So IKEA has designed an AI to help customers on their website. And it's the coolest thing EVER!
Her name is Anna (on the Norwegian one anyway, there's one for each country I think), and the most common question she gets asked is "are you single?", which apparently she is. I got a whole total if 3 questions out before she told me in a very business like manner that she did not feel comfortable discussing her private life while at work, and that we should talk about IKEA instead.^^,
From what I read online, apparently she is single, likes children, but she can't date as she can't in good conscience leave her station at the server to do so^^,
IKEA, you rock!
Tinkerbell's blog for all things pink and fluffy. And some things that aren't...
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Crumb is back
My sister photographed my cat again.
She's a very talented photographer, and I love her. go check her out.
Go check out her Devaint Art account!!!
late summer by ~tiramcsr on deviantART
She's a very talented photographer, and I love her. go check her out.
Go check out her Devaint Art account!!!
late summer by ~tiramcsr on deviantART
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Some comics just get life right on the nose
Why kitties are not allowed in the bathroom when I shower
This is an awesome webcomic BTW. And it's completed, so you don't have to wait for it to be updated, which face it, many webcomic artists aren't all that good at. (I love Devil's Panties also, Jennie Breeden updates every single day, with out fail. *sending hugles and happy energy in the direction of Jennie Breeden*)
I think I need to update my webcomic list. Some of them I don't read no more, but there's lots of new ones.
Anyyyyyyywho. That, right there (I assume by now you have clicked my link) is why I don't let my kitties into the bathroom when I shower. This one kitty I have, named Nøste (or Noeste for you in countries with 26 letters in their alphabets) loves the bathroom. It's her favorite room in the entire house.
It's just that she greatly fears the appliances which inhabits the bathroom. Like the washing machine. And, you guessed it, the dreaded instrument of ultimate doom, otherwise known as the shower. She will sneak will go through hell and fire to get into the bathroom and snuggle into whatever clothes she manages to claw out of the hamper, but the second the shower comes on she immediately goes into to a full fledged panic attack, screaming and clawing on the door until someone takes mercy on her and lets her out.XP
Ain't kitties cute? (and sometimes horrendously annoyingXD)
This is an awesome webcomic BTW. And it's completed, so you don't have to wait for it to be updated, which face it, many webcomic artists aren't all that good at. (I love Devil's Panties also, Jennie Breeden updates every single day, with out fail. *sending hugles and happy energy in the direction of Jennie Breeden*)
I think I need to update my webcomic list. Some of them I don't read no more, but there's lots of new ones.
Anyyyyyyywho. That, right there (I assume by now you have clicked my link) is why I don't let my kitties into the bathroom when I shower. This one kitty I have, named Nøste (or Noeste for you in countries with 26 letters in their alphabets) loves the bathroom. It's her favorite room in the entire house.
It's just that she greatly fears the appliances which inhabits the bathroom. Like the washing machine. And, you guessed it, the dreaded instrument of ultimate doom, otherwise known as the shower. She will sneak will go through hell and fire to get into the bathroom and snuggle into whatever clothes she manages to claw out of the hamper, but the second the shower comes on she immediately goes into to a full fledged panic attack, screaming and clawing on the door until someone takes mercy on her and lets her out.XP
Ain't kitties cute? (and sometimes horrendously annoyingXD)
Monday, December 7, 2009
Almost home
So we are packing before checking out.
I have not blogged the last two days, even thou I have had bloggable experiences.
On Friday we had dinner at this awesome sushi place called Haiku right off Strøget. It was run by Japanese people, which is rare when it comes to sushi places. And we got "omakase" (this might be me remembering wrong thou, but it was called something like that), which was basically chef's choice. We got to decide what we generally wanted, and me being absolutely addicted to maki (rolls) I got a plate full of maki.
There were all sorts of maki, including California maki with real crab, and desert maki with mango and strawberries on it. Which sounds weird, I know, but whatever was in it was neutral enough it didn't taste weird, and so tender the slice literally melted in my mouth.
Definitely a place to visit if you are ever in Copenhagen.
And then yesterday was my exam. I think I passed, not with flying colours but a pass is a pass. And I think I passed. I met this guy, also Norwegian, who we ended hanging until he had to catch his flight. He was very nice^^,
Then we went and saw "500 days of Summer", which was a cute romantic indiewood comedy.
It dared be dark and depressive.
And then we went and saw some dancers. Which was spectacularly uninteresting. Sunday is not the day for such thingsXP
And then we missed the last train home. So we walked to the metro, and took it some of the way, because they had troubles on the line. Then we stood and waited for the replacement. There was this drunk (and probably high as well) man there who had apparently been in a fight where he beat the c**p out of everyone. He was bugging the woman who was there to keep things safe.
But she took it in very good humour, we even made faces at each other when he was telling his story to this other man. Complete with waiving of every limbXP
I am gonna post this when I got home, 'cos my 24 hours of internet just ran out. So this will be posted about 8-9 this evening.=D
I have not blogged the last two days, even thou I have had bloggable experiences.
On Friday we had dinner at this awesome sushi place called Haiku right off Strøget. It was run by Japanese people, which is rare when it comes to sushi places. And we got "omakase" (this might be me remembering wrong thou, but it was called something like that), which was basically chef's choice. We got to decide what we generally wanted, and me being absolutely addicted to maki (rolls) I got a plate full of maki.
There were all sorts of maki, including California maki with real crab, and desert maki with mango and strawberries on it. Which sounds weird, I know, but whatever was in it was neutral enough it didn't taste weird, and so tender the slice literally melted in my mouth.
Definitely a place to visit if you are ever in Copenhagen.
And then yesterday was my exam. I think I passed, not with flying colours but a pass is a pass. And I think I passed. I met this guy, also Norwegian, who we ended hanging until he had to catch his flight. He was very nice^^,
Then we went and saw "500 days of Summer", which was a cute romantic indiewood comedy.
It dared be dark and depressive.
And then we went and saw some dancers. Which was spectacularly uninteresting. Sunday is not the day for such thingsXP
And then we missed the last train home. So we walked to the metro, and took it some of the way, because they had troubles on the line. Then we stood and waited for the replacement. There was this drunk (and probably high as well) man there who had apparently been in a fight where he beat the c**p out of everyone. He was bugging the woman who was there to keep things safe.
But she took it in very good humour, we even made faces at each other when he was telling his story to this other man. Complete with waiving of every limbXP
I am gonna post this when I got home, 'cos my 24 hours of internet just ran out. So this will be posted about 8-9 this evening.=D
Friday, December 4, 2009
Lost in Translation
So we wandering today. We went to find CBS, the place where my exam will be held on Sunday, and then we just went wandering. We went to a mall and to lots of little electronics shops, and then we found a charming little Vietnamese place called Viet-nam-nam ^^,
And there they had a anniversary menu, and me being terribly allergic to peanuts we tried to ask if there were peanuts in any of the dishes. Emphasis on tried. Now, my language science teacher made a big point of some people thing all Scandinavian languages being essentially the same language, just different variants, this being because people speaking one language can easily understand the other. This is however only true for native speakers. The staff in the Vietnamese restaurants being immigrants, well our waiter in the least could not make heads or tails of NorwegianXP
She tried her very best thou^^, I had remembered seeing an apothecary just down the road, so we decided to take a chance. A little later a waiter that spoke English went on duty, so we asked him when he came to clear the dishes for the first course, and he said they had many people who were allergic to peanuts there to eat, so they didn't nearly use peanuts at all. Not even peanut oil for frying.
But they were very nice indeed. The little lady who only spoke Danish but tried her best anyway was so charming that we tipped very handsomely^^, We are thinking about maybe having lunch there tomorrow maybe.
Then as a second desert we went and got Ben and Jerry's ice cream from a Ben and Jerry's stand at the mall we were at earlier. Take that stupid Norway! They have Ben and Jerry's STANDS here. In Norway we get overpriced little boxes, and only about 5 flavours to choose from. Here I got three scoops from at least 25 to choose from for 36 DKK. That is 40 NOK, which is cheaper than three scoops of anything almost anywhere in Norway.
I want this in Oslo *making adorable puppydog eyes at whoever can make this happen*
Not so interested in Starbucks thou. They do not have tasty coffee. They have overpriced, weirdly sized (I mean come on, a long coffee is bigger than a grande coffee?!) coffee, where the only good thing is the weird stuff they put on top. And whipped cream on the mocca? Who drinks that? If I wanted whipped cream I'd have ordered hot chocolate. It's coffee for christ sake.
Aaaaaanywho. After that we went to Magasinet and looked at ugly overpriced designer clothing. No, I will not wear frilly, flowered, layered gauze worth 500DKK+ just because some self-righteous designer got out his/her overpriced crayons and designed it. It's still ugly even if it was drew by friggin' Karl Lagerfeld or Coco Chanel or what ever.
And then we went up Strøget, where everything was closed. And then we went to the Tivoli.
Which was full. But we went on the Flying Trunk ride, which is a narrated tour through H.C. Andersen's stories.
I love that ride. I went on it the first time I was at Tivoli in Copenhagen, when I was about ten. And it's just magical. It's super mechanic and the carts jolt around a lot and all the figures just stand about waving their arms, but every time I take it I am ten years old and the world is new and shiny, and there's all these wonderful stories that he wrote that I have not read yet, and that is waiting for me at the library back home.
Now of course I have all his stories in a nice big book with lots of purdy illustrations and it's in a box in the basement of my parents home, but I am gonna read them all one day.
I guess the reason I like the ride is because it kind of says to me: "Look, the world is still shiny and new if you wipe of the grime, and there will always be new stories you have not read yet."
Now I am gonna go to bed and read my Undead and Unwed book. And tomorrow we will go shopping, and maybe go see some dancers tomorrow nightXP
And then on Sunday I will have my exam^^, I think I will at least pass=D
Good night all my beautiful dahlings. Remember I love you^^,
And there they had a anniversary menu, and me being terribly allergic to peanuts we tried to ask if there were peanuts in any of the dishes. Emphasis on tried. Now, my language science teacher made a big point of some people thing all Scandinavian languages being essentially the same language, just different variants, this being because people speaking one language can easily understand the other. This is however only true for native speakers. The staff in the Vietnamese restaurants being immigrants, well our waiter in the least could not make heads or tails of NorwegianXP
She tried her very best thou^^, I had remembered seeing an apothecary just down the road, so we decided to take a chance. A little later a waiter that spoke English went on duty, so we asked him when he came to clear the dishes for the first course, and he said they had many people who were allergic to peanuts there to eat, so they didn't nearly use peanuts at all. Not even peanut oil for frying.
But they were very nice indeed. The little lady who only spoke Danish but tried her best anyway was so charming that we tipped very handsomely^^, We are thinking about maybe having lunch there tomorrow maybe.
Then as a second desert we went and got Ben and Jerry's ice cream from a Ben and Jerry's stand at the mall we were at earlier. Take that stupid Norway! They have Ben and Jerry's STANDS here. In Norway we get overpriced little boxes, and only about 5 flavours to choose from. Here I got three scoops from at least 25 to choose from for 36 DKK. That is 40 NOK, which is cheaper than three scoops of anything almost anywhere in Norway.
I want this in Oslo *making adorable puppydog eyes at whoever can make this happen*
Not so interested in Starbucks thou. They do not have tasty coffee. They have overpriced, weirdly sized (I mean come on, a long coffee is bigger than a grande coffee?!) coffee, where the only good thing is the weird stuff they put on top. And whipped cream on the mocca? Who drinks that? If I wanted whipped cream I'd have ordered hot chocolate. It's coffee for christ sake.
Aaaaaanywho. After that we went to Magasinet and looked at ugly overpriced designer clothing. No, I will not wear frilly, flowered, layered gauze worth 500DKK+ just because some self-righteous designer got out his/her overpriced crayons and designed it. It's still ugly even if it was drew by friggin' Karl Lagerfeld or Coco Chanel or what ever.
And then we went up Strøget, where everything was closed. And then we went to the Tivoli.
Which was full. But we went on the Flying Trunk ride, which is a narrated tour through H.C. Andersen's stories.
I love that ride. I went on it the first time I was at Tivoli in Copenhagen, when I was about ten. And it's just magical. It's super mechanic and the carts jolt around a lot and all the figures just stand about waving their arms, but every time I take it I am ten years old and the world is new and shiny, and there's all these wonderful stories that he wrote that I have not read yet, and that is waiting for me at the library back home.
Now of course I have all his stories in a nice big book with lots of purdy illustrations and it's in a box in the basement of my parents home, but I am gonna read them all one day.
I guess the reason I like the ride is because it kind of says to me: "Look, the world is still shiny and new if you wipe of the grime, and there will always be new stories you have not read yet."
Now I am gonna go to bed and read my Undead and Unwed book. And tomorrow we will go shopping, and maybe go see some dancers tomorrow nightXP
And then on Sunday I will have my exam^^, I think I will at least pass=D
Good night all my beautiful dahlings. Remember I love you^^,
Warning? May contain nuts
So it's about three hours since I had breakfast. I've been asleep for the last three hours. 'Cos that's what happens when I eat nuts.
What happened was, I was gonna have a danish for desert, and there were little shavings of what looked like almonds on it. Well, it can't have been almonds, 'cos I was less than halfway through it before my mouth started itching like crazy and I had to run to our room to stuff my face with antihistamins. And then I brushed and rinsed my entire mouth. And then I went down and had some more bread with cheese (both of which were delicious), and when boyfriend was finished eating we went up to our room, and I went to sleep.
Because that's what happens when I eat nuts. (Unless they are peanuts, then I choke to deathXP)
I think it was hazelnuts. I am not eating danish tomorrow.
