It's getting nearer to Christmas.
And there are some things that I just relate to Christmas, that have absolutely nothing to do with Christmas.
Like the Hollows. The Hollows books always come out around now, or at least they have for the least couple of years. I am still waiting on the "right" cover, so I am probably not gonna get to read the newest book before Christmas this year.
There's a new Sookie Stackhouse out too, but it's in the fugly tv-series cover. Well, actually the cover I collect is rather non-pleasing to the eye, but I kinda like it. So I am gonna wait until it comes out.
Order it off Amazon if I have to.
My DS just ran out of batteries. I am house sitting for my boyfriend. He is waiting for a sound thingamabob that's coming with FedEx. It's been at the airport since Monday, and someone has to be here to sign for it. It's gonna be awesome (he tells me). I was playing Pokémon HeartGold, and that is also a very Christmassy thing for me.
There is no release date on the Black and White games as of now. They sell the Japan-imported ones on Amazon for 80 bucks. Sitting tight. Just because I have the money it does not mean that I cannot wait.
I am the least nosiest girl alive. My present is sitting the room right next to this one, and I have not snooped. I am so un-nosy.^^,
Gonna watch Gundam Seed now.
Tinkerbell's blog for all things pink and fluffy. And some things that aren't...
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I am hopeless at posting
Been a week.
Me and boyfriend went ice-skating on Sunday. It was cold, but it was so fun^^, Afterwards we went and drank Irish coffee^^,
The world looks like a post card.
Me and boyfriend went ice-skating on Sunday. It was cold, but it was so fun^^, Afterwards we went and drank Irish coffee^^,
The world looks like a post card.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Christmas cleaning is booooooring.
But since I am the one with the ugliest klear and the longest face it falls to me to do itXP
It might also have something to do with me being done with school, and therefore having the days offXP
But I have been very good, and tidied three rooms, so now I am taking a break and some food before going down into the basement and chopping firewoodO.o
But since I am the one with the ugliest klear and the longest face it falls to me to do itXP
It might also have something to do with me being done with school, and therefore having the days offXP
But I have been very good, and tidied three rooms, so now I am taking a break and some food before going down into the basement and chopping firewoodO.o
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
2NE1 - Don't stop the music
2NE1 has released a new single. I think it's just so-so. What do you think?
3rd of December
I missed yesterday. Sorry folks.
Sooo... Something Christmassy to write about today....
There's a fire in the fireplace, and boyfriend and his friend are playing Super Meat Boy. I am nice to play TV games with, I don't like playing, just watching.
There's snow on the porch outside.
In my Christmas Calendar they tried to straighten out the propeller, and they have decided that they will "spikk" one out of wood. I think the vampire is rearing it's head soon.^^,
Sooo... Something Christmassy to write about today....
There's a fire in the fireplace, and boyfriend and his friend are playing Super Meat Boy. I am nice to play TV games with, I don't like playing, just watching.
There's snow on the porch outside.
In my Christmas Calendar they tried to straighten out the propeller, and they have decided that they will "spikk" one out of wood. I think the vampire is rearing it's head soon.^^,
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
First of December
Today is the first of December. The International Month of Nissenusse (Santakisses^^,)
Here's me sending the first Nissenuss for all of you.
I am watching the Julekalender as my Christmas calendar. I spend way to much money already, and chocolate calendars aren't really all that fun. I am kinda tired of stuff. I have too much stuff, so any kind of trinkety calendars are out. I have too much stuff.
These days I enjoy throwing away stuff. But enjoy keeping stuff even more. The nice stuff that means something to me. Like the tea-set that my grandfather's ex-girlfriend made for me when I was around 5 or something. And the little fairy statue that my friend sent for me from Finland, and the little bobblehead kitty that the Gachas bought for me. Little things.
I am gonna try to write one little Christmassy thing every day for the whole of December.
Today my Christmas vacation began. School's out^^,
I have finished all of my Christmas presents. All I have to do is mail the ones that have to be mailed, so that they will arrive before Christmas.
Some of them have been ordered online, so they have to arrive, and one of them has to be assembled.
And they have to be wrapped and marked of course.
L is ranting about the difference between fluorine and fluoride. One will kill you, the other one can poison you and put white spots on your teeth. She is very cute^^,
They sang "It's hard to be a Nissemann" in the Julekalender today.
Here's me sending the first Nissenuss for all of you.
I am watching the Julekalender as my Christmas calendar. I spend way to much money already, and chocolate calendars aren't really all that fun. I am kinda tired of stuff. I have too much stuff, so any kind of trinkety calendars are out. I have too much stuff.
These days I enjoy throwing away stuff. But enjoy keeping stuff even more. The nice stuff that means something to me. Like the tea-set that my grandfather's ex-girlfriend made for me when I was around 5 or something. And the little fairy statue that my friend sent for me from Finland, and the little bobblehead kitty that the Gachas bought for me. Little things.
I am gonna try to write one little Christmassy thing every day for the whole of December.
Today my Christmas vacation began. School's out^^,
I have finished all of my Christmas presents. All I have to do is mail the ones that have to be mailed, so that they will arrive before Christmas.
Some of them have been ordered online, so they have to arrive, and one of them has to be assembled.
And they have to be wrapped and marked of course.
L is ranting about the difference between fluorine and fluoride. One will kill you, the other one can poison you and put white spots on your teeth. She is very cute^^,
They sang "It's hard to be a Nissemann" in the Julekalender today.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Winter wonder land (or something)
Picture taken while waiting for the bus this morning. The world has dressed itself up in cotton and powdered sugar. When I got got to school I saw that the world here is quite different. It's wet and dark and drippy.
The rice porridge has gotten Christmas packaging^^,
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
So, Boyfriend took me to see Trolljegeren.
I love mockumetaries. They are the funnest of the -umenatries.
It's about some students chasing after a guy who illegally hunts for bears, or so they think.
The lead, the troll hunter, is played by a Norwegian comedian called Otto Jesperen, and a lot of other comedians have small roles. Robert Stoltenberg (who is just as obnoxious as always) plays a east European fella who supplies the bears for the cover-up operation. And Knut Nærum, who plays a technician at a power plant up in the monutains. Both of them only got about 5 minutes of screen time, and these are huuuuge comedians in Norway. I am guessing that they got the parts so that they could put their names on the posters^^,
I think that it is worthy of the Oscar for foreign movies^^,
It's not a horror movie by the way, even thou it can seem that way from the trailer.
I love mockumetaries. They are the funnest of the -umenatries.
It's about some students chasing after a guy who illegally hunts for bears, or so they think.
The lead, the troll hunter, is played by a Norwegian comedian called Otto Jesperen, and a lot of other comedians have small roles. Robert Stoltenberg (who is just as obnoxious as always) plays a east European fella who supplies the bears for the cover-up operation. And Knut Nærum, who plays a technician at a power plant up in the monutains. Both of them only got about 5 minutes of screen time, and these are huuuuge comedians in Norway. I am guessing that they got the parts so that they could put their names on the posters^^,
I think that it is worthy of the Oscar for foreign movies^^,
It's not a horror movie by the way, even thou it can seem that way from the trailer.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Why Disney?!?! What did we ever do to you?
Please proceed with caution. This is painful
Why on earth did they do this? It's an amazing song. These are the movies of our childhood, and Disney does this over and over, making their crappy bands like Jonas Brothers or what-not ruin our movies.
I admit however that some, a very small number, of these remakes might be liveable. But I haven't heard them yet. Do you really hate your loyal fan base this much Disney? What did we ever do to you?
Why on earth did they do this? It's an amazing song. These are the movies of our childhood, and Disney does this over and over, making their crappy bands like Jonas Brothers or what-not ruin our movies.
I admit however that some, a very small number, of these remakes might be liveable. But I haven't heard them yet. Do you really hate your loyal fan base this much Disney? What did we ever do to you?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I just had a shocking revelation
I wanted to reheat my coffee this morning, so I put in the microwave oven. And what do you know, my microwave oven didn't like my metal cup and threatened to set itself on fireXP
I guess it's too small to handle things like metal cups. The larger ones at uni handles my metal cup. Oh well.
I put it in a creamic mug and reheated it in that. And then I forgot it at homeXP
I guess it's too small to handle things like metal cups. The larger ones at uni handles my metal cup. Oh well.
I put it in a creamic mug and reheated it in that. And then I forgot it at homeXP
Monday, November 1, 2010
Stolen ideas and good essays
I stole your idea V.
I made a artisan craft blog.
Stiching with Tinkerbell
Also I got my American Literature essay back today.
I got great response. The only negative response I got was for grammar and the fact that I accidentally turned in the wrong version of my essay and it is filled with exclamation marks where I was supposed check facts or put citations^^,
I bought myself a Spanish Grammar Work Book as a price for myself^^,
I called the boyfriend during his lunch to tell him, and I could literally hear the smile he had plastered all over his face. He sounded proud. It felt really good. So come on people, tell me how proud you are of me^^,
I made a artisan craft blog.
Stiching with Tinkerbell
Also I got my American Literature essay back today.
I got great response. The only negative response I got was for grammar and the fact that I accidentally turned in the wrong version of my essay and it is filled with exclamation marks where I was supposed check facts or put citations^^,
I bought myself a Spanish Grammar Work Book as a price for myself^^,
I called the boyfriend during his lunch to tell him, and I could literally hear the smile he had plastered all over his face. He sounded proud. It felt really good. So come on people, tell me how proud you are of me^^,
Um... What?
So I am subscribing to S/mileage's youtube channel. And in my inbox today I found this:
All I have to say is: Um.... What?!
Somebody who speaks Japanese much better than me: What the eff is this about?!?!
All I have to say is: Um.... What?!
Somebody who speaks Japanese much better than me: What the eff is this about?!?!
New 2NE1 video
It hurts
The video is beautiful.
I looked up the lyrics thou, and they are really dull. Bad actually. But it's an entirely different culture, so I guess the love songs, or heartbreak songs rather, would be entirely diffent also.
But it sounds wonderful. And the video, as I said, it beautiful^^,
The video is beautiful.
I looked up the lyrics thou, and they are really dull. Bad actually. But it's an entirely different culture, so I guess the love songs, or heartbreak songs rather, would be entirely diffent also.
But it sounds wonderful. And the video, as I said, it beautiful^^,
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Skambankt rocked my socks^^,
The concert was awesome!!! My thighs are sore from all the jumping I did.
The sound mixing was awful thou. It was impossible to hear the vocalist.
And the warm up band sucked.
A man gave me his spot right behind the mixing desk. I think he thought I was cute. He had his arm next to me like he was considering groping meXP My Boyfriend was standing right next to, so I guess he didn't dare^^,
I also completed my cd collection, I now own all the Skambankt cds. I didn't bother to get it signed thou. I went backstage to get a signed cd, but then the drummer came out, and he was... wrong. He looked all wrong, like not the way I imagined. I honestly think that knowing too much about the people behind the music ruins music. So I just took the cd home.
I am kind of hang over thou^^, I got drunk enough to crave beer. That means I am drunk.
The concert was awesome!!! My thighs are sore from all the jumping I did.
The sound mixing was awful thou. It was impossible to hear the vocalist.
And the warm up band sucked.
A man gave me his spot right behind the mixing desk. I think he thought I was cute. He had his arm next to me like he was considering groping meXP My Boyfriend was standing right next to, so I guess he didn't dare^^,
I also completed my cd collection, I now own all the Skambankt cds. I didn't bother to get it signed thou. I went backstage to get a signed cd, but then the drummer came out, and he was... wrong. He looked all wrong, like not the way I imagined. I honestly think that knowing too much about the people behind the music ruins music. So I just took the cd home.
I am kind of hang over thou^^, I got drunk enough to crave beer. That means I am drunk.
Friday, October 29, 2010
So it's Halloween this weekend. And I have two parties lined up^^, And I am baking cookies tomorrow with the Gachas. And today I am going to the Skambankt concert, and I am going backstage^^, Good times^^,
Monday, October 25, 2010
Because them Asian sure can dance
The western world lost it's dance troupe approach to bands sometime around the same time as we lost our fascinations for constructed boy/girl-bands.
Asia still loves that thou. And so do we.
