.

Example two:
I can't tell you where this took place, but it was probably in the states.
A kindergarten wants nice pictures on the wall. So the kindergarten aunties paint Mickey and Donald and other Disney characters on the walls. How very awful of them, don't you think?
I don't, but Disney did. The not only sued the kindergarten for damages, but also made them take murals down.
I unfortunately can't find the article where I read this, seeing as it happened years ago, but just google "Disney sues kindergarten" and you get no less than 120.000 hits.

Want more of these facts.
Visit here:
The truth about Disney

Mark that I did not write the content of that site, and therefore cannot voach for all of the facts being actual facts.

My point being is Disney is getting too big, and to self righteous. They should be made to understand that they can't control the world.
Also I have no idea how I got from the song to the rantXP

And just one more thing.
When Warner had a similar case on their hands, with a kindergarten paining their characters on the walls, not only did they express that they thought it was cool, they sent some of their own artists to have them paint the walls so that it would look just right. Still think Disney is better?

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