Going out to go to museums now=D Byebye my dahlings
What happened was, I was gonna have a danish for desert, and there were little shavings of what looked like almonds on it. Well, it can't have been almonds, 'cos I was less than halfway through it before my mouth started itching like crazy and I had to run to our room to stuff my face with antihistamins. And then I brushed and rinsed my entire mouth. And then I went down and had some more bread with cheese (both of which were delicious), and when boyfriend was finished eating we went up to our room, and I went to sleep.
Because that's what happens when I eat nuts. (Unless they are peanuts, then I choke to deathXP)
I think it was hazelnuts. I am not eating danish tomorrow.
Going out to go to museums now=D Byebye my dahlings
Thursday, December 3, 2009
So there's the JLPT test this Sunday, and the closest to Oslo it's held is in Copenhagen. So that is where I am today.
We arrived in Copenhagen 40 minutes early at 14:45, and got our luggage (which we had to walk through the entire airport to get toXP) and went down to the train station to catch a train. And people start asking us for help and directions straight away. We must look like we know our way around or something. It was actually a bit weird.
And then we found our hotel. And then we bought chicken and fries and bread and toppings which we put in the minibar so they wouldn't get ruined. We bought meat toppings and brie^^, And croissants and cookies^^, And then we ate chicken and fries in our room^^, Now I am taking my homework to bed and studying for my exam^^,
We arrived in Copenhagen 40 minutes early at 14:45, and got our luggage (which we had to walk through the entire airport to get toXP) and went down to the train station to catch a train. And people start asking us for help and directions straight away. We must look like we know our way around or something. It was actually a bit weird.
And then we found our hotel. And then we bought chicken and fries and bread and toppings which we put in the minibar so they wouldn't get ruined. We bought meat toppings and brie^^, And croissants and cookies^^, And then we ate chicken and fries in our room^^, Now I am taking my homework to bed and studying for my exam^^,
Saturday, November 28, 2009
This was a bad movie. Don't go see this movie. It was bad.
It was 92 minutes of stupid people acting stupid. And I can't stand stupid people in real life. On the big screen I really, really, really can't stand stupid people.
Stupid people on the big screen makes me want to go homicidal with whatever is messier than a chainsaw.
I did not like this movie, can you tell?
The only redeeming factor of this movie was that the last 10 minutes or so was really sweet. Not über happy lollipops with syrup coating kind of sweet, but very awww kind of sweet=D
All in all I am very glad I did not pay to go see it at the very least. Being a volunteer I have gotten free tickets to all the movies I have wanted to see. And this is the first really bad movie I have seen through the whole festival. 9 was meh, but it wasn't horrible. This one was.
So if you like stupid movies about stupid people acting stupid, go right ahead. If you don't, turn around and run really fast in the opposite direction.
It was 92 minutes of stupid people acting stupid. And I can't stand stupid people in real life. On the big screen I really, really, really can't stand stupid people.
Stupid people on the big screen makes me want to go homicidal with whatever is messier than a chainsaw.
I did not like this movie, can you tell?
The only redeeming factor of this movie was that the last 10 minutes or so was really sweet. Not über happy lollipops with syrup coating kind of sweet, but very awww kind of sweet=D
All in all I am very glad I did not pay to go see it at the very least. Being a volunteer I have gotten free tickets to all the movies I have wanted to see. And this is the first really bad movie I have seen through the whole festival. 9 was meh, but it wasn't horrible. This one was.
So if you like stupid movies about stupid people acting stupid, go right ahead. If you don't, turn around and run really fast in the opposite direction.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Whip It, and Fantastic Mr. Fox
So I saw Whip It and Fantastic Mr. Fox yesterday^^,
Whip it was the movie about 17 year old Bliss who discovers a passion for Roller Derby.
It had such excelent actors as Ellen Page (from Juno), Drew Barrymore and Juliette Lewis.
Ellen Page made yet another fabulous performance.
It was a very fun, feelgood type of movie.
I like corporate independent movies actually. They are very similar to regular independent movies, but they have a bigger budget, so they are able to do more things with them. Which can have very good results indeed^^,
I also saw Fantastic Mr. Fox, which is an animated movie based on the Roald Dahl book by the same name^^,
It was directed (by e-mail, from France) by Wes Anderson, and he insisted that everything, all the animation and such, be done without computers. Which the animators weren't too happy about. But the result was brilliant.
If you watched Fireman Sam when you were little (or had children that did), then you probably remember the pretty flames they had. They were like that in this movie.
And all the dolls were covered with real fur, which is hard to work with, but it looked amazing=D
The story wasn't any great genius, I had the disctinct feeling the movie would never end. They could have made shorter that 87 minutes. But it was very cute. And I could lose myself in the animation, so it wasn't that bad.
I think I would have enjoyed it more if I wasn't so tired as well. I had been working for 6 hours, which I am still not used to, and I had already seen one movie that day.
All in all it was pretty good^^, And I good childrens movie I think. Even thou it was slightly violent at times.
Whip it was the movie about 17 year old Bliss who discovers a passion for Roller Derby.
It had such excelent actors as Ellen Page (from Juno), Drew Barrymore and Juliette Lewis.
Ellen Page made yet another fabulous performance.
It was a very fun, feelgood type of movie.
I like corporate independent movies actually. They are very similar to regular independent movies, but they have a bigger budget, so they are able to do more things with them. Which can have very good results indeed^^,
I also saw Fantastic Mr. Fox, which is an animated movie based on the Roald Dahl book by the same name^^,
It was directed (by e-mail, from France) by Wes Anderson, and he insisted that everything, all the animation and such, be done without computers. Which the animators weren't too happy about. But the result was brilliant.
If you watched Fireman Sam when you were little (or had children that did), then you probably remember the pretty flames they had. They were like that in this movie.
And all the dolls were covered with real fur, which is hard to work with, but it looked amazing=D
The story wasn't any great genius, I had the disctinct feeling the movie would never end. They could have made shorter that 87 minutes. But it was very cute. And I could lose myself in the animation, so it wasn't that bad.
I think I would have enjoyed it more if I wasn't so tired as well. I had been working for 6 hours, which I am still not used to, and I had already seen one movie that day.
All in all it was pretty good^^, And I good childrens movie I think. Even thou it was slightly violent at times.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Life of Brian
So I saw Life of Brian yesterday^^, For the first time=D
Terry Jones was there, and he got interviewed for half an hour before the movie. Which was kind of cool, and kind of boring. But he was funny most of the time, so it was okey^^,
In Norway life of Brian was actually banned for blasphemy, and they showed us the old tape from the eigthies fromwhen the ban was lifted, and it had this public message before the movie started that stated things like:
"It was not Monty Python's intention that Brian be similar to Jesus, and Monty Python did not mean to be blasphemous, and crusifiction was a common method of punishment during the Roman empire, and rebels like Brian would have been crusified."
It was simply hilarious. If it is possible to get a hold of a DVD version, with that message as extramaterial, I want that^^,
Terry talked about how the movie was banned was such good publicity for Monty Python, and he told us, that out of the 4 movies that has been banned in Ireland, he had made 3 of them. Which was kind of funny^^,
After the movie, there was a book signing of his book "the Barbarians". I could't afford to buy one (they cost 350 krownes, which is almost 65 USD), but S had two, and I took a picture of them together^^, And when he was signing S's book, S went "we have weird names here in Norway", and I went "I don't, my name is Elisabeth, that is universal", and then Terry Jones laughed, which was cool^^,
He was really very nice^^,
I'm gonna have to see "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" now. I have seen "the Meaning of Life" a couple of times when I was a kid. My dad had a VHS of it stuffed at the back of the VHS's (not a fan of Monty Python) and I used to watch it from time to time^^,
Fun times=D=D
Terry Jones was there, and he got interviewed for half an hour before the movie. Which was kind of cool, and kind of boring. But he was funny most of the time, so it was okey^^,
In Norway life of Brian was actually banned for blasphemy, and they showed us the old tape from the eigthies fromwhen the ban was lifted, and it had this public message before the movie started that stated things like:
"It was not Monty Python's intention that Brian be similar to Jesus, and Monty Python did not mean to be blasphemous, and crusifiction was a common method of punishment during the Roman empire, and rebels like Brian would have been crusified."
It was simply hilarious. If it is possible to get a hold of a DVD version, with that message as extramaterial, I want that^^,
Terry talked about how the movie was banned was such good publicity for Monty Python, and he told us, that out of the 4 movies that has been banned in Ireland, he had made 3 of them. Which was kind of funny^^,
After the movie, there was a book signing of his book "the Barbarians". I could't afford to buy one (they cost 350 krownes, which is almost 65 USD), but S had two, and I took a picture of them together^^, And when he was signing S's book, S went "we have weird names here in Norway", and I went "I don't, my name is Elisabeth, that is universal", and then Terry Jones laughed, which was cool^^,
He was really very nice^^,
I'm gonna have to see "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" now. I have seen "the Meaning of Life" a couple of times when I was a kid. My dad had a VHS of it stuffed at the back of the VHS's (not a fan of Monty Python) and I used to watch it from time to time^^,
Fun times=D=D
Monday, November 23, 2009
So I saw 9 today. A futuristic, post apocalyptic animated movie about puppets.
The plot is that the world has been destroyed because the humans made intelligent machines that turned on humanity and they ended up destroying each other.
It was a very good movie when I saw it, but the more I think about it, the more meh it feels.
Actually the plot and everything just seemed like a bunch of executives sat around a table talking about their favourite parts of their favourite movies, and then just copy-pasted them together into one movie.
Visually it was very nicely done. Not astounding, nor very impressing really, but nice. The puppets weren't very emoting, and things looked very deliberately textured. It looked kind of fake actually. And the puppets either moved too smoothly or not smoothly enough, there's was no golden middle.
All in all it was an okey movie. It was entertaining. Unfortunately it's likely it will get an Oscar nomination. I don't think it deserves that.
Also the ending struck me as very weird. Like some executive (again with the executivesXP) had decided that he wanted it to end that way. Because it didn't seem to correspond to the information given to us earlier in the movie.
Trailer time:
The plot is that the world has been destroyed because the humans made intelligent machines that turned on humanity and they ended up destroying each other.
It was a very good movie when I saw it, but the more I think about it, the more meh it feels.
Actually the plot and everything just seemed like a bunch of executives sat around a table talking about their favourite parts of their favourite movies, and then just copy-pasted them together into one movie.
Visually it was very nicely done. Not astounding, nor very impressing really, but nice. The puppets weren't very emoting, and things looked very deliberately textured. It looked kind of fake actually. And the puppets either moved too smoothly or not smoothly enough, there's was no golden middle.
All in all it was an okey movie. It was entertaining. Unfortunately it's likely it will get an Oscar nomination. I don't think it deserves that.
Also the ending struck me as very weird. Like some executive (again with the executivesXP) had decided that he wanted it to end that way. Because it didn't seem to correspond to the information given to us earlier in the movie.
Trailer time:
Mary and Max, and Ip Man
No clickable title today, since I saw two movies. There will be clickables in the reviews thou.
So I saw Mary and Max today.
It's an animated movie about a little girl in Australia who picks a name at random from a New Your phonebook, and writes that man a letter, and the man who receives the letter.
Visually it's gorgeous, the little details they have put into their models (it's stop motion. You know, like Nightmare Before Christmas and Wallace and Gromit) is simply amazing. The movie is in two colour schemes, New York is grey, and Australia is sephia, and then you have certain bright colours, like red lipstick, and a red pompom, and that makes the story that much more real.
They use a lot of time describing things, like colours and smells, and that also contributes to make the movie feel real, because that's the sort of thing people notice in the back of their heads, and that is very much a part of life.
The humour in this movie is very dark (as you can see in the trailer), and at some points it is very sad, but it is very sweet.
I will show you the trailer now:
And then I saw Ip Man (it's not i-p like in ip address, it's a chinese name, it is Ip Man, not I-p Man), which is very loosely based on the life of Yip Man, a very renounced martial arts master, who have trained among others Bruce Lee.
This is a martial arts movie, which means that if the fight scenes annoy you, you won't enjoy it, seeing as about 75% of the movie was fight scenes. Also, in classic martial arts movie style it just ended, there was the last great big climaxy battle between the two masters and then it ended. Just like that. You got a nice little picture montage of what happened after, but I was left with the distinct feeling that it ended in the middle of the best part.
The battle scenes were awesome, and mostly realistic, which was a nice change from the wire-fu movies we have been getting to Norway the last few years. ( I say mostly, because there were some quite unrealistic throwing of people across rooms with a punch in the chest and things like thatXP
All in all I liked it^^,
Now for the trailer and a little clip of Ip Man beating 10 Japanese black belts to give you an impression of the fight scenes^^,
So I saw Mary and Max today.
It's an animated movie about a little girl in Australia who picks a name at random from a New Your phonebook, and writes that man a letter, and the man who receives the letter.
Visually it's gorgeous, the little details they have put into their models (it's stop motion. You know, like Nightmare Before Christmas and Wallace and Gromit) is simply amazing. The movie is in two colour schemes, New York is grey, and Australia is sephia, and then you have certain bright colours, like red lipstick, and a red pompom, and that makes the story that much more real.
They use a lot of time describing things, like colours and smells, and that also contributes to make the movie feel real, because that's the sort of thing people notice in the back of their heads, and that is very much a part of life.
The humour in this movie is very dark (as you can see in the trailer), and at some points it is very sad, but it is very sweet.
I will show you the trailer now:
And then I saw Ip Man (it's not i-p like in ip address, it's a chinese name, it is Ip Man, not I-p Man), which is very loosely based on the life of Yip Man, a very renounced martial arts master, who have trained among others Bruce Lee.
This is a martial arts movie, which means that if the fight scenes annoy you, you won't enjoy it, seeing as about 75% of the movie was fight scenes. Also, in classic martial arts movie style it just ended, there was the last great big climaxy battle between the two masters and then it ended. Just like that. You got a nice little picture montage of what happened after, but I was left with the distinct feeling that it ended in the middle of the best part.
