Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Twilight, Wrong Customers and WereGeeks^^,

So... I finished Twilight. And before I go on talking about it you need to read these two stripes:
Sarah loves Twilight
and the reason why Sarah loves Twilight.
So there you have it peeps. Bad fanfic is an acquired taste. I love bad fanfic, it's hilarious. And how can you not adore the sparkly vampires? I mean: they sparkle. As if their skin was (and I quote) embedded with millions of tiny diamonds! *squeal*
Okey, so it's the biggest piece of Mary Sue literature in the entire world. But it's fun, and stupid, and... fun. So yah, I think I like it. So there.
There's lots and lots of things wrong with it: Like the fact that he spends his nights watching her while she sleeps, and the fact that she doesn't see how utterly creeptastic that is.
But I like it. So there!XD

In other news: I found the coolest website: The Customer is not Always Right.
It's a site with stupid customer Quotes basically. Real time muncher. Love it^^,

About the stripes I have linked to earlier in the post. They are from a great webcomic called WereGeek.
Normal people by day, geeky gamers by night. It too is really much fun.^^, Start at the beginning.XD

Word of the day:
クレーム - kurēmu - customer complaint

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