This is the "dance shot post"
Double-U - Miss Love Tantei
Anyone but me who thinks the intro sounds like "not gonna get us" by T.a.T.u?
But seriously, they could have saved themselves the rap-sequence.
Miss A - Breathe
Okey, I love this song. So sue meXP
Berryz Koubou - Special generation
Anyone but me who hear "super shallow generation?XP
100220 SHINee & 2PM dance battle
I am not hating on the dance abilities of the Japanese supergroups of Hello Project, but these Korean bands kick Hello Projects ass in most cases. Thou in Korea there seems to be a different focus on the dance abilities of their idols than in Japan. Also their styles are completely different. Hello Project are singers who dance, while the Koreans are dancers who sing, if you get my meaning?
And thou I still like Japanese pop, I must admit that these days, I do prefer the Korean bands.
See what I mean? They aren't bad dancers at all.
Mostly posted for nostalgic reasons^^, Thou I still like it thou^^,
And to any and all men who find them hot: they are 13. Did you gross yourself out now? I hope to all that's holy that you didXP
It's a shame that Koreans don't release as many Dance Shot versions as the Japanese so. On the other hand, most of their videos are all dance anyway.
Here is one of the awesome songs, with it's two videos mashed^^,
How cool is that, right?XD
Asia still loves that thou. And so do we.
This is the "dance shot post"
Double-U - Miss Love Tantei
Anyone but me who thinks the intro sounds like "not gonna get us" by T.a.T.u?
But seriously, they could have saved themselves the rap-sequence.
Miss A - Breathe
Okey, I love this song. So sue meXP
Berryz Koubou - Special generation
Anyone but me who hear "super shallow generation?XP
100220 SHINee & 2PM dance battle
I am not hating on the dance abilities of the Japanese supergroups of Hello Project, but these Korean bands kick Hello Projects ass in most cases. Thou in Korea there seems to be a different focus on the dance abilities of their idols than in Japan. Also their styles are completely different. Hello Project are singers who dance, while the Koreans are dancers who sing, if you get my meaning?
And thou I still like Japanese pop, I must admit that these days, I do prefer the Korean bands.
See what I mean? They aren't bad dancers at all.
Mostly posted for nostalgic reasons^^, Thou I still like it thou^^,
And to any and all men who find them hot: they are 13. Did you gross yourself out now? I hope to all that's holy that you didXP
It's a shame that Koreans don't release as many Dance Shot versions as the Japanese so. On the other hand, most of their videos are all dance anyway.
Here is one of the awesome songs, with it's two videos mashed^^,
How cool is that, right?XD
If I am ever gonna be a teacher
If I am ever gonna be a teahcer, I am gonna be a professor at a university, and get applauded after every lecture^^,
Where are all the Japanese channels?
Korean bands seem to all have their own youtube channels. Which is how I discovered things like 2AM and 2PM, they are signed to JYPentertainment, and when I added Miss A all their bands were suggested to me so I added them all for funsies.
But when I went to look for the youtube channels of Nakashima Mika, Ringo Shiina og Tsuchiya Anna they were nowhere to be fun.
So I thought Hello Project would surely have a channel so that I can follow Bouno! and Berryz Kobo, but they don't have one.
None of the Japanese groups or artists I like do.=(
But when I went to look for the youtube channels of Nakashima Mika, Ringo Shiina og Tsuchiya Anna they were nowhere to be fun.
So I thought Hello Project would surely have a channel so that I can follow Bouno! and Berryz Kobo, but they don't have one.
None of the Japanese groups or artists I like do.=(
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Why on earth?
Why on earth does celebrity kids get to anything they want like this?
Whe could at least make something good, like Jaden did with Karate Kid. Which I haven't seen, but I have heard a lot of good things about the movie.
But this is awful. At least it isn't all that indecent.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Scott Pilgrim VS the World
Clickable title, peeps^^,
Edit: This post is actually from the 4th of October, but apparently it never got published. Sorry 'bout that.
So I saw Scott Pilgrim VS the World on Sunday.
When I first saw the trailer, I knew I just had to see this movie, but as time went on, I started to think that I had missed it. I hadn't thou.
It can be described by one word, and one word only: AWESOME!!!
I was dead tired and half knocked out by a cold when I saw it, so most of the references went way over my head. It was inhabited by all these vaguely familiar actors, that I know I have seen somewhere before, but I generally didn't recognize any of the movies they have played in when I checked it on IMDB. I guess they all just had "one of those faces, you know."
But this movie was everything that Kick-Ass was, and more.
It had vividly coloured foes, a dark and mysterious, "woe is me" kind of love intrest, lots of craze Ex-es. Even a cute little stalker girl.
All the Evil Ex-es explode into coins when defeated, and at one point there are some animated dragons which just drip with awesome.
The battles are fantastic. All over with bright colours, flashing sound effects (you know, like in the Batman tv-show), and fantastic coreography. Even the Boyfriend, who usually rags on any and every combat scene in every movie we have ever seen, said it was awsome.
Purely visually the movie was beautiful. All the scenes are excelently lighted and cut to fit the mood, and all the sets are very pretty. The special effects and generally sparkly and over the top, just the way we like it, ne?
The soundtrack is a must-have. As in: I am gonna go buy that soundtrack when I leave the studyhall for the night. Michael Cera mives generally have a pretty nice soundtrack. I actually spent money on the Juno soundtrack, just like I am actually gonna spend money on this one. That says something in today's society of free downloading, don't you think?
All the characters had the exactly right balance of goofy, cute, and just barking mad. Knives Chau, played by Ellen Wong, showes exactly this. Going from the cutesy little catholic school-girl, blinded by the awesomeness of her boyfriend, Scott Pilgrim, gradually changing to a crazy fangirl (think cat-girl, only with a Sex Bob-omb t-shirt and sans the ears, the kind that needs spayingXP), and eventually a crazy-ass ex-girlfriend stalker as Scott takes his relationship with Ramona, played by Mary Elisabeth Winstead.
Gotta cut it short here, they are gonna lock the doors in 10 minutes. See ya'll later^^,
Edit: This post is actually from the 4th of October, but apparently it never got published. Sorry 'bout that.
So I saw Scott Pilgrim VS the World on Sunday.
When I first saw the trailer, I knew I just had to see this movie, but as time went on, I started to think that I had missed it. I hadn't thou.
It can be described by one word, and one word only: AWESOME!!!
I was dead tired and half knocked out by a cold when I saw it, so most of the references went way over my head. It was inhabited by all these vaguely familiar actors, that I know I have seen somewhere before, but I generally didn't recognize any of the movies they have played in when I checked it on IMDB. I guess they all just had "one of those faces, you know."
But this movie was everything that Kick-Ass was, and more.
It had vividly coloured foes, a dark and mysterious, "woe is me" kind of love intrest, lots of craze Ex-es. Even a cute little stalker girl.
All the Evil Ex-es explode into coins when defeated, and at one point there are some animated dragons which just drip with awesome.
The battles are fantastic. All over with bright colours, flashing sound effects (you know, like in the Batman tv-show), and fantastic coreography. Even the Boyfriend, who usually rags on any and every combat scene in every movie we have ever seen, said it was awsome.
Purely visually the movie was beautiful. All the scenes are excelently lighted and cut to fit the mood, and all the sets are very pretty. The special effects and generally sparkly and over the top, just the way we like it, ne?
The soundtrack is a must-have. As in: I am gonna go buy that soundtrack when I leave the studyhall for the night. Michael Cera mives generally have a pretty nice soundtrack. I actually spent money on the Juno soundtrack, just like I am actually gonna spend money on this one. That says something in today's society of free downloading, don't you think?
All the characters had the exactly right balance of goofy, cute, and just barking mad. Knives Chau, played by Ellen Wong, showes exactly this. Going from the cutesy little catholic school-girl, blinded by the awesomeness of her boyfriend, Scott Pilgrim, gradually changing to a crazy fangirl (think cat-girl, only with a Sex Bob-omb t-shirt and sans the ears, the kind that needs spayingXP), and eventually a crazy-ass ex-girlfriend stalker as Scott takes his relationship with Ramona, played by Mary Elisabeth Winstead.
Gotta cut it short here, they are gonna lock the doors in 10 minutes. See ya'll later^^,
Friday, October 22, 2010
I can understand it!!!
So I was listening to Me gustas tú by Manu Chau, and I suddenly realized how much I understood.
So I was gonna find the song on youtube so that I could embed it to you, and then I found this video right here:
Now you can learn too^^,
"Me gusta" roughly means "I like", "gusta" being the first person singular in present tense or the verb "gustar" which roughly means "to like" but not quite. It's like that in many languages, which is why my Spanish teacher abhors the use of dictionaries for early learners. It's just gonna confuse you.
Take "vear" in Norwegian (written vær for those of you with Scandinavian letters on your computer. Sorry about the æ, it's 4 in the morning at it was the only word I could think of). It can mean either "to be" in the imperative tense, "weather", the star sign Aries, or a ram (as in the furry, sheep looking animal with horns. Might actually be a male sheep, I don't know. All I know is that it's big and furry and it looks like a sheep.)
The point being that "gustar" does not necessarily act like "to like", like he sings "me gustas tú", and here it is being inflicted in the second person singular.
My Spanish teacher explains this by saying that "gustar" is more similar to "please" than "like", so you aren't really saying "I like this", what you are saying is more in the like of "this pleases me", with "gustar" pointing at the thing you like, rather than you as the liker.
Anyway, now that you know that "me gusta" means more or less "I like" you can just look at the pictures and learn the Spanish words that go with the pictures^^,
So I was gonna find the song on youtube so that I could embed it to you, and then I found this video right here:
Now you can learn too^^,
"Me gusta" roughly means "I like", "gusta" being the first person singular in present tense or the verb "gustar" which roughly means "to like" but not quite. It's like that in many languages, which is why my Spanish teacher abhors the use of dictionaries for early learners. It's just gonna confuse you.
Take "vear" in Norwegian (written vær for those of you with Scandinavian letters on your computer. Sorry about the æ, it's 4 in the morning at it was the only word I could think of). It can mean either "to be" in the imperative tense, "weather", the star sign Aries, or a ram (as in the furry, sheep looking animal with horns. Might actually be a male sheep, I don't know. All I know is that it's big and furry and it looks like a sheep.)
The point being that "gustar" does not necessarily act like "to like", like he sings "me gustas tú", and here it is being inflicted in the second person singular.
My Spanish teacher explains this by saying that "gustar" is more similar to "please" than "like", so you aren't really saying "I like this", what you are saying is more in the like of "this pleases me", with "gustar" pointing at the thing you like, rather than you as the liker.
Anyway, now that you know that "me gusta" means more or less "I like" you can just look at the pictures and learn the Spanish words that go with the pictures^^,
Double-U Tee Eff?!?! BIG BANG
Beautiful hangover by Korean boyband B.I.G. B.A.N.G
"Keep me warm and beautiful/hangover/hangover yeah"
This is one of the reasons I would have liked to speak Korean. What the eff are they singing about?!?!
But that's what google is for, neh?
Apparently it's a love song about a girl who's like a "beautiful hangover" O.o
Do they know what hangover means?!?! O.o I would be so insulted!
The lyrics are absolutely beautiful thou, like poetry. Go google them.
The beat is delicious thou. Makes me want to dance^^,
"Keep me warm and beautiful/hangover/hangover yeah"
This is one of the reasons I would have liked to speak Korean. What the eff are they singing about?!?!
But that's what google is for, neh?
Apparently it's a love song about a girl who's like a "beautiful hangover" O.o
Do they know what hangover means?!?! O.o I would be so insulted!
The lyrics are absolutely beautiful thou, like poetry. Go google them.
The beat is delicious thou. Makes me want to dance^^,
Thursday, October 21, 2010
OhEmGee!!!OhEmGee!!!OhEmGee!!! *Fan-girl squeel*
2NE1, the main reason I started liking Korean music in the first place, has released a new album *-* (supposed to look like I've got stars in my eyes)
The album is brand new, released 8th (Japan) and 9th (Korea) of September.