The battle scenes were awesome, and mostly realistic, which was a nice change from the wire-fu movies we have been getting to Norway the last few years. ( I say mostly, because there were some quite unrealistic throwing of people across rooms with a punch in the chest and things like thatXP
All in all I liked it^^,
Now for the trailer and a little clip of Ip Man beating 10 Japanese black belts to give you an impression of the fight scenes^^,
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Bitch Slap. TandA. And Explosions=D
Clickable title
So I saw Bitch Slap yesterday.
And to put it like this, when they introduce the girls, the last part of them you get to see are their faces. It's that kind of movie.XD
It's about three girls who are searching for some diamonds out in the desert. Most of the movies consists of flashbacks, which are filmed on green screen.'
There's not really plot, but the point of this movie isn't the plot anyway, it's about hot girls getting dirty and wet in the desertXP
No, really. What this movie consists of is hot girls, who are either fighting of f***ing, explosions, and big ass guns (it's seriously anime sizedXD).
It's not a movie for when you wanna see something serious, or with heavy dialogue, it's a movie for when you wanna lay back watch some seriously hot and over the top.
And if you live in Oslo and go see it tonight (saturday 21st of november) or tomorrow (sunday 22nd november) you can think happily about the fact that for once you have seen an American movie before in premiers in the States (which will happen in 8th of January).XP It has been showed at Toronto, but that's in Canada, so that doesn't countXD
I was going to upload you the ending credits from youtube, but they weren't there, which is natural, seeing as it has only been showed at movie festivals (except for in Finland where is has premièred for real). It was awesome you see. It was layed out as youtube teen-strip movies (you know, the ones where hot girls take of their clothes down to their undies on camera, but doesn't show their faces), but we figured it was probably the actresses from the movie dancingXD It was hot anywho^~,
Only bummer about this movie, was that I had had a long crappy day, and the three main actresses came to cast glory on the show, which was cool and all. But instead of putting a panel after the movie, they got interview for effings 30 minutes before the movie. Which would have been fine if it wasn't for the fact the journalist that interviewed them was almost incompetent. He fumbled with the microphone, had really standard boring questions (many of which the girls could not answer, seeing as that would spoil us, because they did the interview before the movie) and did not take their hints at all that they thought it took too long time.
Overall I loved the movie.
And you need to go see it. Oh! And there was this Japanese character Kinki, who talked most of the time in Japanese. I could understand most of what she said=D Yay me=D=D
Did you see Lucy Lawless? You, Xena? Yeah, she's in this movie too=D
So I saw Bitch Slap yesterday.
And to put it like this, when they introduce the girls, the last part of them you get to see are their faces. It's that kind of movie.XD
It's about three girls who are searching for some diamonds out in the desert. Most of the movies consists of flashbacks, which are filmed on green screen.'
There's not really plot, but the point of this movie isn't the plot anyway, it's about hot girls getting dirty and wet in the desertXP
No, really. What this movie consists of is hot girls, who are either fighting of f***ing, explosions, and big ass guns (it's seriously anime sizedXD).
It's not a movie for when you wanna see something serious, or with heavy dialogue, it's a movie for when you wanna lay back watch some seriously hot and over the top.
And if you live in Oslo and go see it tonight (saturday 21st of november) or tomorrow (sunday 22nd november) you can think happily about the fact that for once you have seen an American movie before in premiers in the States (which will happen in 8th of January).XP It has been showed at Toronto, but that's in Canada, so that doesn't countXD
I was going to upload you the ending credits from youtube, but they weren't there, which is natural, seeing as it has only been showed at movie festivals (except for in Finland where is has premièred for real). It was awesome you see. It was layed out as youtube teen-strip movies (you know, the ones where hot girls take of their clothes down to their undies on camera, but doesn't show their faces), but we figured it was probably the actresses from the movie dancingXD It was hot anywho^~,
Only bummer about this movie, was that I had had a long crappy day, and the three main actresses came to cast glory on the show, which was cool and all. But instead of putting a panel after the movie, they got interview for effings 30 minutes before the movie. Which would have been fine if it wasn't for the fact the journalist that interviewed them was almost incompetent. He fumbled with the microphone, had really standard boring questions (many of which the girls could not answer, seeing as that would spoil us, because they did the interview before the movie) and did not take their hints at all that they thought it took too long time.
Overall I loved the movie.
And you need to go see it. Oh! And there was this Japanese character Kinki, who talked most of the time in Japanese. I could understand most of what she said=D Yay me=D=D
This trailer is not safe for work!!!!
Did you see Lucy Lawless? You, Xena? Yeah, she's in this movie too=D
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Precious: Based on the novel push by Sapphire
Clickable title folks^^,
So I saw Precious today. And it was amazing. Absolutely breathtaking. And it was horrible. The thing that happened to the main character was absolutely horrible.
It's about a sixteen year old girl. Pregnant by her father with her second child. Her mother verbally and physically abuses her. She can't read, but somehow she gets almost straight As (probably pity grades). Every single thing in her life conspires to utterly destroy her.
And still, every time life smashed a plate in her head, or pushed her over on the street or generally just sucked, she got up.
To be brutally honest, some scenes in this movie was horrible to watch I wanted to cry. I wanted to leave, but seeing as I would have to go past the entire row to so I stayed put. I'm glad I did.
What this movie really was about is that you need to keep fighting. Every time life effs you over, every time someone else effs you over, every time you eff your self over, you need to get up and keep fighting. No one can make your life better, other than yourself. If you sit around waiting for someone else to fix things, nothing will get fixed. Sometimes you will need help and that is okey, but in the end, you need to fix your own life.
To be honest, this is the single most inspiring movie of the year, if not the most inspiring movie I have ever seen. I loved it.
And by god, Gabourey Sidibe deserves the Oscar for Female Lead this year. I know they release all Oscar movies around this time of year, but I sincerely doubt that there will be even one performance even close to hers this year at all.
And while we are talking about Gabourey, the Film Festival director (I forgot to mention that, didn't I, this was the opening film for Oslo International Film Festival) said something sad in his speech before the movie; she had to stop reading blog entries about the movie, because all they ever said about it was that they could not believe how ugly she was.
Honestly, how is that constructive at all? Why write something like that? It's not even true. Granted, she is no Halley Berry, but when she smiled she was gorgeous.
When you play a 16 year old girl who has been raped and abused your whole life, you are supposed to go around looking grumpy, and angry, and that makes no girl pretty. But there were these dream sequences where she was dreaming about what she wanted from life. being an actress, a model, a singer and so on, and she looked happy, and in those scenes she was absolutely beautiful. Click on the title and look the pictures and see for your self.
I simply can't understand why people feel that they need write these things.
There was this one guy who said that the movie would be perfectly okey with "regular looking people", and I think he was seriously missing the point of the thing. If someone like, say, Halle Berry played Precious it would not be the same movie. It would be something else entirely.
I hope Gabourey gets at least one great price for this, she needs an Oscar for this. She was that good.
And you all need to go see it when it hits the movie theatres. It was hard to watch at times, but it was totally worth it. As I said, it's the most inspiring movie of the year, and you all need to go see it=D
So I saw Precious today. And it was amazing. Absolutely breathtaking. And it was horrible. The thing that happened to the main character was absolutely horrible.
It's about a sixteen year old girl. Pregnant by her father with her second child. Her mother verbally and physically abuses her. She can't read, but somehow she gets almost straight As (probably pity grades). Every single thing in her life conspires to utterly destroy her.
And still, every time life smashed a plate in her head, or pushed her over on the street or generally just sucked, she got up.
To be brutally honest, some scenes in this movie was horrible to watch I wanted to cry. I wanted to leave, but seeing as I would have to go past the entire row to so I stayed put. I'm glad I did.
What this movie really was about is that you need to keep fighting. Every time life effs you over, every time someone else effs you over, every time you eff your self over, you need to get up and keep fighting. No one can make your life better, other than yourself. If you sit around waiting for someone else to fix things, nothing will get fixed. Sometimes you will need help and that is okey, but in the end, you need to fix your own life.
To be honest, this is the single most inspiring movie of the year, if not the most inspiring movie I have ever seen. I loved it.
And by god, Gabourey Sidibe deserves the Oscar for Female Lead this year. I know they release all Oscar movies around this time of year, but I sincerely doubt that there will be even one performance even close to hers this year at all.
And while we are talking about Gabourey, the Film Festival director (I forgot to mention that, didn't I, this was the opening film for Oslo International Film Festival) said something sad in his speech before the movie; she had to stop reading blog entries about the movie, because all they ever said about it was that they could not believe how ugly she was.
Honestly, how is that constructive at all? Why write something like that? It's not even true. Granted, she is no Halley Berry, but when she smiled she was gorgeous.
When you play a 16 year old girl who has been raped and abused your whole life, you are supposed to go around looking grumpy, and angry, and that makes no girl pretty. But there were these dream sequences where she was dreaming about what she wanted from life. being an actress, a model, a singer and so on, and she looked happy, and in those scenes she was absolutely beautiful. Click on the title and look the pictures and see for your self.
I simply can't understand why people feel that they need write these things.
There was this one guy who said that the movie would be perfectly okey with "regular looking people", and I think he was seriously missing the point of the thing. If someone like, say, Halle Berry played Precious it would not be the same movie. It would be something else entirely.
I hope Gabourey gets at least one great price for this, she needs an Oscar for this. She was that good.
And you all need to go see it when it hits the movie theatres. It was hard to watch at times, but it was totally worth it. As I said, it's the most inspiring movie of the year, and you all need to go see it=D
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Evol trinkets of DOOM
It's film festival season, and I can't afford to go. So I am cleaning. And so far only one thing has come of it. It's called a revelation, and you need to hear it, or it won't do me any good.
Trinkets are created by the devil to drive poor people trying to tidy to end of their rope.
I have several boxes full of cute little things that I can honestly say I loved when I got them but right now I want to burn. Or melt. Or shoot into orbit. Or some equally destructive thing.
Don' get me wrong. I love gifts with a passion. I love giving them and I love getting them. But right now I really would look a gift horse in the mouth and send it right back.
One of the funny things is that I haven't bought any of it myself. I don't buy trinkets. I'd rather splurge and buy a game of a book or even a cute little notebook (I have myriads of those). But I don't buy trinkets.
And please have mercy on e and stop giving them to me. 'Cos I do love them I am not going top throw any of them away just yet, but I don't have anywhere to put them and they aren't giving anyone any joy being either lost beneath all the other trinkets or packed away in a box.
So yah. I do love my trinkets I really do, but please have mercy and give me no more.
If you wanna get me something nice but cheap get me a tiny notebook or something.
Thanks in advance.
that is all.
Trinkets are created by the devil to drive poor people trying to tidy to end of their rope.
I have several boxes full of cute little things that I can honestly say I loved when I got them but right now I want to burn. Or melt. Or shoot into orbit. Or some equally destructive thing.
Don' get me wrong. I love gifts with a passion. I love giving them and I love getting them. But right now I really would look a gift horse in the mouth and send it right back.
One of the funny things is that I haven't bought any of it myself. I don't buy trinkets. I'd rather splurge and buy a game of a book or even a cute little notebook (I have myriads of those). But I don't buy trinkets.
And please have mercy on e and stop giving them to me. 'Cos I do love them I am not going top throw any of them away just yet, but I don't have anywhere to put them and they aren't giving anyone any joy being either lost beneath all the other trinkets or packed away in a box.
So yah. I do love my trinkets I really do, but please have mercy and give me no more.
If you wanna get me something nice but cheap get me a tiny notebook or something.
Thanks in advance.
that is all.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Music industry rant
(Warning: This rant may come to contain strong language. It will beyond any doubt. contain lots of caps, and whatever language errors that don't get picked up by spelling checker, as I doubt I will proofread. Sorry about this.)
You know what? I HATE the music industry. With a passion.
First they make copy defences which will literally RUIN you stereo equipment. I kid you not. Some guy in Norway had his 10.000kr (almost 1800 USD according to Google) ruin because of an CD made by EMI. And yes I am positive it was EMI because they have contracted Bertine Zetlitz. It was in the Norwegian newspaper. And it got there because EMI would not refund his broken equipment. Even thou it was their CD's copy defence that broke it.
As a rule I, fiancé, and lots of our friends don't buy CDs with copy protection. They are easy to spot, because they aren't labelled CompactDisk on the CD itself or anywhere in the cover. The reason for this is because the inventors of the compact disk intended CDs to be playable on any CD player, and the copy protection makes this impossible. Therefore they demanded to stop having their inventions associated with these abominations. That is right kids, according to the inventors of the CD copy protected disks aren't even CDs.
The reason for the copy protection is of course the hindrance of file sharing. Well NEWS FLASH ARSE HEADS!!! it's not working. If anything it makes it worse. Since it's nigh impossible these days to buy real CDs (that is without the copy protection) I don't buy CDs AT ALL!
And another thing, back when I used to buy CDs, every single CD I bought, with out fail, I bought because someone had downloaded it for me, and I liked it. 75% of my CD collection arouse this way. The other 25% was because I liked that artist from before and wanted their newest album, or because it was gifted to me. And the ones that were gifted to me was most because I had listed to a downloaded version that I liked.
And this is not just me folk. Statistics show that when Napster was launched the CD sales did not fall. Oh noes people. They ROSE. ALOT!
And then you have the little whiny kids. Like Lily Allen. I like Lily Allen's music, I do. But I lost all respect for her when she went public saying "file sharing is awful and it ruins the industry and wahwahwah". This from a woman who wouldn't even had a career if it wasn't for filesharing on MySpace. How on earth does a woman who would still be living with her MOM most likely if it wansn't for file sharing think it's okay to say things like that?!
