Monday, November 23, 2009

Mary and Max, and Ip Man

No clickable title today, since I saw two movies. There will be clickables in the reviews thou.

So I saw Mary and Max today.
It's an animated movie about a little girl in Australia who picks a name at random from a New Your phonebook, and writes that man a letter, and the man who receives the letter.
Visually it's gorgeous, the little details they have put into their models (it's stop motion. You know, like Nightmare Before Christmas and Wallace and Gromit) is simply amazing. The movie is in two colour schemes, New York is grey, and Australia is sephia, and then you have certain bright colours, like red lipstick, and a red pompom, and that makes the story that much more real.
They use a lot of time describing things, like colours and smells, and that also contributes to make the movie feel real, because that's the sort of thing people notice in the back of their heads, and that is very much a part of life.
The humour in this movie is very dark (as you can see in the trailer), and at some points it is very sad, but it is very sweet.
I will show you the trailer now:

And then I saw Ip Man (it's not i-p like in ip address, it's a chinese name, it is Ip Man, not I-p Man), which is very loosely based on the life of Yip Man, a very renounced martial arts master, who have trained among others Bruce Lee.
This is a martial arts movie, which means that if the fight scenes annoy you, you won't enjoy it, seeing as about 75% of the movie was fight scenes. Also, in classic martial arts movie style it just ended, there was the last great big climaxy battle between the two masters and then it ended. Just like that. You got a nice little picture montage of what happened after, but I was left with the distinct feeling that it ended in the middle of the best part.
The battle scenes were awesome, and mostly realistic, which was a nice change from the wire-fu movies we have been getting to Norway the last few years. ( I say mostly, because there were some quite unrealistic throwing of people across rooms with a punch in the chest and things like thatXP
All in all I liked it^^,
Now for the trailer and a little clip of Ip Man beating 10 Japanese black belts to give you an impression of the fight scenes^^,

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