Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas, New Year and books

So then Christmas was over. I have had internet trouble, so I haven't been able to write yet. I got a lot of cool things. V made a scrapbook, full of memories, which of course I love^^, Fiancé gave me Deluxe Edition soundtracks from the NANA anime. One with Olivia Lufkin and one with Anna Tsuchiya. I have gotten addicted to Cut me free by Olivia's own CD that was also included. I chose to link to the Harry Potter version since I thought the song kind of fits^^,
My sister drew me a wonderful t-shirt with her on it under the name "Minsin", which is my nickname for her and means "mine"^^, We love each other, and now I have a t-shirt to always remind me of our love^^, L got me Tinkerbell gloves, really cute and warm^^,

My parents got me and fiancé a prechristmas trip to Copenhagen, were we spent a lovey-dovey weekend, eating good food, and shopping. (Spending way to much money, but having a great time^^,)
Of course in Copenhagen exists a store called Fantask, that sells just about the same stuff as Outland here in Oslo. I bought two books, "I'm the Vampire, that's why" by Michele Bradsley, and "The Trouble with Magic" by Madelyn Alt.

The first of which I have finished, and it was a royal disappointment. The point with this book (I thought) is that you have a single mom who gets turned vampire. First of all there was nothing about how to be vampire mom. Most of the book the heroine spends being sexually frustrated because if she has sex with the vampire she wants they will be bound for a hundred years. This happens because some ancient vampire council thought it was a good idea (go figureXP). The sex scene (yes, there is one) was long, boring and does not justify all the buildup at all. Things did not make sense most of the time, and all the characters had to be told everything a dozen times, and even after they had been told in ways even infants would have gotten it, they still can't remember it when they need to. I felt like the author thought her readers were daft, and that annoyed me. I figured pretty much everything out in the first one and a half chapters. It started out very good, and then a quarter out it dropped like a stone, and did not stop dropping. I wouldn't say I hated it, but I would say it's under mediocre. I am contemplating selling my copy.
I think I can recommend this book for people who like to read books where they don't need to think all that much. Maybe for reading right after big exams, when your brain is so spent that you don't have the energy to read deeper stuff. It was sort of cute at times, and since it's not all that thick, it's a good post exam book.

And then when I was finished with that one I went out and bought the last book in the Rachel Morgan series. I have had mixed feelings about this series for a while, it builds and builds, but never really gets anywhere. It got a little further in this last one. Which is named "Outlaw Demon Wails" and is written by Kim Harrison. To tell everyone a bit about the series to start off with it plays out in a world where the supernatural creatures (or Inderlanders as they are called) came out of their cover in the sixties (I think) due to a virus in a tomato that only killed humans. They main characters are Rachel Morgan (the heroine) who is a witch, Ivy Tamwood (living vampire), and Jenks (pixie who takes Tinkerbell's name in vain on a regular basisXD). And the chemistry between the characters is amazing, even if the books don't get to anywhere I will probably keep reading them just to get more of the Rachel/Ivy/Jenks dialogues^^, Kim Harrison is undeniably a very good writer, and the books are not in any way badly written, the story just seems to go nowhere it seems sometimes. The next book thou, "White Witch, Black Curse" seems very exiting. Only it isn't released in paperback until next December =(
I can't really tell all that much about the specific things about this book I liked, because then I would probably spoil something from the previous books, and I don't want to do that. But I think it's worth the time bigtime to read this book, but do start with "Dead Witch Walking" if you are a Hollows virgin. It's always best to start at the beginning^^,

As for the new year, I don't do resolutions. The last year has been hard thou, and I hope the new one will be better.
Belated Happy New Year everyone^^,

Word of the day:
明けましておめでとうございます - akemashiteomedetougozaimasu - Happy New Year

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