And then there's YouTube. YouTube is a wonderful internet community where people can share music videos. I have discovered a shit loads of wonderful music on YouTube. People don't bring CDs to a party anymore, we just hook our awesome speakers up to our computer and play all our party music from there. But the music industry obviously has no idea the amount of free commercial that can be had from YouTube.
So they get one video after the other taken down, or have the sound removed or make them area specific.
Which basically is what prompted this rant. I wasn't allowed to listen Bjork on YouTube because the fact that the videos were even there was apparently a copy right violation. BAH! And take Lene Nystrom. The singer of Aqua. I gave up trying to even FIND one of her videos which we poor norsefolk were even allowed to watch. Because apparently you have to live in USA or some other hell hole to be able to watch the music video of a FUCKING norwegian artist. I LIVE in Norway for Fs sake!!!
And one more thing. By sending fines to people who downloads fines at 450 GBP per song, which about 25% just pay, no questions asked, the music industry makes more money of people downloading than they make by SELLING their actual product.
I most probably won't buy a CD in a music shop EVER again. I'll buy my CD's from the artist directly when I go to concerts.
And seeing as I detest Ipod and all the hassle with them I will never get Itunes, and I will never pay 2 USD for a song which will only exist in Itunes and will be lost if I have to format my harddrive.
And one more thing. To any music industry lawyers reading this. Downloading is not illegal. Uploading to others is. Well, I have never uploaded anything. I don't seed and I don't spread music in any way. So it's no use suing me. You can take your biased judges and you circumstantial evidence else where. You ain't gettin' a penny out of me.
You know what? I HATE the music industry. With a passion.
First they make copy defences which will literally RUIN you stereo equipment. I kid you not. Some guy in Norway had his 10.000kr (almost 1800 USD according to Google) ruin because of an CD made by EMI. And yes I am positive it was EMI because they have contracted Bertine Zetlitz. It was in the Norwegian newspaper. And it got there because EMI would not refund his broken equipment. Even thou it was their CD's copy defence that broke it.
As a rule I, fiancé, and lots of our friends don't buy CDs with copy protection. They are easy to spot, because they aren't labelled CompactDisk on the CD itself or anywhere in the cover. The reason for this is because the inventors of the compact disk intended CDs to be playable on any CD player, and the copy protection makes this impossible. Therefore they demanded to stop having their inventions associated with these abominations. That is right kids, according to the inventors of the CD copy protected disks aren't even CDs.
The reason for the copy protection is of course the hindrance of file sharing. Well NEWS FLASH ARSE HEADS!!! it's not working. If anything it makes it worse. Since it's nigh impossible these days to buy real CDs (that is without the copy protection) I don't buy CDs AT ALL!
And another thing, back when I used to buy CDs, every single CD I bought, with out fail, I bought because someone had downloaded it for me, and I liked it. 75% of my CD collection arouse this way. The other 25% was because I liked that artist from before and wanted their newest album, or because it was gifted to me. And the ones that were gifted to me was most because I had listed to a downloaded version that I liked.
And this is not just me folk. Statistics show that when Napster was launched the CD sales did not fall. Oh noes people. They ROSE. ALOT!
And then you have the little whiny kids. Like Lily Allen. I like Lily Allen's music, I do. But I lost all respect for her when she went public saying "file sharing is awful and it ruins the industry and wahwahwah". This from a woman who wouldn't even had a career if it wasn't for filesharing on MySpace. How on earth does a woman who would still be living with her MOM most likely if it wansn't for file sharing think it's okay to say things like that?!
And then there's YouTube. YouTube is a wonderful internet community where people can share music videos. I have discovered a shit loads of wonderful music on YouTube. People don't bring CDs to a party anymore, we just hook our awesome speakers up to our computer and play all our party music from there. But the music industry obviously has no idea the amount of free commercial that can be had from YouTube.
So they get one video after the other taken down, or have the sound removed or make them area specific.
Which basically is what prompted this rant. I wasn't allowed to listen Bjork on YouTube because the fact that the videos were even there was apparently a copy right violation. BAH! And take Lene Nystrom. The singer of Aqua. I gave up trying to even FIND one of her videos which we poor norsefolk were even allowed to watch. Because apparently you have to live in USA or some other hell hole to be able to watch the music video of a FUCKING norwegian artist. I LIVE in Norway for Fs sake!!!
And one more thing. By sending fines to people who downloads fines at 450 GBP per song, which about 25% just pay, no questions asked, the music industry makes more money of people downloading than they make by SELLING their actual product.
I most probably won't buy a CD in a music shop EVER again. I'll buy my CD's from the artist directly when I go to concerts.
And seeing as I detest Ipod and all the hassle with them I will never get Itunes, and I will never pay 2 USD for a song which will only exist in Itunes and will be lost if I have to format my harddrive.
And one more thing. To any music industry lawyers reading this. Downloading is not illegal. Uploading to others is. Well, I have never uploaded anything. I don't seed and I don't spread music in any way. So it's no use suing me. You can take your biased judges and you circumstantial evidence else where. You ain't gettin' a penny out of me.
Counter Strike
I have 1922 pages to read by 5th of november. Not counted my homework. Which I really should be doing right now. But I have to hang up the clean clothes first.
So I am gonna embed you a very nice song, and do some house work before I do some homework and go to bed.
So I am gonna embed you a very nice song, and do some house work before I do some homework and go to bed.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
It's my well I tells ya!!!
The Well by Rimfrost
Rimfrost has turned her embedding of on this strip, so being the nice person that I am, I am going to do the right thing and post a text link to the cutest Ring comic ever.
Even if you link back, if it's not specified that you can just click-save-upload, then you shouldn't. It's rude. Internet is NOT a place of freebies, the fact that it is on the internet does NOT mean that it's automatically up for grabs.
Art theft is RUDE, mean, and illegal. So play nice kids. Now go read the strip^^,
Rimfrost has turned her embedding of on this strip, so being the nice person that I am, I am going to do the right thing and post a text link to the cutest Ring comic ever.
Even if you link back, if it's not specified that you can just click-save-upload, then you shouldn't. It's rude. Internet is NOT a place of freebies, the fact that it is on the internet does NOT mean that it's automatically up for grabs.
Art theft is RUDE, mean, and illegal. So play nice kids. Now go read the strip^^,
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Music for rainy days
It's 20:57, the sky is a sicky dark orangy red sort of colour (gotta love that light pollution right?), and it's raining.
I got home about an hour ago and my shoes are still dripping (yes litteraly, Keds are not made for rainy weather) where they hang in the bathroom. Ditto with my jeans and umbrella.
But I have youtube and webcomcis. And I haven't updated in forever. So here's some music for rainy days. Right after this link to the cutest webcomic ever. Questionable content. You all need to read the archives. It's only 1507 pages, and the art gets better after a while. As does the storytelling^^,
EDIT: Broken link fixed
Now for teh MUZAK:
All the clips with the original footage had disable embedding by request, so this is the best I could do. Sorry.
It features Sarah Brightman and Alex Vega from the Spykids movies. It's from the gothic splatter musical Repo! the Genetic Opera.
This is Koda Kumi, a new discovery of mine. Fun video as well
Most beauiful song ever. If I ever get around to getting good at 3D animating I'm making a video for this one. I've had the storyboard in my head for almost a year now.
Can't be bothered locating the way superior Manu Chau version of this, so you'll just have to make do^^,
And for last I'm gonna show you some of the most amazing pole dancing I have ever seen. Try tto look past the fact that it's a half naked chick. The women dancing hanging from veils at the circus wear no more clothes than this, but for some reason that is socially acceptable. Try to see the amazing things she gets her body to do please^^,
(besides the song is awesome)
How stupid of me. I almost forgot the theme song to the most awesome after school cartoon EVAH XD
And while I'm at it:
Oh and:
Hammer me please, Dr. Horrible. Making googoo eyes at Dr Horrible.
To lazy to find one with footageXP
Purdiest version EVER^^,
I'm gonna stop now. Will try to resist the temptation to add more.
I'm so gonna use this post as play listXD Hoping some of you will do that as well^^,
I got home about an hour ago and my shoes are still dripping (yes litteraly, Keds are not made for rainy weather) where they hang in the bathroom. Ditto with my jeans and umbrella.
But I have youtube and webcomcis. And I haven't updated in forever. So here's some music for rainy days. Right after this link to the cutest webcomic ever. Questionable content. You all need to read the archives. It's only 1507 pages, and the art gets better after a while. As does the storytelling^^,
EDIT: Broken link fixed
Now for teh MUZAK:
All the clips with the original footage had disable embedding by request, so this is the best I could do. Sorry.
It features Sarah Brightman and Alex Vega from the Spykids movies. It's from the gothic splatter musical Repo! the Genetic Opera.
This is Koda Kumi, a new discovery of mine. Fun video as well
Most beauiful song ever. If I ever get around to getting good at 3D animating I'm making a video for this one. I've had the storyboard in my head for almost a year now.
Can't be bothered locating the way superior Manu Chau version of this, so you'll just have to make do^^,
And for last I'm gonna show you some of the most amazing pole dancing I have ever seen. Try tto look past the fact that it's a half naked chick. The women dancing hanging from veils at the circus wear no more clothes than this, but for some reason that is socially acceptable. Try to see the amazing things she gets her body to do please^^,
(besides the song is awesome)
How stupid of me. I almost forgot the theme song to the most awesome after school cartoon EVAH XD
And while I'm at it:
Oh and:
Hammer me please, Dr. Horrible. Making googoo eyes at Dr Horrible.
To lazy to find one with footageXP
Purdiest version EVER^^,
I'm gonna stop now. Will try to resist the temptation to add more.
I'm so gonna use this post as play listXD Hoping some of you will do that as well^^,
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
We saw UP yesterday. In 3D.
And for those of you not inclined to read my reviews I'm gonna start of with a youtube version of the premovie. The latest short film from Pixar.
I present to you Partly Cloudy=D
I seriously think all the "bad" babies are much cuter than all the good babies. I mean, look at that porcupine!!!=D=D
Now to the review.
I cried. No movie has ever made me cry. Ever. It wasn't hulking, but there was certainly at least on tear rolling down my cheek at the start sequence.
It was the sweetest movie I have seen in positively years. If I have ever seen something so heartfelt and fragile that manages to be funny at the same time, ever.
Most often with these movies it's the side characters, the ones that just is there, but doesn't have that much influence on the movie or the plot, that saves them from being sappy and dreary.
With UP that was not the case.
Carl, the main character, was one of the sweetest old men you can think of, complete with the grouchiness and the sad past and the sweet and sappy core that makes him instantly loveable. The kind of man that just annoys you, until you get to know him and why he is that way.
Russel, the little side-kick boy was also believable, and absolutely lovable.
As I mentioned I saw it in 3D, which I have never done before. And it was awesome.
And Pixar do make beautiful movies. And this one really was.
When the light streamed through the balloons, and all those vibrant colours, I just... oh....
Moral is: Has to be seen. In 3D if possible.
Trailer time=D
And for those of you not inclined to read my reviews I'm gonna start of with a youtube version of the premovie. The latest short film from Pixar.
I present to you Partly Cloudy=D
I seriously think all the "bad" babies are much cuter than all the good babies. I mean, look at that porcupine!!!=D=D
Now to the review.
I cried. No movie has ever made me cry. Ever. It wasn't hulking, but there was certainly at least on tear rolling down my cheek at the start sequence.
It was the sweetest movie I have seen in positively years. If I have ever seen something so heartfelt and fragile that manages to be funny at the same time, ever.
Most often with these movies it's the side characters, the ones that just is there, but doesn't have that much influence on the movie or the plot, that saves them from being sappy and dreary.
With UP that was not the case.
Carl, the main character, was one of the sweetest old men you can think of, complete with the grouchiness and the sad past and the sweet and sappy core that makes him instantly loveable. The kind of man that just annoys you, until you get to know him and why he is that way.
Russel, the little side-kick boy was also believable, and absolutely lovable.
As I mentioned I saw it in 3D, which I have never done before. And it was awesome.
And Pixar do make beautiful movies. And this one really was.
When the light streamed through the balloons, and all those vibrant colours, I just... oh....
Moral is: Has to be seen. In 3D if possible.
Trailer time=D
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I have been proven wrong
Up until now, every single anime I have ever watched has been full of shrieks and super duper shrill voices. I'll probably never get why the Japanese think that ear-splittingly shrill voices are cute, to me all they mean is that if I don't turn it off immediately I get a migraine.
This has held true to all anime I have ever bothered to watch. Some very few are bearable to watch (these include Pokémon, Digimon, and Bottle Fairies), most I simply can't stand.
This has forced me to swear off just about all anime, not even bothering to try.
However today I sampled Michiko to Hachin, just because it was there, and I needed to practise my listening skills. The conversation turned out to be too complex for me, but the anime was simply awesome.
There were no shrieks and no super-duper-ultra-happy-kawaii voices. They all sounded like normal people, and the story line is tragic enough to be interesting, even thou it thus far seems a bit cliché.
I have thus far watched 1 and a half episode, and I am pretty sure I will make it through all 22.
So if you are tired of cutesy, noisy anime, and would like something calmer, more realistic, and more adult, I really recommend sampling this one^^,
This has held true to all anime I have ever bothered to watch. Some very few are bearable to watch (these include Pokémon, Digimon, and Bottle Fairies), most I simply can't stand.
This has forced me to swear off just about all anime, not even bothering to try.
However today I sampled Michiko to Hachin, just because it was there, and I needed to practise my listening skills. The conversation turned out to be too complex for me, but the anime was simply awesome.
There were no shrieks and no super-duper-ultra-happy-kawaii voices. They all sounded like normal people, and the story line is tragic enough to be interesting, even thou it thus far seems a bit cliché.
I have thus far watched 1 and a half episode, and I am pretty sure I will make it through all 22.