It feels amazing to finally be able to report news as they happening^^,
Fire is still my favorite thou^^,
They are the band behind such songs Lollipop together with Big Bang, and Fire. Fire is one of my all time favorite Korean songs^^,
Fire came in two versions:
This far they have released 3 singles from their new album "To Anyone"
Clap your hands, released September 9th
Go away, released September 10th
Can't Nobody, released September 12th
2NE1, the main reason I started liking Korean music in the first place, has released a new album *-* (supposed to look like I've got stars in my eyes)
The album is brand new, released 8th (Japan) and 9th (Korea) of September.
It feels amazing to finally be able to report news as they happening^^,
Fire is still my favorite thou^^,
They are the band behind such songs Lollipop together with Big Bang, and Fire. Fire is one of my all time favorite Korean songs^^,
Fire came in two versions:
This far they have released 3 singles from their new album "To Anyone"
Clap your hands, released September 9th
Go away, released September 10th
Can't Nobody, released September 12th
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I need to learn Korean
I wanna know what they are talking about!!!=D=D
Usually In couldn't care less about the people behind the music, I like the actual music, but I am sorta starting to understand V's obsession about know everything. I am not gonna go that far, but being able to understand what they are talking about in their videos would have been funXD
Boybands= awful, but oh, so fun
I was not one of the girls that screamed over Backstreet Boys, I got the creeps from N'Sync, and I thought A1 were stupid, Westlife was for brainless blondes who wore lipgloss in 5th grade.
Oh em gee! I can't believe that I actually remember the names of these bands! O.o
I was more a Spice Girls kind of girl. I had a huge crush on Baby Spice. When I grew out of that face it was No Doubt that was the thing. Then it Kaizer's Orchestra. You know the rest.
But you know how everything is more fun when it's from Asia right?
Well, it's true for boybands too.
I give you 2PM. A Korean boyband that has been at it since '08. It's just as awful as the things that the west grew out of around '00, but how can seeing cute Asian boys dancing in sync not be fun, right?^^,
But wait!
It doesn't stop there. Becuase for the girls who only liked the heartfelt, tear-dripping ballads there is 2AM, which an all ballad band. That's right, they only sing ballads!!! O.o Only in Asia!
They were also started in '08, and they are so cheesy that I don't think it's even almost fun. But that is meXD Happy ballad listening^^,
Oh em gee! I can't believe that I actually remember the names of these bands! O.o
I was more a Spice Girls kind of girl. I had a huge crush on Baby Spice. When I grew out of that face it was No Doubt that was the thing. Then it Kaizer's Orchestra. You know the rest.
But you know how everything is more fun when it's from Asia right?
Well, it's true for boybands too.
I give you 2PM. A Korean boyband that has been at it since '08. It's just as awful as the things that the west grew out of around '00, but how can seeing cute Asian boys dancing in sync not be fun, right?^^,
But wait!
It doesn't stop there. Becuase for the girls who only liked the heartfelt, tear-dripping ballads there is 2AM, which an all ballad band. That's right, they only sing ballads!!! O.o Only in Asia!
They were also started in '08, and they are so cheesy that I don't think it's even almost fun. But that is meXD Happy ballad listening^^,
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Miss A
For once I actually discover something new from Asia just as it is starting up, not waaaaay after they are broken up.
So my newest Asian favorite is the South Korean girl band called Miss A.
They have thus far released 3 singles: Dashi Sarang/Love again, Bad but Good, and Breathe. So as you probably can tell they started up this year. As far as I can tell their debut album is going to be called "Step Up". It may or may not have already been released. If you judge by all the youtube videos with a still picture and music, I would say it's alreasy been released, but the youtube album is slightly ambiguous on this matter. And they are superfun^^, All colourful and peppy.
So I need to get hold of their album. I really do. Or rather I need to get ahold of it when it's actaully released=D=D Or something XP
It feels so good to discover something in their startup fase. Maybe I'll even get to see them in concert sometime=D=D That would be Awesome with a capital A^^,
First single: Dashi Sarang/Love again
Secong single: Bad but Good
Third single: Breathe
So my newest Asian favorite is the South Korean girl band called Miss A.
They have thus far released 3 singles: Dashi Sarang/Love again, Bad but Good, and Breathe. So as you probably can tell they started up this year. As far as I can tell their debut album is going to be called "Step Up". It may or may not have already been released. If you judge by all the youtube videos with a still picture and music, I would say it's alreasy been released, but the youtube album is slightly ambiguous on this matter. And they are superfun^^, All colourful and peppy.
So I need to get hold of their album. I really do. Or rather I need to get ahold of it when it's actaully released=D=D Or something XP
It feels so good to discover something in their startup fase. Maybe I'll even get to see them in concert sometime=D=D That would be Awesome with a capital A^^,
First single: Dashi Sarang/Love again
Secong single: Bad but Good
Third single: Breathe
Hill climbed, now for the mountain.
One of the most important things to learn, and one of the hardest, when learning a language is to learn to separate words in fluent speech. Without this it's just no good trying to speak at all.
I just realized I have reached that point in Spanish. Huge hill climbed. The mountain to climb now is becoming fluent.
One huge hill over with anyway.
Oh, and by the way, the last post I posted was number 300. Yay me=D=D
I just realized I have reached that point in Spanish. Huge hill climbed. The mountain to climb now is becoming fluent.
One huge hill over with anyway.
Oh, and by the way, the last post I posted was number 300. Yay me=D=D
Sunday, October 17, 2010
I hate fall
Almost as much as I hate winter.
Only difference is that it's not snowingXP And that it looks warmer than it is, so I always wear too little clothes, and end up freezing my butt offXP
Boyfriend bought me cocoa with marsmallows. It was nice.^^,
I have another paper due on Friday. English grammar. Also I figured the Acer won't ever get fixed right, I will probably be able to demand my money back in about six months. So I bought a HP Touchsmart.
I love tablet pcs and my old one is really busted. So I bought a new one to do my school work on. It's a real beauty^^,
I tried to snap a picture for you, but it's too dark so it turned out bad. Maybe tomorrow.
Pokémon Black and White will be out in the States in the spring. I am so importing it.^^,
Only difference is that it's not snowingXP And that it looks warmer than it is, so I always wear too little clothes, and end up freezing my butt offXP
Boyfriend bought me cocoa with marsmallows. It was nice.^^,
I have another paper due on Friday. English grammar. Also I figured the Acer won't ever get fixed right, I will probably be able to demand my money back in about six months. So I bought a HP Touchsmart.
I love tablet pcs and my old one is really busted. So I bought a new one to do my school work on. It's a real beauty^^,
I tried to snap a picture for you, but it's too dark so it turned out bad. Maybe tomorrow.
Pokémon Black and White will be out in the States in the spring. I am so importing it.^^,
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Infliction headache
I have inflections up to here *holds hand up to forehead*
Now, my favourite part of learning new languages is to learn grammar. Vocabulary is just words, it's the grammar that make you able to talk.
Now, irregular verbs I am not that crazy about, mostly because they don't have a pattern, you have to learn them one by one.
Japanese only has two of these so that is pretty easy, but Japanese has a lot of inflections in general, for time and purpose amongst other.
Spanish on the other hand has a lot of both. They inflict their verbs in time, sex, and number. Kind of like German. One of the advantages with the fact that Spanish and Japanese are so inflection rich is that you don't have to learn sentence patterns rules as much. They have them, but not many.
Take the Spanish verb ser, which means to be:
Soy - eres - es - somos - sois - son
And that is just present tense, you have all these patterns for all the tenses.
My head hurts
Now, my favourite part of learning new languages is to learn grammar. Vocabulary is just words, it's the grammar that make you able to talk.
Now, irregular verbs I am not that crazy about, mostly because they don't have a pattern, you have to learn them one by one.
Japanese only has two of these so that is pretty easy, but Japanese has a lot of inflections in general, for time and purpose amongst other.
Spanish on the other hand has a lot of both. They inflict their verbs in time, sex, and number. Kind of like German. One of the advantages with the fact that Spanish and Japanese are so inflection rich is that you don't have to learn sentence patterns rules as much. They have them, but not many.
Take the Spanish verb ser, which means to be:
Soy - eres - es - somos - sois - son
And that is just present tense, you have all these patterns for all the tenses.
My head hurts
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Clickable title
My relationship to music can be described in terms of human relationships.
Linkin Park was a fling.
Miyavi was a crush.
Marilyn Manson was a flirt.
Evanescence was a "thing" that I outgrew.
And then there are the four great ones:
Kaizers Orchestra, Gåte, Lumsk, and Bertine Zetlitz. We are lifers. We are married and are never gonna split.
Kaizers was the obsession that just never cooled down.
Gåte was the exiting new fling that grew into something deeper and more significant.
Lumsk was the love I thought I had lost, but that I rediscovered.
And Bertine Zetlitz was the friendship that grew into something deep and wonderful.
And now. Now there is Skambankt.
I saw the covers, and I knew. I just knew it. It was love at first sight. Hadn't even heard a single note, but by jove, I knew that this was to be my new love. And I am rarely wrong when it comes to this sort of thing.
This is the exact reason I can buy books 'cos I like the cover. The cover says a lot, the cover very nearly says it all.
So I asked to listen to the album "Søvnløs" (Sleepless), and after the hearing the beginning of just one song, I was sold.
Ted Winters has a voice that will make it snow in the desert, and make glaziers run in wide rivers of melted water.
This is music that will make your spine tingle and your heart vibrate.
This! is the sort of music that will make your panties wet. It pours over your skin like hot oil, and melts into your head, making your synapses spark like you were dead drunk and saw a hot piece of tail walk by. It's heady and wonderful. It's the sort of music I pay money for.
First thing I thought was that it was like Kaizers only harder. And I still think that. It's the "harder, better, faster, stronger" version of Kaizers. Not really, but it was my first thought.
And with a little more research I discovered that the reason for this is that the vocalist of Skambankt, Ted Winters, the guitarist of Kaizers.
Skambankt was sort of hastily thrown together when another band didn't show up for a gig. Skambankt wrote 9 songs and went on stage. This was in '94.
I just now discovered that they are playing in Oslo later this month, and I am gonna be there!
Very few bands make this happen for me. But Skambankt did. Skambankt will join the halls of the bands I will always love, never forget and always return to. I love Skambankt!
My relationship to music can be described in terms of human relationships.
Linkin Park was a fling.
Miyavi was a crush.
Marilyn Manson was a flirt.
Evanescence was a "thing" that I outgrew.
And then there are the four great ones:
Kaizers Orchestra, Gåte, Lumsk, and Bertine Zetlitz. We are lifers. We are married and are never gonna split.
Kaizers was the obsession that just never cooled down.
Gåte was the exiting new fling that grew into something deeper and more significant.
Lumsk was the love I thought I had lost, but that I rediscovered.
And Bertine Zetlitz was the friendship that grew into something deep and wonderful.
And now. Now there is Skambankt.
I saw the covers, and I knew. I just knew it. It was love at first sight. Hadn't even heard a single note, but by jove, I knew that this was to be my new love. And I am rarely wrong when it comes to this sort of thing.
This is the exact reason I can buy books 'cos I like the cover. The cover says a lot, the cover very nearly says it all.
So I asked to listen to the album "Søvnløs" (Sleepless), and after the hearing the beginning of just one song, I was sold.
Ted Winters has a voice that will make it snow in the desert, and make glaziers run in wide rivers of melted water.
This is music that will make your spine tingle and your heart vibrate.
This! is the sort of music that will make your panties wet. It pours over your skin like hot oil, and melts into your head, making your synapses spark like you were dead drunk and saw a hot piece of tail walk by. It's heady and wonderful. It's the sort of music I pay money for.
First thing I thought was that it was like Kaizers only harder. And I still think that. It's the "harder, better, faster, stronger" version of Kaizers. Not really, but it was my first thought.
And with a little more research I discovered that the reason for this is that the vocalist of Skambankt, Ted Winters, the guitarist of Kaizers.
Skambankt was sort of hastily thrown together when another band didn't show up for a gig. Skambankt wrote 9 songs and went on stage. This was in '94.
I just now discovered that they are playing in Oslo later this month, and I am gonna be there!
