I have written this rant before, and if you're not interested I suggest you don't read on through. It's the famous "Why on earth did they cancel this awesome tv-show?!"-rant.
The show of the hour is Dark Angel . Otherwise known as the series where Jessica Alba (known from such movies as Sin City and the Fantastic Four series) got her first real break.
The stupid FOX channel cancelled this awesome series to make room for Firefly. Which would have been okey, except that they did not even run Firefly for one season! So they cancel one totally awesome series on a freakin' cliffhanger, just to film 13 episodes of another totally awesome series, and not even showing them in the correct order or showing all of them!
Only differnce with this series is I knew it would end on a cliffhanger when I started watching it. And it got a series of books to tell the rest of the story, so now I just got to get a hold of them.
But I mean, come on! Why on earth do they have to keep doing this? Take Moonlight for example (yeah, I am always gonna rant on Moonlight!), one of the awesomest vampire series to ever be made, and it did really well, and had a great following. Only that the following consisted of the wrong people. We were not the target audience of the stupid channel! I am sooooo sorry CBS, that I am the wrong age or sex or race or whatever! Gah!
I am tired of being the TV channels effing product! Because you all realize this right? We are not their costumer, we are their product. In effect the stupid TV networks sell us as consumers to their advertisers using their TV-shows as bait, which they cancel if they attract the wrong product.
I want to be your audience, not your product! I want you to make your content to suit the people who watch you, and to base the continuation of your TV-vseries on whether or not it attracts a lot of people, not if it attracts the right people to suit tour advertisers. I am your consumer! Make your content to suit us damnit!
This is why I love books. Books are written as long as they sell, or as long as there are a story to tell, not as long as they are read by the right people.
Gah! Stupid TV networks!
/rant over
Thank you for reading=j
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