So if you are tired of cutesy, noisy anime, and would like something calmer, more realistic, and more adult, I really recommend sampling this one^^,
Monday, September 14, 2009
I think I'll pass the JLPT
I did some self-testing for the JLPT test, since I bought a book with all the questions and answers from the 2007 test.
And you know what? I think I'll pass the test with a reasonable grade. I didn't do all the questions, and I noticed getting fewer right answers the further out in the test I got, but still of the about 25-30 questions I did, I got about 85-90% right, and I think that's pretty good.
I noticed the biggest issue I have is that my vocabulary is a bit small. The questions I got wrong was mostly because I didn't understand the question right, and just gambled on an option.
So I will just keep cramming my vocabulary until I can understand everything that happens in my test books^^,
And you know what? I think I'll pass the test with a reasonable grade. I didn't do all the questions, and I noticed getting fewer right answers the further out in the test I got, but still of the about 25-30 questions I did, I got about 85-90% right, and I think that's pretty good.
I noticed the biggest issue I have is that my vocabulary is a bit small. The questions I got wrong was mostly because I didn't understand the question right, and just gambled on an option.
So I will just keep cramming my vocabulary until I can understand everything that happens in my test books^^,
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I just might as well stop eating
So some fellow eating peanuts on the same plane as me will kill me, okey? Not to mention what eating one myself will do. Just about all other nuts will make me insanely ill, in a variety of ways. Beans will make me ill to my stomach in the toilety sense of the expression, meaning I can't have soy sauce on the my sushi among other things. I can only eat chocolate in tiny amounts, which will in any case usually cause me to sneeze. Chili will cause my mouth to have open soars.
Have you any idea how many kinds of food contain either nuts, beans or chili, or a combination of the three.
I can't even eat caramel pudding!
I can't eat Indian food, I have to me extremely careful with Asian food, I have to read every freakin' label of every kind of food or candy I ever buy.
The latest on my list of foods I can't have is milk. Raw milk that is, not boiled or cooked milk. Not yet anyway. I had milk on my cereal yesterday, and I was glued to the toilet more or less the rest of that day.
I just might as well stop eating!
Have you any idea how many kinds of food contain either nuts, beans or chili, or a combination of the three.
I can't even eat caramel pudding!
I can't eat Indian food, I have to me extremely careful with Asian food, I have to read every freakin' label of every kind of food or candy I ever buy.
The latest on my list of foods I can't have is milk. Raw milk that is, not boiled or cooked milk. Not yet anyway. I had milk on my cereal yesterday, and I was glued to the toilet more or less the rest of that day.
I just might as well stop eating!
Friday, September 4, 2009
OMG! It's Giles!!!
So my pal D is making me watch Repo (click the title).
And there is Giles, and he looks young and is singing, and there's gore. I WANT this on DVD!
And just in case you did not know, Giles' real name Anthony Head. But to me he will always be Giles^^,
Just like Nathan Fillion always will be Mal, and Sean Gunn always will be Kirk.^^,
I will have to borrow Repo from D or S, so that I can watch in full. It's a little hard to catch all the is going on when you are having a conversation at the same timeXP
And there is Giles, and he looks young and is singing, and there's gore. I WANT this on DVD!
And just in case you did not know, Giles' real name Anthony Head. But to me he will always be Giles^^,
Just like Nathan Fillion always will be Mal, and Sean Gunn always will be Kirk.^^,
I will have to borrow Repo from D or S, so that I can watch in full. It's a little hard to catch all the is going on when you are having a conversation at the same timeXP
Things are sucky today
I got a mail today. From FU Oslo where I take my Japanese classes.
My Japanese class has been cancelled because there were too few who had registered to take it.=(
I feel like crying right now. I had counted on the training to help prepare myself for the JLPT test. And I love those classes.
Oh well
My Japanese class has been cancelled because there were too few who had registered to take it.=(
I feel like crying right now. I had counted on the training to help prepare myself for the JLPT test. And I love those classes.
Oh well
Thursday, September 3, 2009
All new art will go here
I am leaving DeviantArt.
I have been using DA for over 3 years and lately the site has lost all my trust. They have added share buttons, and due to the TOS (terms of agreement) the sites the share buttons belong to have, I don't want them.
And not only will they not remove them, they are being very childing about it. Calling us who want them to be optional all sorts of thing, including childish, paranoid, narrow minded etc.
They keep telling us that removing them will only hurt ourselves, but if it was that way why won't they give us the option to choose for our selves? I believe that they way they see it, if we get to choose not have our art linked to on sites like FaceBook and Reddit, they will loose the free PR it is for their site, and that is why they are taking away our control.
So I am leaving DeviantArt.
I don't really want to start in a new art society, just to have this happen to me again in three years.
So fom now on, this blog will be my art site. All my new art (I won't backlog) will be posted here. Can't guarantee it will be often or at all, but that is the way I will do it from now on.
My poetry won't go here thou. I will make a new blog for that=j
And while we are on the subject of art: I have bought colouring books today^^, And coloured pencils.
I have decided that I enjoy colouring more than actually drawing. I like colours, and I am actually good at that. It's the outlines and proportions and such that I suck atXP
So there might be some showing off of my (hopefully) awesome colouring skillsXP
And just BTW, I will still be keeping all of my DA accounts. (Partially 'cos DA doesn't allow you to delete your actual accounts.) So commenting and faving of other people's art will still occur=D
I have been using DA for over 3 years and lately the site has lost all my trust. They have added share buttons, and due to the TOS (terms of agreement) the sites the share buttons belong to have, I don't want them.
And not only will they not remove them, they are being very childing about it. Calling us who want them to be optional all sorts of thing, including childish, paranoid, narrow minded etc.
They keep telling us that removing them will only hurt ourselves, but if it was that way why won't they give us the option to choose for our selves? I believe that they way they see it, if we get to choose not have our art linked to on sites like FaceBook and Reddit, they will loose the free PR it is for their site, and that is why they are taking away our control.
So I am leaving DeviantArt.
I don't really want to start in a new art society, just to have this happen to me again in three years.
So fom now on, this blog will be my art site. All my new art (I won't backlog) will be posted here. Can't guarantee it will be often or at all, but that is the way I will do it from now on.
My poetry won't go here thou. I will make a new blog for that=j
And while we are on the subject of art: I have bought colouring books today^^, And coloured pencils.
I have decided that I enjoy colouring more than actually drawing. I like colours, and I am actually good at that. It's the outlines and proportions and such that I suck atXP
So there might be some showing off of my (hopefully) awesome colouring skillsXP
And just BTW, I will still be keeping all of my DA accounts. (Partially 'cos DA doesn't allow you to delete your actual accounts.) So commenting and faving of other people's art will still occur=D
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
They did WHAT to the song?! (otherwise known as the Disney rant)
Remember I told you about Ponyo? The adorable and deep new Studio Ghibli movie? Yeah.
A movie like that needs no help in being the wonder that it is. Obviously Disney thinks otherwise.
Can someone please explain to me how taking that beautiful, whimsical song and turning into THAT could make it better? (It's the Japanese version first and then the American one after.)
You know, I am really starting to loathe Disney with a passion! Honestly I am starting to detest them down to the deepest reaches of my soul. (Note: I am here talking about the Disney media conglomerate here. Thou many (not all) of the actors and artists they employ may be awful in their own right they are not the ones making Disney the horror that it presents itself as today.)
Not only do they feel the need to control the copyright law, effectively making it so that nothing ever made by Disney will be public property. Ever. This is utter hypocrisy of course, seeing as at least 75% of their material was used from public property (Snow White, Hercules, and the Hunchback of Notre Dame to name a few), and now they are doing their very best to make sure no one enjoys Disney for free.
Lets name a few examples to make the horror that is the Disney Law department known throughout the world shall we?
First example:
GummiTarzan (Rubber Tarzan in English) is a Norwegian book written by a Norwegian author. It has no connection in any way shape or form to Disney, or the Disney movie, except ofcourse for the second part of the title.
So when a Norwegian school class wanted to make a scene production of the book of course Disney has to shoot them down. Disney claimed copyright violation and to my better knowledge the play was never performed. Because of the name Tarzan. Which as far as I know Disney doesn't even own. But then again I could be wrong.
I actually met a Disney lawyer once, a Norwegian one, and told her about this. She told me she did not know of this particular case (which I a valid point of course), but that of course they would not be allowed to produce the play of they used any of the songs from the movie. (Mark that I had already told her it was based on a book.) To which I repeated that it was produced on a book and had nothing to do with the movie, music or otherwise.
The only answer she could come up with was to repeat that they could not use the songs.
Example two:
I can't tell you where this took place, but it was probably in the states.
A kindergarten wants nice pictures on the wall. So the kindergarten aunties paint Mickey and Donald and other Disney characters on the walls. How very awful of them, don't you think?
I don't, but Disney did. The not only sued the kindergarten for damages, but also made them take murals down.
I unfortunately can't find the article where I read this, seeing as it happened years ago, but just google "Disney sues kindergarten" and you get no less than 120.000 hits.
Want more of these facts.
Visit here:
The truth about Disney
Mark that I did not write the content of that site, and therefore cannot voach for all of the facts being actual facts.
My point being is Disney is getting too big, and to self righteous. They should be made to understand that they can't control the world.
Also I have no idea how I got from the song to the rantXP
And just one more thing.
When Warner had a similar case on their hands, with a kindergarten paining their characters on the walls, not only did they express that they thought it was cool, they sent some of their own artists to have them paint the walls so that it would look just right. Still think Disney is better?
A movie like that needs no help in being the wonder that it is. Obviously Disney thinks otherwise.
Can someone please explain to me how taking that beautiful, whimsical song and turning into THAT could make it better? (It's the Japanese version first and then the American one after.)
You know, I am really starting to loathe Disney with a passion! Honestly I am starting to detest them down to the deepest reaches of my soul. (Note: I am here talking about the Disney media conglomerate here. Thou many (not all) of the actors and artists they employ may be awful in their own right they are not the ones making Disney the horror that it presents itself as today.)
Not only do they feel the need to control the copyright law, effectively making it so that nothing ever made by Disney will be public property. Ever. This is utter hypocrisy of course, seeing as at least 75% of their material was used from public property (Snow White, Hercules, and the Hunchback of Notre Dame to name a few), and now they are doing their very best to make sure no one enjoys Disney for free.
Lets name a few examples to make the horror that is the Disney Law department known throughout the world shall we?
First example:
GummiTarzan (Rubber Tarzan in English) is a Norwegian book written by a Norwegian author. It has no connection in any way shape or form to Disney, or the Disney movie, except ofcourse for the second part of the title.
So when a Norwegian school class wanted to make a scene production of the book of course Disney has to shoot them down. Disney claimed copyright violation and to my better knowledge the play was never performed. Because of the name Tarzan. Which as far as I know Disney doesn't even own. But then again I could be wrong.
I actually met a Disney lawyer once, a Norwegian one, and told her about this. She told me she did not know of this particular case (which I a valid point of course), but that of course they would not be allowed to produce the play of they used any of the songs from the movie. (Mark that I had already told her it was based on a book.) To which I repeated that it was produced on a book and had nothing to do with the movie, music or otherwise.
The only answer she could come up with was to repeat that they could not use the songs.
Example two:
I can't tell you where this took place, but it was probably in the states.
A kindergarten wants nice pictures on the wall. So the kindergarten aunties paint Mickey and Donald and other Disney characters on the walls. How very awful of them, don't you think?
I don't, but Disney did. The not only sued the kindergarten for damages, but also made them take murals down.
I unfortunately can't find the article where I read this, seeing as it happened years ago, but just google "Disney sues kindergarten" and you get no less than 120.000 hits.
Want more of these facts.
Visit here:
The truth about Disney
Mark that I did not write the content of that site, and therefore cannot voach for all of the facts being actual facts.
My point being is Disney is getting too big, and to self righteous. They should be made to understand that they can't control the world.
Also I have no idea how I got from the song to the rantXP
And just one more thing.
When Warner had a similar case on their hands, with a kindergarten paining their characters on the walls, not only did they express that they thought it was cool, they sent some of their own artists to have them paint the walls so that it would look just right. Still think Disney is better?
Monday, August 31, 2009
Joss Whedon is pure evil!
Yes! Evol I tells ya!!!
Warning! Here be spoilers!!!
So I am watching Angel, right? And the relationship between Doyle and Cordelia is just to sweet and awkward for words, seeing as Doyle is a half demon and he thinks Cordelia loathes men like him, even thou she secretly lusts for him and so on.
And then comes the episode where she finally finds out, and they have a cute little reunion scene, where she tells him it doesn't matter either way "and would you ask me out for dinner already?"
And then there is this super evil half breed killing light thingy, and Doyle figures he needs to be a hero so he kisses Cordelia, and they're all smoochy and stuff, and then he jumps up on the thingamabob to unplug, and of course gets him self killed saving everyone else! What's the deal with Joss Whedon always killing all the cool characters?
I mean Cordelia is kind of cool, but she is girl so we can't kill her, and if she dies I guess Doyle stops being so interesting. And Angel is the holier than thou, broody guy, who just happens to be the main character so we can't kill him either. That only leaves Doyle I guess, but why for Pete's does anyone have to die at all?!
If you should kill anyone, why can't Angel die again? Then we can get a few cool episodes where they try to bring his holiness back, and we could have some Willow action. But noooo, he has to kill the only cool guy in the series.
Yes, I know all the fanatics will probably flame me for saying this, but Angel is an effing boring character, and I am mostly just watching the stupid show because the finacé is making me. It wouldn't even by halfway as interesting without Cordelia, who is the life of the entire show.
I will probably suffer through the rest of the series just so that I can watch Lorne and Drusilla later on.
