Sunday, September 13, 2009

I just might as well stop eating

So some fellow eating peanuts on the same plane as me will kill me, okey? Not to mention what eating one myself will do. Just about all other nuts will make me insanely ill, in a variety of ways. Beans will make me ill to my stomach in the toilety sense of the expression, meaning I can't have soy sauce on the my sushi among other things. I can only eat chocolate in tiny amounts, which will in any case usually cause me to sneeze. Chili will cause my mouth to have open soars.
Have you any idea how many kinds of food contain either nuts, beans or chili, or a combination of the three.
I can't even eat caramel pudding!
I can't eat Indian food, I have to me extremely careful with Asian food, I have to read every freakin' label of every kind of food or candy I ever buy.
The latest on my list of foods I can't have is milk. Raw milk that is, not boiled or cooked milk. Not yet anyway. I had milk on my cereal yesterday, and I was glued to the toilet more or less the rest of that day.
I just might as well stop eating!

1 comment:

Hanne said...

You can try out rice milk on your cereal.