Very few bands make this happen for me. But Skambankt did. Skambankt will join the halls of the bands I will always love, never forget and always return to. I love Skambankt!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I (still) loathe Acer
You know how last time my 'puter broke it took over 3 months for them to fix it?
And when I got it back it was still broken, and I had to actually crack windows to have a working computer?
And then the on/off button broke almost at once when I got it back?
I can't remember if I wrote about it, but the on/off button magically started working again, after I had had the 'puter off for a long time. But then it really broke on me while I was in Finland, so I eventually had to send it in.
It's been about a month and a half, and all my midterm papers are do in a couple of weeks, so I really needed it back.
So I sent Datakjeden a mail on friday, telling them about the papers, and that if they thought it would take long, and if it would, could I please have a loan 'puter, so that I would have something to write my midterms on?
It really wouldn't be a problem me to use the computerhalls at school and use Boyfriend's 'puter when at home, but then I would have to send the drafts to myself by mail everytime I moved, 'cos most of the school computers haven't got USB slots.
Aaaanywho, I sent them that mail.
And then around 10 on monday I got an answer saying "yeah, it's been a month since we sent it to Acer, and that is honestly way to long. I'm gonna go send Acer a mail asking them how long it's gonna take."
At around 13 I got a new mail saying that it was lying in a shelf over at Acer's and that they would get to it right away.
Then, early yesterday morning (tuesday) I get a new mail, saying that my computer was fixed the day before. Which would be monday, which would be the same day that Datakjeden told them to get a move on.
Double-U, tee, EFF!!!
It takes them a MONTH!!! to even start my computer, and then it take them maybe a couple of hours, tops, to actually FIX the damned paperweight?!?!
How crappy is that?
I mean, seriously? If it takes that little amount of time, how come they haven't done it faster?
I effing loathe Acer. With a passion!
So I am gonna say it yet again (probably not the last time), DO! NOT! BUY! ACER!!!
The machine is a dream. It is powerful, the screen has gorgeous colours, the batterylife is amazing.
But when it breaks, you can't expect for it be fixed in a timely manner AT ALL!
I am taking bets on how many parts I get back in this time, and will it, or will it not, actually work?
I am expecting it back probably the beginning of next week.
I am looking forward to it. I am gonna play some more Sims 3 and Boyfriend is gonna play Starcraft, and I am gonna download all the Spanishpod PDFs.
And I am gonna actually watch movies, and Dr.Who, and rewatch Dark Angel and Gilmore Girls, and Firefly, and Glee.
I will be able to talk to people while I am bored at the studyhall, and get addicted to Facebook games again, and watch youtube videos, and write blogposts, and what-not.
And if I have the self disiplin I will actually write the essays.XP
I hope it shows up soon. I really do!
And when I got it back it was still broken, and I had to actually crack windows to have a working computer?
And then the on/off button broke almost at once when I got it back?
I can't remember if I wrote about it, but the on/off button magically started working again, after I had had the 'puter off for a long time. But then it really broke on me while I was in Finland, so I eventually had to send it in.
It's been about a month and a half, and all my midterm papers are do in a couple of weeks, so I really needed it back.
So I sent Datakjeden a mail on friday, telling them about the papers, and that if they thought it would take long, and if it would, could I please have a loan 'puter, so that I would have something to write my midterms on?
It really wouldn't be a problem me to use the computerhalls at school and use Boyfriend's 'puter when at home, but then I would have to send the drafts to myself by mail everytime I moved, 'cos most of the school computers haven't got USB slots.
Aaaanywho, I sent them that mail.
And then around 10 on monday I got an answer saying "yeah, it's been a month since we sent it to Acer, and that is honestly way to long. I'm gonna go send Acer a mail asking them how long it's gonna take."
At around 13 I got a new mail saying that it was lying in a shelf over at Acer's and that they would get to it right away.
Then, early yesterday morning (tuesday) I get a new mail, saying that my computer was fixed the day before. Which would be monday, which would be the same day that Datakjeden told them to get a move on.
Double-U, tee, EFF!!!
It takes them a MONTH!!! to even start my computer, and then it take them maybe a couple of hours, tops, to actually FIX the damned paperweight?!?!
How crappy is that?
I mean, seriously? If it takes that little amount of time, how come they haven't done it faster?
I effing loathe Acer. With a passion!
So I am gonna say it yet again (probably not the last time), DO! NOT! BUY! ACER!!!
The machine is a dream. It is powerful, the screen has gorgeous colours, the batterylife is amazing.
But when it breaks, you can't expect for it be fixed in a timely manner AT ALL!
I am taking bets on how many parts I get back in this time, and will it, or will it not, actually work?
I am expecting it back probably the beginning of next week.
I am looking forward to it. I am gonna play some more Sims 3 and Boyfriend is gonna play Starcraft, and I am gonna download all the Spanishpod PDFs.
And I am gonna actually watch movies, and Dr.Who, and rewatch Dark Angel and Gilmore Girls, and Firefly, and Glee.
I will be able to talk to people while I am bored at the studyhall, and get addicted to Facebook games again, and watch youtube videos, and write blogposts, and what-not.
And if I have the self disiplin I will actually write the essays.XP
I hope it shows up soon. I really do!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Educational science? Pish posh, quit your jabbering
Yeah, so I am quitting Educational Science. (I think that would be the equivialent English name for Pedagogikk.)
I don't want to be a teacher, so I am focusing on American litterature and English Grammar. And of course Spanish.
I mean, seriously, you can't imagine me as a teacher, can you? 'Cos I sure as heck can't!
But English! And Spanish!
It's language that is my true passion!
I am writning an essay in Am.lit. now. I hate writing essays, but for the first time almost ever I actually write things that make sense in a half-way (at least) academic language.
I have just written my part of a case study for Educational studies, and I did good. When we had our draft back the only criticism I got what that needed another paragraph with a little criticism om my assigned teacher to make the case study balanced. I was the only one who didn't get any "WTF? What are you talking about" sort of comments. I did however get some "This is so good, you have understood it just right!" comments=D=D
I am preparing for a oral presentation thingy, which is the last thing I am gonna do in E.S. before I quit, and that I am doing just so that I won't leave my group in the lurch.
We are already one person short. She figured she didn't want to pile up student loans studying to a profession she didn't want, which I really get. She will be a much better elementary school teacher than a high school teacher anyway. She is really lively and fun and nice, so I am thinking she will be an amazing elementary teacher=D=D
The group does seem kind of empty without her thou. Silent. I miss her=j
I don't want to be a teacher, so I am focusing on American litterature and English Grammar. And of course Spanish.
I mean, seriously, you can't imagine me as a teacher, can you? 'Cos I sure as heck can't!
But English! And Spanish!
It's language that is my true passion!
I am writning an essay in Am.lit. now. I hate writing essays, but for the first time almost ever I actually write things that make sense in a half-way (at least) academic language.
I have just written my part of a case study for Educational studies, and I did good. When we had our draft back the only criticism I got what that needed another paragraph with a little criticism om my assigned teacher to make the case study balanced. I was the only one who didn't get any "WTF? What are you talking about" sort of comments. I did however get some "This is so good, you have understood it just right!" comments=D=D
I am preparing for a oral presentation thingy, which is the last thing I am gonna do in E.S. before I quit, and that I am doing just so that I won't leave my group in the lurch.
We are already one person short. She figured she didn't want to pile up student loans studying to a profession she didn't want, which I really get. She will be a much better elementary school teacher than a high school teacher anyway. She is really lively and fun and nice, so I am thinking she will be an amazing elementary teacher=D=D
The group does seem kind of empty without her thou. Silent. I miss her=j
Monday, September 27, 2010
Pokémon will just have to wait
I have been all excited about buying Pokémon Black from Japan for about a month now.
But then I discovered, horror of horrors, doesn't ship games to Norway. So that isn't gonna happen.
I am gonna preorder it from the states thou. The rich uncle in the states has to be good for something right?XP
In other news me and H are starting to plan my birthday party next year. We are doing a masquaradeball I hope. Hopefully I can find someone who can split the cost of renting the party-hall over at the student-town with me, or it probably won't happen. Or I might party in a park somewhereXP
Probably won't happen, but it's fun to dream, right?XP
But then I discovered, horror of horrors, doesn't ship games to Norway. So that isn't gonna happen.
I am gonna preorder it from the states thou. The rich uncle in the states has to be good for something right?XP
In other news me and H are starting to plan my birthday party next year. We are doing a masquaradeball I hope. Hopefully I can find someone who can split the cost of renting the party-hall over at the student-town with me, or it probably won't happen. Or I might party in a park somewhereXP
Probably won't happen, but it's fun to dream, right?XP
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Spanish is not for pussies
So, I started Spanish classes yesterday.
I have been told that Spanish is an easy language to learn. Oh, how mistaken they were.
Spanish is an infliction rich language. An extremely infliction rich language.
Languages split into two groups. The ones that are rich in inflictions, and the ones that have strict rules for sentence building. Naturally the infliction rich ones have a more complicated grammar.
All verbs are inflicted in concern to the sex and number of the subject. The noun is more often than not the subject, which is the opposite of Norwegian and English.
It is basically a very different language.
I can see I am headed for a hard year. The class I am taking is very intensive. But that is the way I like. I like to get good fast^^,
I am gonna have great fun this year=D=D
I have been told that Spanish is an easy language to learn. Oh, how mistaken they were.
Spanish is an infliction rich language. An extremely infliction rich language.
Languages split into two groups. The ones that are rich in inflictions, and the ones that have strict rules for sentence building. Naturally the infliction rich ones have a more complicated grammar.
All verbs are inflicted in concern to the sex and number of the subject. The noun is more often than not the subject, which is the opposite of Norwegian and English.
It is basically a very different language.
I can see I am headed for a hard year. The class I am taking is very intensive. But that is the way I like. I like to get good fast^^,
I am gonna have great fun this year=D=D
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
But what if I like swearing in church?
I know damned well that I might hang for this, but I have discovered HIM.
Yeah, I know it should be rediscovered, but all those years ago it was only white noise in a cacophony of emo "we want to be metal" music that was poured over my head by various people and/or media. They hail from the early upstanding of what is now called "emo-kids".
Yeah, totally aware of the whole "emo stands for emotive and is a music style from the 70's (or 80's, can't be bothered to look it up)". You keep telling yourself that.
Thing is, it doesn't really matter what the expression has meant before. Emo these days is a synonym for a combination sort of mood, sort of like mopey-gloomy-pissy in a big mush.
That, and it's the name for a subculture of teens who are usually on the verge of anorexia (or at least they look like it). Who dye their hair black, and wear it in certain styles, generally poker-straight, with a greasy hair-gel sheen to it, and their fringe draped down the one side of their face, almost covering the eye on that side. Who wear black clothes, and usually arm-warmers or cuffs. If they only have one, that is a 100%, never failing, sign that they are cutters, and either have scars or fresh wounds on that arm. (A sure fire way to spot cutters anywhere and at any time is that covering of the one arm or wrist. Never ever fails.)
The subculture, and their music have faded somewhat out of the regular media. They are still there, but you don't hear HIM on the radio, and you don't have the "why is your child this way and how can you turn them back into your dream-child?" sort of articles in news or magazines any more.
Doesn't mean that they have gone away thou. HIM (and I am talking about the finish band here, not the American one that popped up on wikipedia when I looked up HIM) has been at it for 13 years. They released their newest album this year, the lyrics are still emo, as is their music as a whole. They seem to have tipped a little over into electronica since I heard them last, not a lot, but a little. Ville Valo still have his voice thou. It's not as good as I remembered it, but still.
I am, however, not going to embed you a new video. This is supposed to be a nostalgic post, so here I give you:
In Joy and Sorrow
Another band from this era is The Rasmus. Who are also finish (they make a lot of decent music over there^^,)
If you like Ville Valo's voice, Lauri Ylönen's voice will make you wet your panties.
That voice is made of velvet and fire. It's the kind of voice that makes angles go to hell to fornicate with the beasts. Oh Em Gee, that voice!... is not the voice I remembered....
You know how things were always better when we were young? (only true of the music in my case) That is because you were young, everything was fresh and new and you just didn't know any better.