And one more thing. Why does Joss keep recycling his characters? I mean, I get that he is sad to see them go from Buffy, and some of them are cool, but still. I mean Westley was cool in Buffy and all that, but he is not that cool that he needs to be in a 101 episodes of Angel. Not by my standards anyway. I don't know, he probably evolves (I hope) into and interesting guy.
And then of course there are the characters he just can't bring himself to killing. Like Faith. He apparently has unfinished business with Faith. Well we will just have to see what that evolves into. (She just waked up from the coma.)
Yeah, and I know there is this clause about when a Slayer dies one now one is "activated", but what if she is incapable to slay. Like for instance if she lies in a coma for 8 months, shouldn't a new one get activated? Or is evil to be allowed to reign until she wakes up?
But what do I know. I'm just your stupid audience!
And one more thing? What's the deal with killing Shepherd Book? Or Wash for that matter? Yeah I realize that were probably meant to die in the series as well, but why?
You could just as well kill Inara! Or Kaylee for that matter! But quite honestly if he killed Kaylee (or Willow for that matter) I would never have watched ANYTHING he made past or present EVER again!!!
But I think I will end this rant now, because I can feel myself rambling.
And in case you haven't noticed I get passionate about these kinds of thingsXP I can rant for hours on end. That is part of what makes me adorable I have been toldXP
Nightynight kiddiesXP
Warning! Here be spoilers!!!
So I am watching Angel, right? And the relationship between Doyle and Cordelia is just to sweet and awkward for words, seeing as Doyle is a half demon and he thinks Cordelia loathes men like him, even thou she secretly lusts for him and so on.
And then comes the episode where she finally finds out, and they have a cute little reunion scene, where she tells him it doesn't matter either way "and would you ask me out for dinner already?"
And then there is this super evil half breed killing light thingy, and Doyle figures he needs to be a hero so he kisses Cordelia, and they're all smoochy and stuff, and then he jumps up on the thingamabob to unplug, and of course gets him self killed saving everyone else! What's the deal with Joss Whedon always killing all the cool characters?
I mean Cordelia is kind of cool, but she is girl so we can't kill her, and if she dies I guess Doyle stops being so interesting. And Angel is the holier than thou, broody guy, who just happens to be the main character so we can't kill him either. That only leaves Doyle I guess, but why for Pete's does anyone have to die at all?!
If you should kill anyone, why can't Angel die again? Then we can get a few cool episodes where they try to bring his holiness back, and we could have some Willow action. But noooo, he has to kill the only cool guy in the series.
Yes, I know all the fanatics will probably flame me for saying this, but Angel is an effing boring character, and I am mostly just watching the stupid show because the finacé is making me. It wouldn't even by halfway as interesting without Cordelia, who is the life of the entire show.
I will probably suffer through the rest of the series just so that I can watch Lorne and Drusilla later on.
And one more thing. Why does Joss keep recycling his characters? I mean, I get that he is sad to see them go from Buffy, and some of them are cool, but still. I mean Westley was cool in Buffy and all that, but he is not that cool that he needs to be in a 101 episodes of Angel. Not by my standards anyway. I don't know, he probably evolves (I hope) into and interesting guy.
And then of course there are the characters he just can't bring himself to killing. Like Faith. He apparently has unfinished business with Faith. Well we will just have to see what that evolves into. (She just waked up from the coma.)
Yeah, and I know there is this clause about when a Slayer dies one now one is "activated", but what if she is incapable to slay. Like for instance if she lies in a coma for 8 months, shouldn't a new one get activated? Or is evil to be allowed to reign until she wakes up?
But what do I know. I'm just your stupid audience!
And one more thing? What's the deal with killing Shepherd Book? Or Wash for that matter? Yeah I realize that were probably meant to die in the series as well, but why?
You could just as well kill Inara! Or Kaylee for that matter! But quite honestly if he killed Kaylee (or Willow for that matter) I would never have watched ANYTHING he made past or present EVER again!!!
But I think I will end this rant now, because I can feel myself rambling.
And in case you haven't noticed I get passionate about these kinds of thingsXP I can rant for hours on end. That is part of what makes me adorable I have been toldXP
Nightynight kiddiesXP
Phear my awesome powers of procrastination
Facebook is just too addictive. I have discovered a whole lot of games, the type that needs to be checked on every hour. And when you play about 15 of those games, and they take about 5 min each every hour, you can imagine I can't get any studying done.
I did study for almost three hours yesterday thou, so I'm not shirking completely, but it's less than it should have been.
I'm taking philosophy as a "private student", which basically means no classes for me. I just have to study hard by myself and then I will take an exam this Christmas. And that is hard. I am really rather interested in philosophy, but I started of with Menon, and it's just about the most boring thing I have ever read. It's slowly inching itself toward interesting, but it's slow going. I'd much rather read "Princess Bride".
Which by the way is an awesome book. It's all full of funny phrasings and good jokes. I will do a more complete review once I have finished it. Which would be around Friday I would guess.
And I have this whole chapter in phonology to read by tomorrow. I better get started I think=D
I did study for almost three hours yesterday thou, so I'm not shirking completely, but it's less than it should have been.
I'm taking philosophy as a "private student", which basically means no classes for me. I just have to study hard by myself and then I will take an exam this Christmas. And that is hard. I am really rather interested in philosophy, but I started of with Menon, and it's just about the most boring thing I have ever read. It's slowly inching itself toward interesting, but it's slow going. I'd much rather read "Princess Bride".
Which by the way is an awesome book. It's all full of funny phrasings and good jokes. I will do a more complete review once I have finished it. Which would be around Friday I would guess.
And I have this whole chapter in phonology to read by tomorrow. I better get started I think=D
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I am such a good girl>.<
So I went to my first lecture today. Angst is such a sucky thing, which is why I kind of started going a little late. But on the plus side, this was the first day of lectures for this particular subject, so I haven't missed anything.
I almost didn't go thou, I had not read the lesson plan thoroughly enough, so I showed up an hour early. And I was convinced I had the wrong day and that it was yesterday or something, but I called mom and she told me the reason why there was no-one there, so I went a got myself some coffee and waited until they started.
And I have come to the conclusion that archive theory is a whole lot of fun^^,
I have no idea why, and the funny thing was that it was actually kind of boring for the first two periods.It did not get any interesting until they started talking about the proper way to write a qualifying paper. (Yeah I have to qualify to take the exam.) And then there was archive law which was also fun. (Go figure)
I think the actual reason why the first two periods were boring was mostly that the teacher had next to no volume to his voice, so it was difficult to hear him. That, plus he droned. His voice was like white noise, the exact same volume (low) all the time, and no enthusiasm at all. And that is just the thing, when the teacher sounds bored, I get bored, and it gets impossible to pay attention. Plus the history of archiving is (or seems to be, what I can remember) boring.
I got two periods of archiving tomorrow as well, or I have three, but I have exfac (basically a subject designed to prepare you for the line of study which you have chosen, so language theory in my case) at the same time as one of the archiving classes, so I chose exfac.
I'm guessing nothing of this is way to interesting, so I am gonna stop nowXP
But, hey, it's my blog, so I will write about whatever I pleaseXP
I'll probably geek out tomorrow about language theory. Which I have been reading about to make up for my lost classes, and it's really interesting. We are apparently doing phonetics, and I have been spending all my commuting time trying out which sounds corresponds to what in the phonetic alphabet and where my tongue goes when I pronounce said sounds. And I have probably been driving all my fellow commuters insane, what with the tiny little noises I must have been making.XP
Anywho that would be for tomorrowXP
I need to study (read: watch more BuffyXP)
Night my dahlings=D
I almost didn't go thou, I had not read the lesson plan thoroughly enough, so I showed up an hour early. And I was convinced I had the wrong day and that it was yesterday or something, but I called mom and she told me the reason why there was no-one there, so I went a got myself some coffee and waited until they started.
And I have come to the conclusion that archive theory is a whole lot of fun^^,
I have no idea why, and the funny thing was that it was actually kind of boring for the first two periods.It did not get any interesting until they started talking about the proper way to write a qualifying paper. (Yeah I have to qualify to take the exam.) And then there was archive law which was also fun. (Go figure)
I think the actual reason why the first two periods were boring was mostly that the teacher had next to no volume to his voice, so it was difficult to hear him. That, plus he droned. His voice was like white noise, the exact same volume (low) all the time, and no enthusiasm at all. And that is just the thing, when the teacher sounds bored, I get bored, and it gets impossible to pay attention. Plus the history of archiving is (or seems to be, what I can remember) boring.
I got two periods of archiving tomorrow as well, or I have three, but I have exfac (basically a subject designed to prepare you for the line of study which you have chosen, so language theory in my case) at the same time as one of the archiving classes, so I chose exfac.
I'm guessing nothing of this is way to interesting, so I am gonna stop nowXP
But, hey, it's my blog, so I will write about whatever I pleaseXP
I'll probably geek out tomorrow about language theory. Which I have been reading about to make up for my lost classes, and it's really interesting. We are apparently doing phonetics, and I have been spending all my commuting time trying out which sounds corresponds to what in the phonetic alphabet and where my tongue goes when I pronounce said sounds. And I have probably been driving all my fellow commuters insane, what with the tiny little noises I must have been making.XP
Anywho that would be for tomorrowXP
I need to study (read: watch more BuffyXP)
Night my dahlings=D
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Ponyo on the cliff by the sea
I went to see Ponyo on the cliff by the sea yesterday.
It was seriously the most adorable movie ever. It's an adaptation of the "little mermaid", the real version by HC Andersen, not the sappy Disney version. And yet it was it's all new story, with a lige of it's own.
What happens is that this little boy Sosuke finds a little fish by the sea, trapped in a jar. And he takes her home and names her Ponyo. But Ponyo gets "eaten" by the sea, and taken back to her father, and there comes the moral rolling in, about the humans and how they destroy the sea and the nature.
But Ponyo loves Sosuke, and wants to become human and stay with him.
This is the first movie Studio Ghibli have made for years without the use of computer animation. It's actually made the old fashion way with animation cells, and as a result the animation style was very simplistic. And absolutely stunning! They had these pastel backgrounds that were absolutely gorgeous.
One thing that Studio Ghibli is very good at is portraying young children, both visually, with all the little movements like little children do, and their mentality. They have many such young characters, like Mei from Tonari no Totori, and they are always excellently portrayed.
Ponyo was the kind of movie that made me all warm and fuzzy on the inside, and I stayed that way for quite some time. It was sweet without being sappy, and portrayed simple love between children without being naive. I loved it, and I am thinking of seing it again, when they show it in the movies for real and they will have it with the original Japanese voices. Norwegian dubs are very good, but the Norwegian names were a bit distractingXP
It was seriously the most adorable movie ever. It's an adaptation of the "little mermaid", the real version by HC Andersen, not the sappy Disney version. And yet it was it's all new story, with a lige of it's own.
What happens is that this little boy Sosuke finds a little fish by the sea, trapped in a jar. And he takes her home and names her Ponyo. But Ponyo gets "eaten" by the sea, and taken back to her father, and there comes the moral rolling in, about the humans and how they destroy the sea and the nature.
But Ponyo loves Sosuke, and wants to become human and stay with him.
This is the first movie Studio Ghibli have made for years without the use of computer animation. It's actually made the old fashion way with animation cells, and as a result the animation style was very simplistic. And absolutely stunning! They had these pastel backgrounds that were absolutely gorgeous.
One thing that Studio Ghibli is very good at is portraying young children, both visually, with all the little movements like little children do, and their mentality. They have many such young characters, like Mei from Tonari no Totori, and they are always excellently portrayed.
Ponyo was the kind of movie that made me all warm and fuzzy on the inside, and I stayed that way for quite some time. It was sweet without being sappy, and portrayed simple love between children without being naive. I loved it, and I am thinking of seing it again, when they show it in the movies for real and they will have it with the original Japanese voices. Norwegian dubs are very good, but the Norwegian names were a bit distractingXP
Friday, August 21, 2009
Stupid everything
Stupid pollen. Stupid head cold. Stupid weather that can't decide if it wants to be hot or cold. Stupid everything!
So I have a cold. And it's a cold, I don't run a fever, so it's not the swine flu. But I have a cough, and then because of the stupid pollen, I have got an itchy, runny nose. And I felt so crappy this morning that I had to miss school today, and we were supposed to learn about phonetics and I have read the chapter and it's really interesting, and the the world sucks big time right now.
But I have my language science book and Buffy, so I'll be fine.
*going to bed with her book*
So I have a cold. And it's a cold, I don't run a fever, so it's not the swine flu. But I have a cough, and then because of the stupid pollen, I have got an itchy, runny nose. And I felt so crappy this morning that I had to miss school today, and we were supposed to learn about phonetics and I have read the chapter and it's really interesting, and the the world sucks big time right now.
But I have my language science book and Buffy, so I'll be fine.
*going to bed with her book*
Thursday, August 20, 2009
First week of school. AlmostXP
So school started this week. I didn't get into Japanse, but I am taking some classes to tide me over until I can try again next yearXP Namely the ones I'll have to take next year anyway.
I am taking a philosophy class, and one study technique class, and for kicks I am taking an archiving class, like how to preserve book and records and suchXD
I went to buy school supplies yesterday. I bought a new back pack, baby pink with Hello Kitty on itXD Yeah, I know I'm 21, but I love pink and I love Hello Kitty, and it just as well that any potential new friends I might make learn who I am straight away.XD
I also bought a fake leather filofax. It's all nice and black and smooth and purdy=D=D And I can buy whatever dayplaner to go in I want, and that is plus=D I have bought a pack of to-do lists to go in it, 'cos I like to make lists of what needs to be done, so that I don't forget anything.
I also spent half a fortune on a new winter coat. Lolita style=D=D It's black with little white trimmings and white lace. All purdy. I love it=D
I'm going to buy my school books today. I must say I do not look forward to looking at the price tags. School books are expensive...O.o
Winter is coming. I'm already having my first cold. But I don't have a fever, so at least it's a cold and not the swine fluXP
But with it comes cold and dark and snow. None of which I like.
Also the motocycle season is almost over=( I don't have one myself, but my dad does, and uses it to drive me to the train after I have been visiting my parents. It's such a treat^^, I have a suspicion that one of the reason he has been driving me to the train so much lately is that he loves riding his bike so much thouXP But it's really fun, and he is such a steady driver, but I must admit that round abouts is a bit scary, what with the leaning over and such.XD
He drove me to the bus yesterday thou, and a bumblebee flew down the front of my jacket, that was a little freaky. It did not bite or burn or whatever they do thou. I think it was early-fall-groggy, like most insects get. Mostly it was just soft and fluffy, like a little ball of cotton=D
I'm gonna finish eating my breakfast now, and then do some tidying, before I meet L to buy books^^,
I am taking a philosophy class, and one study technique class, and for kicks I am taking an archiving class, like how to preserve book and records and suchXD
I went to buy school supplies yesterday. I bought a new back pack, baby pink with Hello Kitty on itXD Yeah, I know I'm 21, but I love pink and I love Hello Kitty, and it just as well that any potential new friends I might make learn who I am straight away.XD
I also bought a fake leather filofax. It's all nice and black and smooth and purdy=D=D And I can buy whatever dayplaner to go in I want, and that is plus=D I have bought a pack of to-do lists to go in it, 'cos I like to make lists of what needs to be done, so that I don't forget anything.
I also spent half a fortune on a new winter coat. Lolita style=D=D It's black with little white trimmings and white lace. All purdy. I love it=D
I'm going to buy my school books today. I must say I do not look forward to looking at the price tags. School books are expensive...O.o
Winter is coming. I'm already having my first cold. But I don't have a fever, so at least it's a cold and not the swine fluXP
But with it comes cold and dark and snow. None of which I like.
Also the motocycle season is almost over=( I don't have one myself, but my dad does, and uses it to drive me to the train after I have been visiting my parents. It's such a treat^^, I have a suspicion that one of the reason he has been driving me to the train so much lately is that he loves riding his bike so much thouXP But it's really fun, and he is such a steady driver, but I must admit that round abouts is a bit scary, what with the leaning over and such.XD
He drove me to the bus yesterday thou, and a bumblebee flew down the front of my jacket, that was a little freaky. It did not bite or burn or whatever they do thou. I think it was early-fall-groggy, like most insects get. Mostly it was just soft and fluffy, like a little ball of cotton=D
I'm gonna finish eating my breakfast now, and then do some tidying, before I meet L to buy books^^,
Saturday, August 15, 2009
DR. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Does anyone remember the big tv- and movie-writes strike? (can't remember the time right now)
Does anyone know who Joss Whedon is?
Anyone? No? He's the writer of such amazing shows as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly. And when the strike was going he had nothing to do. So what does one of the most awesome men alive do? He writes a musical!!!
This is the trailer for it, and yeah I know I'm a year late in reporting this awesome piece of awesome, but if you haven't seen it yet just go on youtube and type Dr. Horrible in the search box. It's 6 videos, under an hour long put together, and chuck full of awesome. (really need to find another adjective...XP)
How did I just now find out about this you ask? Well I was having one of my semi-regular "Once More with Feeling" hypes, and fiancé told me about this Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, and I have spent the last hour gawking over Nathan Fillion's hawtness *fangirl squeel*
And just in case you are not in the know, "Once More with Feeling" is one of the two episodes from Buffy which got an Emmy. (The other one being "Hush" which is one of the creepiest things ever being shown on TV.) And it's a musical episode, and it has dancing and singing, and kissing and sing and dancing. *fangirl squeel*
And if you have not seen it you just let me know and I will plot you down in front of my projector screen and show it to you. Complete with the mandatory singing along by your's truly. This is not valid if you are my one reader residing in Singapore^^, (I've got this statistics feature from my adbox, and it told me I have a reader in Singapore. How awesome is that? And if you come to Norway sometime this does apply to you as wellXD)
Does anyone know who Joss Whedon is?
Anyone? No? He's the writer of such amazing shows as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly. And when the strike was going he had nothing to do. So what does one of the most awesome men alive do? He writes a musical!!!
This is the trailer for it, and yeah I know I'm a year late in reporting this awesome piece of awesome, but if you haven't seen it yet just go on youtube and type Dr. Horrible in the search box. It's 6 videos, under an hour long put together, and chuck full of awesome. (really need to find another adjective...XP)
How did I just now find out about this you ask? Well I was having one of my semi-regular "Once More with Feeling" hypes, and fiancé told me about this Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, and I have spent the last hour gawking over Nathan Fillion's hawtness *fangirl squeel*
And just in case you are not in the know, "Once More with Feeling" is one of the two episodes from Buffy which got an Emmy. (The other one being "Hush" which is one of the creepiest things ever being shown on TV.) And it's a musical episode, and it has dancing and singing, and kissing and sing and dancing. *fangirl squeel*
And if you have not seen it you just let me know and I will plot you down in front of my projector screen and show it to you. Complete with the mandatory singing along by your's truly. This is not valid if you are my one reader residing in Singapore^^, (I've got this statistics feature from my adbox, and it told me I have a reader in Singapore. How awesome is that? And if you come to Norway sometime this does apply to you as wellXD)
Monday, August 10, 2009
Okey, I'm gonna be mean now. Sorry
I am soooo happy that my parents understand how to use a computer, and that I don't have to teach them!!!! If you read this mom and/or dad: Thank you for not needing me to teach you how to use your computer.
My mother in law lives almost 4 hours away by car, smack in the middle of no-where, and she has just started to learn how to use a computer. And the only one to help her understand how is me and fiancé, which we do over the phone.
There has been maybe a month since I had her on the phone yelling because the hunk of junk did not work, and there was nothing on the screen, and she had plugged everything in right, and why wasn't it working? It took me freakin' 15 minutes to get her to understand that she needed an electricity cord for the screen, and the reason the "box" was blinking and nothing showed up on the screen was because the screen had no power. *facepalm*
I just now spent just about as much time trying to explain the concept of a scroll bar. And she is kind of stubborn and need to be force fed information. *headdesk*
And the most frustrating thing about the whole ordeal is that she is by no means an unintelligent woman, she just has a hard time understanding computers. And the frustration is doubled by the fact that we don't have all the facts, because she doesn't know, and sometimes don't understand when we try to explain, how or where to get them. And trying to explain something as visual as computers over the phone is hard.
My hat of to all of you people in technical support. I seriously salute you. You do an amazing job! I could not have done what you do.
And thanks again to my parents, who already know computers and don't need me to teach you. Just one more among the gazillion reasons I love you!XD
My mother in law lives almost 4 hours away by car, smack in the middle of no-where, and she has just started to learn how to use a computer. And the only one to help her understand how is me and fiancé, which we do over the phone.
There has been maybe a month since I had her on the phone yelling because the hunk of junk did not work, and there was nothing on the screen, and she had plugged everything in right, and why wasn't it working? It took me freakin' 15 minutes to get her to understand that she needed an electricity cord for the screen, and the reason the "box" was blinking and nothing showed up on the screen was because the screen had no power. *facepalm*
I just now spent just about as much time trying to explain the concept of a scroll bar. And she is kind of stubborn and need to be force fed information. *headdesk*
And the most frustrating thing about the whole ordeal is that she is by no means an unintelligent woman, she just has a hard time understanding computers. And the frustration is doubled by the fact that we don't have all the facts, because she doesn't know, and sometimes don't understand when we try to explain, how or where to get them. And trying to explain something as visual as computers over the phone is hard.
My hat of to all of you people in technical support. I seriously salute you. You do an amazing job! I could not have done what you do.
And thanks again to my parents, who already know computers and don't need me to teach you. Just one more among the gazillion reasons I love you!XD
I've bought book that I can readO.o
I have bought Japanese books for reading practise. Japanese Graded Readers: Level 1
to be exact. Not the exact one you get to when you click that link but the same series and level.
And the most awesome thing about it? I understand about 90% of what I have read so far=D=D
It's children's books, but I have read an awful lot of children's books in Japanese where I understand nothing. I buy the occasional über-cheap manga magazine at my local Japan-shop, but in those I understand maybe one speech box once in a blue moon.
I have only started to read one of them, and it's about a little girl in a big house who is all alone, and her parents talk only to eachother. And then one day the little girl and her mother moves into a tiny apartment, and then there is something about a boy.
If you would like to read some of these books, you can of course buy them through my nifty referral link *insert more shameless advertising here*, or you can read my Japanese Lessons, where I plan to post at least some of it as reading practise for all my students^^,
Oh! And if anyone can draw, I have been thinking about doing a tiny one strip manga as reading practice, but I can't draw. Please help me?
And the most awesome thing about it? I understand about 90% of what I have read so far=D=D
It's children's books, but I have read an awful lot of children's books in Japanese where I understand nothing. I buy the occasional über-cheap manga magazine at my local Japan-shop, but in those I understand maybe one speech box once in a blue moon.
I have only started to read one of them, and it's about a little girl in a big house who is all alone, and her parents talk only to eachother. And then one day the little girl and her mother moves into a tiny apartment, and then there is something about a boy.
If you would like to read some of these books, you can of course buy them through my nifty referral link *insert more shameless advertising here*, or you can read my Japanese Lessons, where I plan to post at least some of it as reading practise for all my students^^,
Oh! And if anyone can draw, I have been thinking about doing a tiny one strip manga as reading practice, but I can't draw. Please help me?
Thursday, August 6, 2009
My cat will be toothless
Remember I told you about my kitty was with vet last week, to check his teeth? Well he has to pull them all, so my Bamse will be toothlessXP
He apparently has a disease called FORL, which literally eats the teeth, and to which pulling them is the only treatment. It's gonna cost us craploads of money, but he can have a long happy life without them, and I need him alive, because I love him to bits, and I can't bear to put him down, which was the only option to pulling all his teeth.
So, we are gonna save all we can, and pay to have him treated. We had the first leg of the treatment today, and right now he is groggy and a bit frightened. The first thing he did when I let him out of the travelcage, him ran right under the bed to hide. We have managed to fish him out, and right now he is lying on him cuddly spot resting.
Now, usually I advocate not trying to cling on to your pets if they are hurting, but the vet guaranteed me that he will have a happy life without teeth. Fiancé have kept life in cats to long for my liking before, and it hurt me to watch them suffer. But I was guaranteed that we be happy, and when he stops being happy I will cry, but I will put him down.
I was so happy when it turned out he has a disease, because I couldn't understand how it happened that all his teeth were rotting and his gums were sick. You see, one of the symptoms of tooth disease is bad breath, and he hasn't had that. He is always up in my face to get cuddles when I go to bed, so I would have noticed. We had noticed that he was getting a bit on the thin side, but only in the past month or so, which was when we starting thinking about taking him to the vet, but we gave him soft foods and he plumped right back up again. But then I read about tooth and gum disease, and I decided to ignore his struggles (he panics big time) and check, and his gums were all red, so we took him to the vet. But we didn't know just how bad it was until today. But he has a disease, so it isn't my fault. He has only gotten dry foods, to prevent rotting of the teeth, and he has gotten tidbits with a toothbrush effect, but apparently none of this has helped. I am seriously contemplating getting tooth care food for our cats, so that problems like this will be minimized in the future.
Anywho, he will be fine. And he will be happy. And I love him.=j
He apparently has a disease called FORL, which literally eats the teeth, and to which pulling them is the only treatment. It's gonna cost us craploads of money, but he can have a long happy life without them, and I need him alive, because I love him to bits, and I can't bear to put him down, which was the only option to pulling all his teeth.
So, we are gonna save all we can, and pay to have him treated. We had the first leg of the treatment today, and right now he is groggy and a bit frightened. The first thing he did when I let him out of the travelcage, him ran right under the bed to hide. We have managed to fish him out, and right now he is lying on him cuddly spot resting.
Now, usually I advocate not trying to cling on to your pets if they are hurting, but the vet guaranteed me that he will have a happy life without teeth. Fiancé have kept life in cats to long for my liking before, and it hurt me to watch them suffer. But I was guaranteed that we be happy, and when he stops being happy I will cry, but I will put him down.
I was so happy when it turned out he has a disease, because I couldn't understand how it happened that all his teeth were rotting and his gums were sick. You see, one of the symptoms of tooth disease is bad breath, and he hasn't had that. He is always up in my face to get cuddles when I go to bed, so I would have noticed. We had noticed that he was getting a bit on the thin side, but only in the past month or so, which was when we starting thinking about taking him to the vet, but we gave him soft foods and he plumped right back up again. But then I read about tooth and gum disease, and I decided to ignore his struggles (he panics big time) and check, and his gums were all red, so we took him to the vet. But we didn't know just how bad it was until today. But he has a disease, so it isn't my fault. He has only gotten dry foods, to prevent rotting of the teeth, and he has gotten tidbits with a toothbrush effect, but apparently none of this has helped. I am seriously contemplating getting tooth care food for our cats, so that problems like this will be minimized in the future.
Anywho, he will be fine. And he will be happy. And I love him.=j
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A coincidence? I think not!
I've been religiously telling all my friends to watch Kröd Mandoon. Which is sort of a Robin Hood type parody, and you all have to see it because it is hilarious.
Anywho, there is a pagan warrior girl in this series named Aneka. If any of my readers resided in the UK in 81 (and was above the age of ten) this probably strike you as funny. Well, I wasn't even born in 81, so I just realized this.
The beautiful pagan warrior girl is named after this one hit wonder:
A coincidence? I think not!
For referance, this is Aneka the warrior:
(And it is NOT SAFE FOR WORK!!! But you had to see it. Mark how the clothing keeps appearing and dissapearing. Can you say annoying?)