Just for the sake of nostalgia:
In the shadows
Same with Evanescence, Marilyn Manson, Avril Lanvigne and some others. Some of them still have songs that makes me remember. I try to avoid them mostly.
So even thou their songs still make my heart weep, I will lay the new-found love HIM back beneath the black roses where it belongs.
But the song that never died. The one were their voices are they works of art that make my insides freeze and melt at the same time. The song that makes me wanna scream and cry and laugh. The one that makes my panties and eyes wet all at the same time. The song I lived on for over a month. The one perfect song from that era. The ultimate Dark Years song. Ladies and men, I give you!
I know damned well that I might hang for this, but I have discovered HIM.
Yeah, I know it should be rediscovered, but all those years ago it was only white noise in a cacophony of emo "we want to be metal" music that was poured over my head by various people and/or media. They hail from the early upstanding of what is now called "emo-kids".
Yeah, totally aware of the whole "emo stands for emotive and is a music style from the 70's (or 80's, can't be bothered to look it up)". You keep telling yourself that.
Thing is, it doesn't really matter what the expression has meant before. Emo these days is a synonym for a combination sort of mood, sort of like mopey-gloomy-pissy in a big mush.
That, and it's the name for a subculture of teens who are usually on the verge of anorexia (or at least they look like it). Who dye their hair black, and wear it in certain styles, generally poker-straight, with a greasy hair-gel sheen to it, and their fringe draped down the one side of their face, almost covering the eye on that side. Who wear black clothes, and usually arm-warmers or cuffs. If they only have one, that is a 100%, never failing, sign that they are cutters, and either have scars or fresh wounds on that arm. (A sure fire way to spot cutters anywhere and at any time is that covering of the one arm or wrist. Never ever fails.)
The subculture, and their music have faded somewhat out of the regular media. They are still there, but you don't hear HIM on the radio, and you don't have the "why is your child this way and how can you turn them back into your dream-child?" sort of articles in news or magazines any more.
Doesn't mean that they have gone away thou. HIM (and I am talking about the finish band here, not the American one that popped up on wikipedia when I looked up HIM) has been at it for 13 years. They released their newest album this year, the lyrics are still emo, as is their music as a whole. They seem to have tipped a little over into electronica since I heard them last, not a lot, but a little. Ville Valo still have his voice thou. It's not as good as I remembered it, but still.
I am, however, not going to embed you a new video. This is supposed to be a nostalgic post, so here I give you:
In Joy and Sorrow
Another band from this era is The Rasmus. Who are also finish (they make a lot of decent music over there^^,)
If you like Ville Valo's voice, Lauri Ylönen's voice will make you wet your panties.
That voice is made of velvet and fire. It's the kind of voice that makes angles go to hell to fornicate with the beasts. Oh Em Gee, that voice!... is not the voice I remembered....
You know how things were always better when we were young? (only true of the music in my case) That is because you were young, everything was fresh and new and you just didn't know any better.
Just for the sake of nostalgia:
In the shadows
Same with Evanescence, Marilyn Manson, Avril Lanvigne and some others. Some of them still have songs that makes me remember. I try to avoid them mostly.
So even thou their songs still make my heart weep, I will lay the new-found love HIM back beneath the black roses where it belongs.
But the song that never died. The one were their voices are they works of art that make my insides freeze and melt at the same time. The song that makes me wanna scream and cry and laugh. The one that makes my panties and eyes wet all at the same time. The song I lived on for over a month. The one perfect song from that era. The ultimate Dark Years song. Ladies and men, I give you!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
So, I just met my science teacher from my first year of senior high.
I went to a high school for "special teens", and apparently they have a low percentage of teens who actually finish the entire senior high.
He seemed so happy that I go to uni, and that I actually finished senior high^^,
I went to a high school for "special teens", and apparently they have a low percentage of teens who actually finish the entire senior high.
He seemed so happy that I go to uni, and that I actually finished senior high^^,
A good deal is a good deal
So, at the moment I am doing the first year of the 5 year masters programme which will make me a foreign language teacher qualified to teach junior and senior high school. That's what I am doing at the moment anyway. Probably won't finish, but that is a topic for another day.
However, I managed to eff up the language selection and go for a Spanish major, only thing is that the programme require that you have taken Spanish in high school. And I haven't.
So the crisis solution is an intensive two semester course in basic Spanish, and a premium membership over at SpanishPod101 (there's a button at the top of this post, it's the orange one).
When I was signing up for the podcast account earlier today I discovered that they are apparently holding a contest to win a free premuim account. I am guessing that you enter automatically when you sign up, I couldn't find all that much info about it.
When I signed up I got a special offer thou. I got to buy some quicck-start cd-deal and month premium membership for $9.99 (I think). I don't know if everyone gets the offer, but I recommend that you check. I got this offer when signing up for the free account. Don't know if it works for the other ones, but if you are of have been thinking about learning these languages, I recommend you go check it out^^, Note: I can't get the ads to stand next to eachother. Please bear with me^^,
However, I managed to eff up the language selection and go for a Spanish major, only thing is that the programme require that you have taken Spanish in high school. And I haven't.
So the crisis solution is an intensive two semester course in basic Spanish, and a premium membership over at SpanishPod101 (there's a button at the top of this post, it's the orange one).
When I was signing up for the podcast account earlier today I discovered that they are apparently holding a contest to win a free premuim account. I am guessing that you enter automatically when you sign up, I couldn't find all that much info about it.
When I signed up I got a special offer thou. I got to buy some quicck-start cd-deal and month premium membership for $9.99 (I think). I don't know if everyone gets the offer, but I recommend that you check. I got this offer when signing up for the free account. Don't know if it works for the other ones, but if you are of have been thinking about learning these languages, I recommend you go check it out^^, Note: I can't get the ads to stand next to eachother. Please bear with me^^,
Friday, September 10, 2010
End of an era
The end of the era of Facebook game addiction might very well be ending.
I have not logged on for days. The OCD about having unlocked every single Restaurant City recipy died today.
The thing, you see, is that right now they have some very special "champion" recipies, which to be able to unlock you have to have 7 (I think) other recipies at level 10. And to do this you ofcourse have to have all the ingredients. And one of these ingredients you have to find in your friends restaurants, and then post on their walls (!) so that they will click them and we would both get the ingredient.
So I added a lot of temp-friends (special temporary friends that I do not know that I only add to get things in games) to find lots of these sodas (which was the ingredient).
The thing is the chance of finding them is next to zero. And I am kind of past the point where I feel comfortable with having hundreds of these temp friends. And the few I had almost never found any sodas in my restaurant, nor me in their restaurants.
So, since the unlocking ran out today, that would mean that I would have to buy these sodas (and whatever other ingredients I was missing) with real money(!).
And I have spent real money on virtual crap two times in my entire life, and it's just pieces of code on a server on some unknown location. If that servers crashes or the game goes out of commision, the money would be lost.
So, no. I'd rather stop playing alltogether.
In other news, I am totally swamped at the moment.
What with two essays to write (with one more coming soon), and innumerable chapters I am behind on, and finishing the wedding present, that still isn't done.
I feel like I will never be done. I might never be XP
I have not logged on for days. The OCD about having unlocked every single Restaurant City recipy died today.
The thing, you see, is that right now they have some very special "champion" recipies, which to be able to unlock you have to have 7 (I think) other recipies at level 10. And to do this you ofcourse have to have all the ingredients. And one of these ingredients you have to find in your friends restaurants, and then post on their walls (!) so that they will click them and we would both get the ingredient.
So I added a lot of temp-friends (special temporary friends that I do not know that I only add to get things in games) to find lots of these sodas (which was the ingredient).
The thing is the chance of finding them is next to zero. And I am kind of past the point where I feel comfortable with having hundreds of these temp friends. And the few I had almost never found any sodas in my restaurant, nor me in their restaurants.
So, since the unlocking ran out today, that would mean that I would have to buy these sodas (and whatever other ingredients I was missing) with real money(!).
And I have spent real money on virtual crap two times in my entire life, and it's just pieces of code on a server on some unknown location. If that servers crashes or the game goes out of commision, the money would be lost.
So, no. I'd rather stop playing alltogether.
In other news, I am totally swamped at the moment.
What with two essays to write (with one more coming soon), and innumerable chapters I am behind on, and finishing the wedding present, that still isn't done.
I feel like I will never be done. I might never be XP
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Wonderful wedding smiles
I just came home from my cousin's wedding.
I had so much fun.
I ate (and drank) a lot^^,
We had thinly sliced Italian ham and asaparagus as an apetizer, and reindeer with bacon and greens for the main dish, and a chocolatetrio for desert. The chocolatetrio was a heavenly cake with an almond bottom, a heavy mocca chocolate pudding/mousse thing above that, a firm milk chocolate mousse above that, and a light, creamy whitechocolate mousse on top. I had two of those^^,
My oldest cousin doesn't eat sweets you see, so I got to eat his as well^^,
Or rather I ate almost all of mine, and the top two layers of his, but then I had to go visit the secret, and by the time I got back it had been cleared away^^,
There were a lot of great speeches, and a lot of inside jokes, which were, sadly, lost on said oldest cousin, who hasn't grown up with us, and who live a all around the world these days.
But he took time out of his very busy schedule to come to the wedding, and the bride-cousin was thrilled. As were we all really.
I danced. A lot! I never used to dance before, but lately I have discovered it's really fun^^, It's all about relaxing really, and where better to relaxe than with your friends and family right?^^,
The funnest dance of them all was of course when they put on Fairytale. You know, the song that wun the Eurovision contest last year, which caused the Eurovision contest to be held in Oslo this year.^^,
It's very inspired by Norwegian folk-music, and over half of the ladies wore our bunads, which are our national-dresses. Of course. It's the nicest attire we own. Only taken out for special occasions, like weddings, confimations, christenings, and of course 17th of May. Our national day.
I have a east-Telemark one.
You aren't really supposed to have a bunad from a place if you don't hail from there, and I have gotten some stress about that. Until I tell them that it was my grandparents who made it, then it's okey. I will have to post a picture at some point. It's an maginificent piece of artisan craft. It is made of a very heavy (and hot) wool material (which isn't prickly, thankfully), with really pretty embroidered hem all around the bottom. It has a apron, also with an embroidered hem all around. At the waist it has a wide, plaited belt, and the chest and back are covered with embroidery. All done by my grandmother.
It comes, of course, with a shirt. It has cross stiched areas on the chest, collar and cuffs. The stiches are tiny, on regular fabric, not aida. Really gorgeous work. My grandfather made the shirt, or rather he made the cross stiched areas. He was so sad when he had to stop, but age, sadly got the better of him, so he had to.
I am sorta drunk, so I think I am gonna stop rambling now^^,
I had an amazing time anyway=D=D
I had so much fun.
I ate (and drank) a lot^^,
We had thinly sliced Italian ham and asaparagus as an apetizer, and reindeer with bacon and greens for the main dish, and a chocolatetrio for desert. The chocolatetrio was a heavenly cake with an almond bottom, a heavy mocca chocolate pudding/mousse thing above that, a firm milk chocolate mousse above that, and a light, creamy whitechocolate mousse on top. I had two of those^^,
My oldest cousin doesn't eat sweets you see, so I got to eat his as well^^,
Or rather I ate almost all of mine, and the top two layers of his, but then I had to go visit the secret, and by the time I got back it had been cleared away^^,
There were a lot of great speeches, and a lot of inside jokes, which were, sadly, lost on said oldest cousin, who hasn't grown up with us, and who live a all around the world these days.
But he took time out of his very busy schedule to come to the wedding, and the bride-cousin was thrilled. As were we all really.
I danced. A lot! I never used to dance before, but lately I have discovered it's really fun^^, It's all about relaxing really, and where better to relaxe than with your friends and family right?^^,
The funnest dance of them all was of course when they put on Fairytale. You know, the song that wun the Eurovision contest last year, which caused the Eurovision contest to be held in Oslo this year.^^,
It's very inspired by Norwegian folk-music, and over half of the ladies wore our bunads, which are our national-dresses. Of course. It's the nicest attire we own. Only taken out for special occasions, like weddings, confimations, christenings, and of course 17th of May. Our national day.
I have a east-Telemark one.
You aren't really supposed to have a bunad from a place if you don't hail from there, and I have gotten some stress about that. Until I tell them that it was my grandparents who made it, then it's okey. I will have to post a picture at some point. It's an maginificent piece of artisan craft. It is made of a very heavy (and hot) wool material (which isn't prickly, thankfully), with really pretty embroidered hem all around the bottom. It has a apron, also with an embroidered hem all around. At the waist it has a wide, plaited belt, and the chest and back are covered with embroidery. All done by my grandmother.
It comes, of course, with a shirt. It has cross stiched areas on the chest, collar and cuffs. The stiches are tiny, on regular fabric, not aida. Really gorgeous work. My grandfather made the shirt, or rather he made the cross stiched areas. He was so sad when he had to stop, but age, sadly got the better of him, so he had to.
I am sorta drunk, so I think I am gonna stop rambling now^^,
I had an amazing time anyway=D=D
Friday, September 3, 2010
Kommandør Treholt og Ninjatroppen
Can you say Oscar for Best International Picture?
This movie deserves at the very least a nomination!
It was, hands down, the coolest movie I have seen all year!
It has ninjas, and king Olaf the 5th of Norway, played by Trond-Viggo Torgersen, who is sort of a Norwegian legend. He was the children's ombudsman for a couple of years, which is a person employed by the government to take care of children's rights. He also made a rather legendary series in the 80's explaining how the body works. They were used as educational videos at elementary school when I was a kid, I don't know if they still are.
It has invisibilty technology.
It has the most specatular sneak scenes ever made!
It has been a while since I saw it thou, and it's late, so my brain can't dig up more than this.
But it was amazing!
Go see it!!!
This movie deserves at the very least a nomination!
It was, hands down, the coolest movie I have seen all year!
It has ninjas, and king Olaf the 5th of Norway, played by Trond-Viggo Torgersen, who is sort of a Norwegian legend. He was the children's ombudsman for a couple of years, which is a person employed by the government to take care of children's rights. He also made a rather legendary series in the 80's explaining how the body works. They were used as educational videos at elementary school when I was a kid, I don't know if they still are.
It has invisibilty technology.
It has the most specatular sneak scenes ever made!
It has been a while since I saw it thou, and it's late, so my brain can't dig up more than this.
But it was amazing!
Go see it!!!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Mindless sex-sheep-herd-music-fans
You know what it takes to become a big star these days?
Mindless lyrics with a catchy refrain, and a thumping bass will get you your first hit.
The freakier the costumes the more notice you get. The less there is of these costumes the more you get remembered. And if you take your music videos to the very edge it won't exactly hurt your career.
Now do more of these mindless songs with skimpier costumes and freakier music videos every time, and you got yourself some staying power. You are now a star. Congratulations.
But the thing is it kind of takes someone with some talent for at least business that bothers to put some money and time into your career..
But what happens when you yourself have talent for business, and have been in the industry for years, and therefore know what work?
And then have musical talent to boot?
Then this happens:
Unplugged: (needs some skipping. starts at about 3:30)
Just Dance
And then, just becuase she is a good performer
Love Game live at Much Music Awards 2009
The lady can sing, and she can play, perform, arrange and write her own music.
When she figured that she had enough fame, really god music started to happen. I'll admit that she still takes too much of her clothes of, but at this point it's just that we are used to seeing her undressed.
So, sheep. We just proved our own tendecies to get fooled by barely dressed women spewing gibberish. But in fact, if you listen more closely, the lyrics say more than they let on.
Just Dance:
"Wish I could shut my playboy mouth, oh oh oh-oh
How'd I turn my shirt inside out? Inside outright
Control your poison babe, roses have thorns the say
And we're all getting hosed tonight, oh oh oh-oh"
I am not doing Pokeface, becuase absolutely all of the song has a wicked double meaning, and you can read into it whatever you like. So just go read and/or listen to the lyrics.
"I'm you biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me"
That one shouldn't even need a quote, it jumping right at you and biting your nose clean off!
I am not doing Love Game either. It's just fan hoarding. Both Pokerface and Lovegame came fairly early, and both the songs and the videos stank of sexual innuendo and were (as I see it) mostly designed to drag us in and catch us in her net of trickery.
Who still talkes about Love Game? We talk about Pokerface becuase it ws her big breakthrough. It simply came first. (Actually Just Dance did, but it apparently wasn't suggestive enough, seeing as she amped up everything after that.)
The point of it all is that she tricked us. She let us believe that she was some stupid, autotuned-to-death, constructed pop princess. She had us all fooled. And we all fell for it.
I, personally, don't think she is half bad. I have had some mixed feelings about her music in the past, but I like her more and more as I realize the beauty of it all.
She hooked in an enitre world, almost an entire generation, with a devious lie.
We are a social experiment. And we proved her right.
She isn't the mindless one. We are.
Thank you world. And a good night to you all.
Mindless lyrics with a catchy refrain, and a thumping bass will get you your first hit.
The freakier the costumes the more notice you get. The less there is of these costumes the more you get remembered. And if you take your music videos to the very edge it won't exactly hurt your career.
Now do more of these mindless songs with skimpier costumes and freakier music videos every time, and you got yourself some staying power. You are now a star. Congratulations.
But the thing is it kind of takes someone with some talent for at least business that bothers to put some money and time into your career..
But what happens when you yourself have talent for business, and have been in the industry for years, and therefore know what work?
And then have musical talent to boot?
Then this happens:
Unplugged: (needs some skipping. starts at about 3:30)
Just Dance
And then, just becuase she is a good performer
Love Game live at Much Music Awards 2009
The lady can sing, and she can play, perform, arrange and write her own music.
When she figured that she had enough fame, really god music started to happen. I'll admit that she still takes too much of her clothes of, but at this point it's just that we are used to seeing her undressed.
So, sheep. We just proved our own tendecies to get fooled by barely dressed women spewing gibberish. But in fact, if you listen more closely, the lyrics say more than they let on.
Just Dance:
"Wish I could shut my playboy mouth, oh oh oh-oh
How'd I turn my shirt inside out? Inside outright
Control your poison babe, roses have thorns the say
And we're all getting hosed tonight, oh oh oh-oh"
I am not doing Pokeface, becuase absolutely all of the song has a wicked double meaning, and you can read into it whatever you like. So just go read and/or listen to the lyrics.
"I'm you biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me"
That one shouldn't even need a quote, it jumping right at you and biting your nose clean off!
I am not doing Love Game either. It's just fan hoarding. Both Pokerface and Lovegame came fairly early, and both the songs and the videos stank of sexual innuendo and were (as I see it) mostly designed to drag us in and catch us in her net of trickery.
Who still talkes about Love Game? We talk about Pokerface becuase it ws her big breakthrough. It simply came first. (Actually Just Dance did, but it apparently wasn't suggestive enough, seeing as she amped up everything after that.)
The point of it all is that she tricked us. She let us believe that she was some stupid, autotuned-to-death, constructed pop princess. She had us all fooled. And we all fell for it.
I, personally, don't think she is half bad. I have had some mixed feelings about her music in the past, but I like her more and more as I realize the beauty of it all.
She hooked in an enitre world, almost an entire generation, with a devious lie.
We are a social experiment. And we proved her right.
She isn't the mindless one. We are.
Thank you world. And a good night to you all.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Cop Out, the worst movie ever made
The Boyfriend wasted his money on Cop Out for us. It was horrible. The Boyfriend's friends who I had pegged as the types to like sort of humor didn't even like it. It was so horrible I actaually got nauseous (I don't have a spellcheck on this 'puter, so I applogize in advance for any typos.)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Shopping makes the wallet empty
We have been shopping all day, and I have spent about 150€.
Here is what I bought:
This perfume I saw for the very first time on the Danskebåten, which is a nick for the boats going between Oslo and Fredrikshavn, and Oslo and Copenhagen.
When I was little we went to Denmark every summer, and we took the boat to and from Frederikshavn. To we took the night boat, so we just ate and went to night club and watch whatever show they had that night, and then we went to bed.
On the way home I the boat sails during the day, so that's 8 hours stuck on boat with nothing to do. So we usually ran around the boat playing gambling machines and going to the tax-free stores. And there they had a perfume and makeup department. We ran around spraying perfume on ourselves until we stank perfume from the other end of the boat. And at this perfume department I once found this perfume, and all other perfumes were ruined for me forever.XP Almost XP
But I never had enough money for them, I was a child and I never really had money. And it was really expensive, so after Mom and Dad said no once, I don't think I ever asked again. I just stood there, longing for it.
And then when I got old enough to have enough money to buy it, it was gone. I had even seen it at one perfume shop at Aker Brygge in Oslo, but it was gone from there too. And I never found it again. Every perfume shop in every country I went I looked for it, and never found it.
But today. Today I found it. And it cost 37,70€. And then I found it at another store for 57 something €, so I felt that I had made a bargain^^,
So this perfume is kind of a big deal for me^^,
I am also searching for the Gwen Steffanie's Harajuku perfumes. Both because they are shaped like Kokeshi doll, and because I also had sort of the same deal with them, but not as much.
I saw them at a perfume shop at Egertoget in Oslo last summer I think. No, spring. And I told everyone I wanted it for my birthday, and no one gave it to me, so I saved to buy it, and when I went they were gone, and I couldn't find them anywhere. I had gone into the store every time I passed to smell them and look at them, and when I went to buy them, they were gone.=(
So I am gonna look for them now^^,
And I also bought socks, because I couldn't find enough to bring one pair for every day, so I bought more^^,
My shoes looks like I bled all over them. Remember I wrote that I that I painted the barn red. Well, I splattered paint all over my shoes.
So I bought new ones.
Also the other ones are sneakers and very warm, so now I bought some cooler shoes. But they need to be broken in, so I'll have blisters everywhere all week XP
And I didn't bring soap and shampoo and conditioner.
So I bought some. I got a necklace with the shampoo and a body lotion with the soap.
And I bough some really cute hair bands^^,
And then I bought some glitter nail polish, and there was this special offer that I didn't know about because the sign was in Finnish, so I got a nail file with buffer on the side, since I bought two things from the same brand.
I went back and bought back two eyeshadows from the same brand, but I didn't get another nail file, because I was to shy to bring the file, and the clerk didn't get it for me, and nobody dared to say anything. But I got two awesome really bright eyeshadows, which was why I bought them in the first place^^,
I bought some note books. And the topmost book is a day planner, to use for school and stuff.
I am addicted to notebooks. I have tons of them, and I buy cute ones whenever I find them, and I write in every single one of them. I rarely finish them thou, since I keep buying new ones^^,

And then we ate, and we got a bagel and a soda and a desert for 7,50€
We all got a doughnut thing, and they were really cute, so I made a collage. The heart one was mine, and it had something called pomade inside, which was very similar to the yellow stuff in the middle of solskinnsboller. It was really tasty^^,
I also drank a really tasty mandarin smoothie.^^,
I had yoghurt for breakfast also. I am already getting a little bit bored with yoghurt. Mission accomplished^^,
Coffee yogurt. It was not lactoses reduced, which is really annoying, because it was very tasty.
And peach and passion fruit yoghurt.
I have finished the kokeshi doll, but I had already taken out the memory card when I remembered that I had forgotten to take a picture of it, so there might come one tomorrow.^^,
Here is what I bought:

When I was little we went to Denmark every summer, and we took the boat to and from Frederikshavn. To we took the night boat, so we just ate and went to night club and watch whatever show they had that night, and then we went to bed.
On the way home I the boat sails during the day, so that's 8 hours stuck on boat with nothing to do. So we usually ran around the boat playing gambling machines and going to the tax-free stores. And there they had a perfume and makeup department. We ran around spraying perfume on ourselves until we stank perfume from the other end of the boat. And at this perfume department I once found this perfume, and all other perfumes were ruined for me forever.XP Almost XP
But I never had enough money for them, I was a child and I never really had money. And it was really expensive, so after Mom and Dad said no once, I don't think I ever asked again. I just stood there, longing for it.