An no, it's not a (terribly) indecent series, but she is a pagan, and she is a little bit indecent, and it's all part of a ritual this thing.XD
Anywho, there is a pagan warrior girl in this series named Aneka. If any of my readers resided in the UK in 81 (and was above the age of ten) this probably strike you as funny. Well, I wasn't even born in 81, so I just realized this.
The beautiful pagan warrior girl is named after this one hit wonder:
A coincidence? I think not!
For referance, this is Aneka the warrior:
(And it is NOT SAFE FOR WORK!!! But you had to see it. Mark how the clothing keeps appearing and dissapearing. Can you say annoying?)
An no, it's not a (terribly) indecent series, but she is a pagan, and she is a little bit indecent, and it's all part of a ritual this thing.XD
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Poor kitty
I'm taking fiancé's kitty to the vet to get his teeth fixed today. And we have just put him in the cage and are waiting for my dad to come pick us up. His name is Bamse, (translated: teddy bear), and he is a wonderful, cuddly, and a bit slow kitty. And right now he is hysteric, tossing around inside the cage and screaming, and it hurts me so much, because he is so scared and he will be scared of us for a long time. I just want to let him out, but he has gotten an infection in his gums, and we have to take him, or he might die, 'cos he nearly doesn't eat. And it will be much better for him afterwards, but right now, my heart bleeds for him.
Okey, deep breath. It will soon be over
Okey, deep breath. It will soon be over
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The Peanuts
I never realized that W (the former duo of Ai Kago and Nozomi Tsuji) did coversongs, but doesn't these songs sound familiar to you too...?
And I suddenly realized why this W song always sounded like the eighties on speed to me, 'cos this is the original, from the eighties O.o
And I suddenly realized why this W song always sounded like the eighties on speed to me, 'cos this is the original, from the eighties O.o
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Gutenberg Project
Title-link peeps^^,
I discovered, or rather fiancé showed me, a little project which calls itself the Gutenberg Project. And what this project does is releasing books that has gone out of copyright. And they've got so much cool books, I've downloaded over 300 books over the last couple of days. They have everything from the all the books from the OZ series, to turn of the century needlepoint books. How awesome is that? It's mostly in English, but some German and Dutch and French, and I found one in Chinese=D
You can download all the books in HTML, but you should really have a reader, and MobiPocket is free. It's easy to use, and you can have pictures in it, and it sorts everything you import into it for you. And you can buy books of the website too, they have a Classic Literature compilation with over 3000 (or so they say) works for the small price of $20, which is cheap, but of course not as cheap as downloading them for free from the Gutenberg ProjectXD
I'm gonna go read Wuthering Heights now=D=D
I discovered, or rather fiancé showed me, a little project which calls itself the Gutenberg Project. And what this project does is releasing books that has gone out of copyright. And they've got so much cool books, I've downloaded over 300 books over the last couple of days. They have everything from the all the books from the OZ series, to turn of the century needlepoint books. How awesome is that? It's mostly in English, but some German and Dutch and French, and I found one in Chinese=D
You can download all the books in HTML, but you should really have a reader, and MobiPocket is free. It's easy to use, and you can have pictures in it, and it sorts everything you import into it for you. And you can buy books of the website too, they have a Classic Literature compilation with over 3000 (or so they say) works for the small price of $20, which is cheap, but of course not as cheap as downloading them for free from the Gutenberg ProjectXD
I'm gonna go read Wuthering Heights now=D=D
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I found, I found
Haunted Island by ~TomPreston on deviantART
I found this really cool comic artist on DA. Or rather, he got a DD and I went to look at his site, and he had tons of cool stuff.
The poor man keeps getting DDs for the wrong stuff thou, for his fan art and the work he doesn't think is the best himself. So I'm doing a feature blog to feature the art I like=D
The above strip is from a pirate comic he does, and I want one bad. I can't really figure out his site, so I'm not sure if he does it online, but you can buy it on Amazon. And I really want it. The Adventures of Alex Ze Pirate
And then he does this series:
Welcome to the Jungle by ~TomPreston on deviantART
Which seems so funny. I want that on too: Formera Volume 1
I would not be displease if you bought them for meXP
He also does great fan-art=D
Easter Bunnies by ~TomPreston on deviantART
Aren't they cute.
You should all totally click on images and go to his DeviantArt account=D=D You're in for a treat if you do=D=D
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The return of Ai Kago
Now, I don't usually give an horse's **** about the personal life of any star, or the inner workings of any group, causing me rather often to miss the release date of new albums and causing me to miss Kaizers Orchestra's new album entirely (it was only available for a week. Stupid band)
Anywho, I suddenly got an impulse to read the Wikipedia entry of Miss Ai Kago, who is formerly one half of the J-pop group W, and I discovered that she has released a solo single under a month ago.
I actually really liked it. She was cute and all when she was in W, but eventually you grow tired of candyfloss, and I love her new grown up look and sound.
She looks like she has gotten through her troubles very well, and even thou it has been rough going for her she seems to be doing well now and that is so nice=D=D (she was kicked out of Hello! project for smoking and being involved with an older man, which I find weird, seeing as the age of sexual consent in Japan is somewhere between 13 and 18 depending on where you reside, I think is was the fact that he was older then her, even thou she was 18, and the legal, at the time)
I also discovered that she has written book, which I will have to buy when I am in Japan=D
I think it's nice that she has gotten her career up and running again, because she actually has talent, and not all the Hello! project girls do.
I do however understand fully her need to rebel, she has been a star, under close watch and curfew since she was admitted into Hello! project at the age of twelwe. She has never had freedom over her life, and the Japanese media is insane, picking on every little thing and digging through pasts over a low threshold. I would go perfectly insane.
You think the Disney girls has it hard? If pictures like the ones of Miley Cyrus would be leaked, not only would their career be destroyed entirely, their entire lives would be ruined and they would be totally shunned. So I understand her. Poor girl...
Anywho, I suddenly got an impulse to read the Wikipedia entry of Miss Ai Kago, who is formerly one half of the J-pop group W, and I discovered that she has released a solo single under a month ago.
I actually really liked it. She was cute and all when she was in W, but eventually you grow tired of candyfloss, and I love her new grown up look and sound.
She looks like she has gotten through her troubles very well, and even thou it has been rough going for her she seems to be doing well now and that is so nice=D=D (she was kicked out of Hello! project for smoking and being involved with an older man, which I find weird, seeing as the age of sexual consent in Japan is somewhere between 13 and 18 depending on where you reside, I think is was the fact that he was older then her, even thou she was 18, and the legal, at the time)
I also discovered that she has written book, which I will have to buy when I am in Japan=D
I think it's nice that she has gotten her career up and running again, because she actually has talent, and not all the Hello! project girls do.
I do however understand fully her need to rebel, she has been a star, under close watch and curfew since she was admitted into Hello! project at the age of twelwe. She has never had freedom over her life, and the Japanese media is insane, picking on every little thing and digging through pasts over a low threshold. I would go perfectly insane.
You think the Disney girls has it hard? If pictures like the ones of Miley Cyrus would be leaked, not only would their career be destroyed entirely, their entire lives would be ruined and they would be totally shunned. So I understand her. Poor girl...
Monday, July 13, 2009
Con artist coming my way^^,
I am so exited right now. I got a membership for FuzzAcademy from Tante Slem for my birthday, and then the site went down for reworking and decided to give us Premium member refunds.
Which I used to buy Con Artists
. This wonderful volume collects all the comic strips ever made featuring the Pirate, even some not found online.
If you are now wondering who the Pirate is you need to read Jennie Breeden's webcomic "Devil's Panties". (It's not satanic porn. Promise^^,) It's one of the most awesome webcomics there is, and the amazing Jen updates every single day, sometimes even with two strips. You should read the "what not to say in the bedroom"-strips, pure genius^^,
Anywho, the Pirate is the most awesome character in this comic full of awesome^^, Oh! and Jesus. In the very earliest strips she has conversations with Jesus, and he is so awesome=D
In a couple of weeks it will land nicely in my mailbox, and I will get to read all the strips. *jumps up and down in exitement*
Which I used to buy Con Artists
If you are now wondering who the Pirate is you need to read Jennie Breeden's webcomic "Devil's Panties". (It's not satanic porn. Promise^^,) It's one of the most awesome webcomics there is, and the amazing Jen updates every single day, sometimes even with two strips. You should read the "what not to say in the bedroom"-strips, pure genius^^,
Anywho, the Pirate is the most awesome character in this comic full of awesome^^, Oh! and Jesus. In the very earliest strips she has conversations with Jesus, and he is so awesome=D
In a couple of weeks it will land nicely in my mailbox, and I will get to read all the strips. *jumps up and down in exitement*
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Gah! Stupid TV channel executives
I have written this rant before, and if you're not interested I suggest you don't read on through. It's the famous "Why on earth did they cancel this awesome tv-show?!"-rant.
The show of the hour is Dark Angel
. Otherwise known as the series where Jessica Alba (known from such movies as Sin City and the Fantastic Four series) got her first real break.
The stupid FOX channel cancelled this awesome series to make room for Firefly. Which would have been okey, except that they did not even run Firefly for one season! So they cancel one totally awesome series on a freakin' cliffhanger, just to film 13 episodes of another totally awesome series, and not even showing them in the correct order or showing all of them!
Only differnce with this series is I knew it would end on a cliffhanger when I started watching it. And it got a series of books to tell the rest of the story, so now I just got to get a hold of them.
But I mean, come on! Why on earth do they have to keep doing this? Take Moonlight for example (yeah, I am always gonna rant on Moonlight!), one of the awesomest vampire series to ever be made, and it did really well, and had a great following. Only that the following consisted of the wrong people. We were not the target audience of the stupid channel! I am sooooo sorry CBS, that I am the wrong age or sex or race or whatever! Gah!
I am tired of being the TV channels effing product! Because you all realize this right? We are not their costumer, we are their product. In effect the stupid TV networks sell us as consumers to their advertisers using their TV-shows as bait, which they cancel if they attract the wrong product.
I want to be your audience, not your product! I want you to make your content to suit the people who watch you, and to base the continuation of your TV-vseries on whether or not it attracts a lot of people, not if it attracts the right people to suit tour advertisers. I am your consumer! Make your content to suit us damnit!
This is why I love books. Books are written as long as they sell, or as long as there are a story to tell, not as long as they are read by the right people.
Gah! Stupid TV networks!
/rant over
Thank you for reading=j
The show of the hour is Dark Angel
The stupid FOX channel cancelled this awesome series to make room for Firefly. Which would have been okey, except that they did not even run Firefly for one season! So they cancel one totally awesome series on a freakin' cliffhanger, just to film 13 episodes of another totally awesome series, and not even showing them in the correct order or showing all of them!
Only differnce with this series is I knew it would end on a cliffhanger when I started watching it. And it got a series of books to tell the rest of the story, so now I just got to get a hold of them.
But I mean, come on! Why on earth do they have to keep doing this? Take Moonlight for example (yeah, I am always gonna rant on Moonlight!), one of the awesomest vampire series to ever be made, and it did really well, and had a great following. Only that the following consisted of the wrong people. We were not the target audience of the stupid channel! I am sooooo sorry CBS, that I am the wrong age or sex or race or whatever! Gah!
I am tired of being the TV channels effing product! Because you all realize this right? We are not their costumer, we are their product. In effect the stupid TV networks sell us as consumers to their advertisers using their TV-shows as bait, which they cancel if they attract the wrong product.
I want to be your audience, not your product! I want you to make your content to suit the people who watch you, and to base the continuation of your TV-vseries on whether or not it attracts a lot of people, not if it attracts the right people to suit tour advertisers. I am your consumer! Make your content to suit us damnit!
This is why I love books. Books are written as long as they sell, or as long as there are a story to tell, not as long as they are read by the right people.
Gah! Stupid TV networks!
/rant over
Thank you for reading=j
Monday, June 22, 2009
I forgot yesterday
I read over my post from yesterday, I realized I forgot to tell you all about having my Pocky stolen. So I stood talking with one of the girls I went to Berlin with that I had met by chance at SoraCon, and then this little asian girl start walking straight at me. I stand there wondering if I knew her, because she walked so straight at me, but I didn't. She stops right in front of me, and takes the half-eaten Pocky I was eating out of my hand and walkes away with it. I was so stunned I didn't know what to say. I certainly did not think to tell her I have a really nasty cold which I am almost well from, but that she will most certainly catch^^,
Had she asked she would have gotten a brand new, germ free Pocky^^,
If you don't know what Pocky is, it's Japanese candy (obviously). It's chocolate covered pretzel sticks. Here's a little Pocky commercial for you. They are all really weird like this^^,
Had she asked she would have gotten a brand new, germ free Pocky^^,
If you don't know what Pocky is, it's Japanese candy (obviously). It's chocolate covered pretzel sticks. Here's a little Pocky commercial for you. They are all really weird like this^^,
You get them in many flavours, my favorites are Strawberry and Milk^^, You can even get gourmet ones, with chocolate mousse and what not^^,
You can take a look/buy some over at the Sweet Kitty store. It's really tasty^^,
I am going to get addicted to instant miso. I love miso soup with tofu. I really shouldn't eat it, 'cos I'm a bit allergic soya, but I think I will try to desensivitize myself. It's just so yummy^^, And it's insant. A perfect quick snack^^, More nutritional than insant noodles anyway^^,
Word of the Day:
盗む - nusumu - to steal
You can take a look/buy some over at the Sweet Kitty store. It's really tasty^^,
I am going to get addicted to instant miso. I love miso soup with tofu. I really shouldn't eat it, 'cos I'm a bit allergic soya, but I think I will try to desensivitize myself. It's just so yummy^^, And it's insant. A perfect quick snack^^, More nutritional than insant noodles anyway^^,
Word of the Day:
盗む - nusumu - to steal
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