And then when I got old enough to have enough money to buy it, it was gone. I had even seen it at one perfume shop at Aker Brygge in Oslo, but it was gone from there too. And I never found it again. Every perfume shop in every country I went I looked for it, and never found it.
But today. Today I found it. And it cost 37,70€. And then I found it at another store for 57 something €, so I felt that I had made a bargain^^,
So this perfume is kind of a big deal for me^^,
I am also searching for the Gwen Steffanie's Harajuku perfumes. Both because they are shaped like Kokeshi doll, and because I also had sort of the same deal with them, but not as much.
I saw them at a perfume shop at Egertoget in Oslo last summer I think. No, spring. And I told everyone I wanted it for my birthday, and no one gave it to me, so I saved to buy it, and when I went they were gone, and I couldn't find them anywhere. I had gone into the store every time I passed to smell them and look at them, and when I went to buy them, they were gone.=(
So I am gonna look for them now^^,

So I bought new ones.
Also the other ones are sneakers and very warm, so now I bought some cooler shoes. But they need to be broken in, so I'll have blisters everywhere all week XP

So I bought some. I got a necklace with the shampoo and a body lotion with the soap.

I went back and bought back two eyeshadows from the same brand, but I didn't get another nail file, because I was to shy to bring the file, and the clerk didn't get it for me, and nobody dared to say anything. But I got two awesome really bright eyeshadows, which was why I bought them in the first place^^,

I am addicted to notebooks. I have tons of them, and I buy cute ones whenever I find them, and I write in every single one of them. I rarely finish them thou, since I keep buying new ones^^,

And then we ate, and we got a bagel and a soda and a desert for 7,50€
We all got a doughnut thing, and they were really cute, so I made a collage. The heart one was mine, and it had something called pomade inside, which was very similar to the yellow stuff in the middle of solskinnsboller. It was really tasty^^,

I had yoghurt for breakfast also. I am already getting a little bit bored with yoghurt. Mission accomplished^^,

I have finished the kokeshi doll, but I had already taken out the memory card when I remembered that I had forgotten to take a picture of it, so there might come one tomorrow.^^,
5 o'clock in the morning, guess who's early and bright
Yeah, so usually I wake up at the crack of dawn. (That is, of course, when I don't sleep until noon XP)
So it's 6:11 AM. I didn't actually wake on my own thou. I had forgotten that my cellphone insists on setting your alarm clock to ring every day, instead of being content with just once XP
So of course it rang at 5:05 this morning X3
I have spent the morning constructively thou, taking pictures.
So here are some things I have bought.
A lot of Hello Kitty stash. Or rather an activities bag for bored little girls, and a tin of Chupa Chups with Hello Kitty on it^^,
Hello Kitty perfume. Boyfriend tells me I have bought a children's perfume, which might by right. (I have a dim recollection that it was in the children's part of the store.) He also said that I only bought it 'cos it's got Hello Kitty on it, but that isn't true, I bought it 'cos it smells of vanilla. The fact that the only reason I smelt it in the first place was because of the Hello Kitty stamp on the bottle is another matter all together XP
I bought earrings. I recently took out the silver rings that I have had in ears for God knows how long. A looooong time. And I have spent the last week or so trying to find some new ones. I finally did^^,
And that was all she bought. But she had yoghurt for a night-time meal. (As in something light to eat before bed so one does not wake up hungry in the middle of the night. Is there a word for that in English? Supper doesn't seem right for this.)
I don't know if you can see it, but it's pineapple flavoured.
What is the significance of this you ask? I am as of recently lactoses intolerant, and thus can't eat yoghurt. I never really was a big one for milk based products before (except for fine cheeses XP And whipped cream in cocoa of course), but when you can't have it, you just end up craving it.
And here in Finland they have a really wide (and cheap) selection of lactoses free and reduced food stuffs. So I have decided to eat yoghurt until I am sick of it so that I stop craving it.
I have started cross stitching again. Right now I am stitching a collection of Kokeshi dolls for the Gacha's. This is mine, as purple is my Gacha-colour^^,
This is what a real, live Kokeshi doll looks like.
They are a special kind of painted Japanese wooden dolls, which farmer's children had to play with. Now they are very popular all over Japan (and all of the Japanofile world XP)
On an ending note, this is the bed I woke up in.
The air mattress that I was supposed to sleep on had a hole in it, and was leaking air. They tried to tape it, with little to no success. We are buying something new today thou.
But to compensate of the increasing flatness of the mattress we first took an mattress cover and folded that double, and then we folded the mattress it self double, and then we put a beanie sack by the side of it, in case I were to roll off (it's the huge white and brownish thing. It's kind of old).
I slept surprisingly comfortable.^^, And I woke up completely rested^^, Even thou it was 5 in the morningXP
So it's 6:11 AM. I didn't actually wake on my own thou. I had forgotten that my cellphone insists on setting your alarm clock to ring every day, instead of being content with just once XP
So of course it rang at 5:05 this morning X3
I have spent the morning constructively thou, taking pictures.
So here are some things I have bought.

I don't know if you can see it, but it's pineapple flavoured.
What is the significance of this you ask? I am as of recently lactoses intolerant, and thus can't eat yoghurt. I never really was a big one for milk based products before (except for fine cheeses XP And whipped cream in cocoa of course), but when you can't have it, you just end up craving it.
And here in Finland they have a really wide (and cheap) selection of lactoses free and reduced food stuffs. So I have decided to eat yoghurt until I am sick of it so that I stop craving it.

They are a special kind of painted Japanese wooden dolls, which farmer's children had to play with. Now they are very popular all over Japan (and all of the Japanofile world XP)

The air mattress that I was supposed to sleep on had a hole in it, and was leaking air. They tried to tape it, with little to no success. We are buying something new today thou.
But to compensate of the increasing flatness of the mattress we first took an mattress cover and folded that double, and then we folded the mattress it self double, and then we put a beanie sack by the side of it, in case I were to roll off (it's the huge white and brownish thing. It's kind of old).
I slept surprisingly comfortable.^^, And I woke up completely rested^^, Even thou it was 5 in the morningXP
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Finland here we come^^,
We are now sitting on the boat to Finland.
Yesterday I woke up at 1:30 AM, and tonight I only slept around 4 hours, so I fell asleep on the table in the restaurant where we ate breakfast, and then the Gachas bought me coffee, so now I feel all awake and rested again^^,
Gacha 1 said that I was really good at power-napping, which I kinda agree with. When I am so tired that I feel like I am falling asleep standing up, I just lay my head down on the table and nap for 10 minutes, and then I am all awake again=D=D
Our hotel was really nice, we had a little kitchen and everything. Which of course we didn't use, since we were there just to sleep a few hours before going to the boat.
I was so afraid of missing the boat, because I had a walker's ticket (as opposed to one with a car), and I had to walk to the check-in area all by myself. Gacha 2, 1.2 and 4 helped me find it, and then I walked there on my own.
I was starving so I bought myself some toast with ham and cheese. I am getting some penalty for that cheese thou, I have a slight stomach ache XP
Now I am gonna read some more Septimus Heap=D=D
Yesterday I woke up at 1:30 AM, and tonight I only slept around 4 hours, so I fell asleep on the table in the restaurant where we ate breakfast, and then the Gachas bought me coffee, so now I feel all awake and rested again^^,
Gacha 1 said that I was really good at power-napping, which I kinda agree with. When I am so tired that I feel like I am falling asleep standing up, I just lay my head down on the table and nap for 10 minutes, and then I am all awake again=D=D
Our hotel was really nice, we had a little kitchen and everything. Which of course we didn't use, since we were there just to sleep a few hours before going to the boat.
I was so afraid of missing the boat, because I had a walker's ticket (as opposed to one with a car), and I had to walk to the check-in area all by myself. Gacha 2, 1.2 and 4 helped me find it, and then I walked there on my own.
I was starving so I bought myself some toast with ham and cheese. I am getting some penalty for that cheese thou, I have a slight stomach ache XP
Now I am gonna read some more Septimus Heap=D=D
Monday, July 5, 2010
One hour 'till lift off
I one hour and 30 minutes my train leaves for Stockholm.
I have movies and cross stitching and DS and a book. And loads and load of candy and fruit and soda and chips. You know, in case I get peckish. XD
So I am all set^^,
Ready. Set. Lift off!!!!
I have movies and cross stitching and DS and a book. And loads and load of candy and fruit and soda and chips. You know, in case I get peckish. XD
So I am all set^^,
Ready. Set. Lift off!!!!
Finland away *flying motions*
So, in about 10 hours I leave for Finland. We are going to Turku.
Or, rather, I leave for Stockholm. I am riding the train for 6 or so hours all by my lonesome. I have filled up on movies and cross-stitching supplies.^^,
I have been awake since 2:30, and I buzzed. I am gonna fall asleep the second I sit down on the train...XP
Or, rather, I leave for Stockholm. I am riding the train for 6 or so hours all by my lonesome. I have filled up on movies and cross-stitching supplies.^^,
I have been awake since 2:30, and I buzzed. I am gonna fall asleep the second I sit down on the train...XP
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Tipsy Britney
Okey, don't kill me now please.
I have had a Mai Tai tonight. One, mind you. And I am not drunk or anything, just a wee bit tipsy. I have the alcohol tolerance of a really tiny small something with low alcohol tolerance XP
But I was sitting on Spotify just browsing, and for some odd reason I started listening to Britney Spears. And you know what? I actually like some of her non-single songs. At least some of the ones on the In the Zone album.
I have had a Mai Tai tonight. One, mind you. And I am not drunk or anything, just a wee bit tipsy. I have the alcohol tolerance of a really tiny small something with low alcohol tolerance XP
But I was sitting on Spotify just browsing, and for some odd reason I started listening to Britney Spears. And you know what? I actually like some of her non-single songs. At least some of the ones on the In the Zone album.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Mr. T and a REALLY cool shield
Have anyone ever noticed that Mr. T looks like a Buffy-vampire with it's teeth out?
We played D&D yesterday, and Frain got new attacks and abilities. We got pre-made characters, so yesterday me and V got to pick some new attacks that we liked better. It's cool to be a tank, but it always means that I have to stand right next to the monsters to be able to attack, so I needed some ranged attack, which I got. Which was cool^^,
We went on a quest behind or maybe in an enchanted cabin. We killed some icky desert thingies, and two dragons. And we leveled up the team, so we are all lvl 2 now, people.^^.
The DM got us some cool new gear (which we hoarded for ourselves of course, finder's-winner, right?XP)
So I got a REALLY cool shield. Which was named a REALLY cool shield for quite some time, until the DM could figure out what it was, and it was really cool. It makes me able to move full-speed over water, and not sink or drown,^^,
I love my really cool shield<3<3
We played D&D yesterday, and Frain got new attacks and abilities. We got pre-made characters, so yesterday me and V got to pick some new attacks that we liked better. It's cool to be a tank, but it always means that I have to stand right next to the monsters to be able to attack, so I needed some ranged attack, which I got. Which was cool^^,
We went on a quest behind or maybe in an enchanted cabin. We killed some icky desert thingies, and two dragons. And we leveled up the team, so we are all lvl 2 now, people.^^.
The DM got us some cool new gear (which we hoarded for ourselves of course, finder's-winner, right?XP)
So I got a REALLY cool shield. Which was named a REALLY cool shield for quite some time, until the DM could figure out what it was, and it was really cool. It makes me able to move full-speed over water, and not sink or drown,^^,
I love my really cool shield<3<3
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Septimus Heap
I am currently reading the Septimus Heap series. And I love Love LOVE it.
It's is masterly written and it has an absolutely wonderful use of Capital letters, marking the Important things. It also uses old fashion ways of writing some of the more important words to the story. Like Darknesse, and Magyk.
This is children's fantasy at it's best. I would say it's suitable for children all down the age of 7, and if you are a parent you should definitely read it out loud for your child, because if you liked the Harry Potter books, you will love this one.
It's for children, young adults and proper adults alike.
It's is masterly written and it has an absolutely wonderful use of Capital letters, marking the Important things. It also uses old fashion ways of writing some of the more important words to the story. Like Darknesse, and Magyk.
This is children's fantasy at it's best. I would say it's suitable for children all down the age of 7, and if you are a parent you should definitely read it out loud for your child, because if you liked the Harry Potter books, you will love this one.
It's for children, young adults and proper adults alike.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Fake your beauty
For some reason society want girls to look natural, but not be natural.
We should dye or bleach our hair. Dye our eyebrows and eyelashes. Curl and straighten. Wearing self-tan and bronzer is for some reason nicer than actually being tan. Make up is very important, but you need to look as if you aren't actually wearing any.
Breast implants and botox and lipo-suction are made to look as natural as possible. These days flattening out your wrinkles is frowned upon, because the thing to do is inject fat under your skin to make it look plumper, smoother and, you guessed it, more natural.
In this day and age anorexia and bulimia are looked upon as something awful, but we plaster larger-than-life posters of H&M models, whose thighs don't actually meet when they stand straight on every relatively flat surface. Mothers are hated on, because it is their need to feel beautiful that are befouling the minds of their daughters, making them think they aren't good enough. I say people wrong, it's not the mothers, it's the society. It's media hating on the girl with a half a kilo extra, the girl with bags under her eyes, the girl with large pores, or bumps or blemishes, with limp hair, or hair with the wrong colour or length, or texture or shape.
Everyone always hates on the skinny girls in the commercials. But what about the hair fixer-upper commercials? Or skin-miracle commercials? Or the make-your-self-beautiful commercials, who proclaims that their product contains 35% more beauty with every stroke? Or the shows about how to make yourself look 10 years younger? Have anyone but me noticed that the way to look 10 years younger takes at least 2 operations and brand new porcelain teeth?
Because we will never be good enough the way we are. We will always weigh 3 pounds too much and have the wrong hair and wrong skin tone and wrong face. So lay down on the table dahling, let me nip and tuck you. Let me fix your hair and your body and your face. And when you are done there will always be one more thing.
Ladies. Get ready. Let's fake our beauty!
We should dye or bleach our hair. Dye our eyebrows and eyelashes. Curl and straighten. Wearing self-tan and bronzer is for some reason nicer than actually being tan. Make up is very important, but you need to look as if you aren't actually wearing any.
Breast implants and botox and lipo-suction are made to look as natural as possible. These days flattening out your wrinkles is frowned upon, because the thing to do is inject fat under your skin to make it look plumper, smoother and, you guessed it, more natural.
In this day and age anorexia and bulimia are looked upon as something awful, but we plaster larger-than-life posters of H&M models, whose thighs don't actually meet when they stand straight on every relatively flat surface. Mothers are hated on, because it is their need to feel beautiful that are befouling the minds of their daughters, making them think they aren't good enough. I say people wrong, it's not the mothers, it's the society. It's media hating on the girl with a half a kilo extra, the girl with bags under her eyes, the girl with large pores, or bumps or blemishes, with limp hair, or hair with the wrong colour or length, or texture or shape.
Everyone always hates on the skinny girls in the commercials. But what about the hair fixer-upper commercials? Or skin-miracle commercials? Or the make-your-self-beautiful commercials, who proclaims that their product contains 35% more beauty with every stroke? Or the shows about how to make yourself look 10 years younger? Have anyone but me noticed that the way to look 10 years younger takes at least 2 operations and brand new porcelain teeth?
Because we will never be good enough the way we are. We will always weigh 3 pounds too much and have the wrong hair and wrong skin tone and wrong face. So lay down on the table dahling, let me nip and tuck you. Let me fix your hair and your body and your face. And when you are done there will always be one more thing.
Ladies. Get ready. Let's fake our beauty!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I think I got purdyful today
So someone decided that I had a hairy face apparently. And that my facial-hair had the wrong colour. So I got my eyebrows waxed and coloured, and my eyelashes coloured.
And then I apparently got a reaction to the eyelash colour, so my eyes got all burny, and they're still kind of sore, but my eyelashes got some colour.
And yesterday I lightened my hair.
So I think I am kinda of pretty now. Maybe?
And then I apparently got a reaction to the eyelash colour, so my eyes got all burny, and they're still kind of sore, but my eyelashes got some colour.
And yesterday I lightened my hair.
So I think I am kinda of pretty now. Maybe?
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Beer and books
I have less than awful beer. I really really hate beer. It's awful, it tastes like rancid piss to be quite frank.
But my dad presented me with lemon cut Tuborg. And thou it still tastes like beer, but not quite as rancid as normal beerXP
Also I raided Oslo's biggest library. I came out with about 20-25 books.
The perfect cure for the means reds and/or the blues, or almost any other unpleasant colour, is taking home unread books. And if I borrow them instead of buying them I don't get more of whatever colour is bothering me because I have spent money I need for other things.
And I have wanted to visit Deichmanske for almost 3 years, maybe more. So we went there, and I got snickered at because I had promised to only borrow five and then we would go back afterwards, but I couldn't help myselfXP I had to carry all the books around for the rest of the dayXP
Hmmmmm.... My beer has started to turn rancid on me again. I am gonna put more lime in it now. Night night.
But my dad presented me with lemon cut Tuborg. And thou it still tastes like beer, but not quite as rancid as normal beerXP
Also I raided Oslo's biggest library. I came out with about 20-25 books.
The perfect cure for the means reds and/or the blues, or almost any other unpleasant colour, is taking home unread books. And if I borrow them instead of buying them I don't get more of whatever colour is bothering me because I have spent money I need for other things.
And I have wanted to visit Deichmanske for almost 3 years, maybe more. So we went there, and I got snickered at because I had promised to only borrow five and then we would go back afterwards, but I couldn't help myselfXP I had to carry all the books around for the rest of the dayXP
Hmmmmm.... My beer has started to turn rancid on me again. I am gonna put more lime in it now. Night night.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
They are playing the Narwhal song on repeat, and I have maybe slept 10 hours since Thursday. SPOOOOOOOOIIIIIING!!!! X3
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Birdie FTW
Birdie rocks my boots^^,
Right now they are having a live concert, and there's laser tag out on the lawn, they have a climbing wall, and a jumping-castle. (You know, those big plastic things filled with air that you jump in.) Earlier there was oil wrestling^^, Sweedish girls have large titsXD
They have concerts every night, and in 1 hour and 16 minutes there will be a fire show before the Demo showing. Which I am really exited about. It's hands down the coolest thing at these parties.
The Gathering can go to bed. (A thing I used to say when I was little: "Gå hjem og BOGG!!!"^^,) This is WAY cooler!!! By far!!!
Right now they are having a live concert, and there's laser tag out on the lawn, they have a climbing wall, and a jumping-castle. (You know, those big plastic things filled with air that you jump in.) Earlier there was oil wrestling^^, Sweedish girls have large titsXD
They have concerts every night, and in 1 hour and 16 minutes there will be a fire show before the Demo showing. Which I am really exited about. It's hands down the coolest thing at these parties.
The Gathering can go to bed. (A thing I used to say when I was little: "Gå hjem og BOGG!!!"^^,) This is WAY cooler!!! By far!!!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Fan hva snygt
Apparently I am pretty^^,
Still at Birdie, and the photo competition just had a showing of the pictures, one of which portray yours truly playing with soap bubbles. And from the stage area where all the people were watching came a "fan hva snygt" (Damn, how pretty). Now they might have been talking about the bubbles, but my ego chooses to think they were talking about me^^,
I don't think we'll win thou, I think the half naked chick with the pink hair will win. Seeing as how she's half naked in the pics XP
Fun seeing myself on bigscreen^^,
Still at Birdie, and the photo competition just had a showing of the pictures, one of which portray yours truly playing with soap bubbles. And from the stage area where all the people were watching came a "fan hva snygt" (Damn, how pretty). Now they might have been talking about the bubbles, but my ego chooses to think they were talking about me^^,
I don't think we'll win thou, I think the half naked chick with the pink hair will win. Seeing as how she's half naked in the pics XP
Fun seeing myself on bigscreen^^,
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Crappy piece of crap (also: Birdiebirdienomnom)
You know my craptacular piece of crap that tries to pass itself off as a laptop.
It's broken. AGAIN!!!!
At the worst time possible. Again.
There's Birdie this weekend, which is a big LAN/demo party in Uppsala in Sweden. And the day before we are to leave miss craptacular decides she doesn't like her power button, and refuses to turn on!!!!
I ended up having to bring the piece of shit Dell. It turned off 3 times due to the heat in the hall we're in before I just had to go buy a big fan thingy to put underneath it. It works like a dream thou, no more problem.
We arrived in Stockholm after a 6 hour train ride about 2 yesterday and went shopping before travelling on to Uppsala.
I bought Kamikaze Girls, Cutie Honey and Sex is Zero on DVD. The two first are Japanese and the last one is Korean.
I have started watching Cutie Honey, and it's so over the top it's pure genius. If you have seen Cybergirl it's even more over the top than that. It's awesome beyond belief=D=D
It's really hot here. They have everything that can be open open, but take around 1k computers and laptops and put them into a hall about the size of a junior high PE hall, and you get a hot hall indeed.
Actually it's not so bad right now, because most of the kids are sleeping.
I slept for about 4 hours in the sleeping hall, but I woke up from heat and dehydration. So I just had to get up.
The showers here are actually hot thou, and that was really refreshing.
Right now we are mostly waiting for the stores to open so we can get some breakfastXD
It's broken. AGAIN!!!!
At the worst time possible. Again.
There's Birdie this weekend, which is a big LAN/demo party in Uppsala in Sweden. And the day before we are to leave miss craptacular decides she doesn't like her power button, and refuses to turn on!!!!
I ended up having to bring the piece of shit Dell. It turned off 3 times due to the heat in the hall we're in before I just had to go buy a big fan thingy to put underneath it. It works like a dream thou, no more problem.
We arrived in Stockholm after a 6 hour train ride about 2 yesterday and went shopping before travelling on to Uppsala.
I bought Kamikaze Girls, Cutie Honey and Sex is Zero on DVD. The two first are Japanese and the last one is Korean.
I have started watching Cutie Honey, and it's so over the top it's pure genius. If you have seen Cybergirl it's even more over the top than that. It's awesome beyond belief=D=D
It's really hot here. They have everything that can be open open, but take around 1k computers and laptops and put them into a hall about the size of a junior high PE hall, and you get a hot hall indeed.
Actually it's not so bad right now, because most of the kids are sleeping.
I slept for about 4 hours in the sleeping hall, but I woke up from heat and dehydration. So I just had to get up.
The showers here are actually hot thou, and that was really refreshing.
Right now we are mostly waiting for the stores to open so we can get some breakfastXD
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Distractions galore
Do you know what time of year there are the most distractions? Right before any and all exams. There are webcomics I wanna read, and youtube videos I wanna watch. There are friends I wanna hang out with, and shops I wanna peruse. There is music I wanna listen to and books I wanna read, and comic books and drawings I wanna draw and games I wanna play.
But I have got to read, at least a little. Time to hit the books^^,
But I have got to read, at least a little. Time to hit the books^^,
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Free Comic Book Day, after the fact
It's been a good Free Comic Book Day^^,
I'm not really that into American comic books, I get annoyed enough about Ret Cons when people tell me about them, if I have to experience the horror for myself, I think I will go absolutely nuts. So I am donating all (almost) of the comic books I picked out to my cousin who didn't have time to come get them himself^^,
I am keeping the Fragglerock comic thou. And the Nail Gaiman book^^,
Also I bought some Tru Blood. Which is a kind of synthetic blood, which the Japanese created as a substitute for human blood, and that vampires can survive on, so that they can come out into the open^^, Or at least in the books that's what it is. The bottle that I bought contained a carbonated blood orange drink. Which for some odd reason smelled like a shampoo.XD
Then we went to Dragens Hule, which is something as cool as a webshop that has moved on to getting a real-life honest to god store. And that is freakin' awesome=D=D
Anyway, in that very store we found (or rather L found and then showed me) a purse/backpack shaped like my logo. It's made of red and black vinyl, with the actual purse in red shaped like a heart, lined with black lace and with black vinyl wings sown on.
So it's shaped like my logo, the DragonHeart. I can't really afford it right now, but they only had two left, so I had them put it aside for me until Monday. (Because I forgot my wallet at home.)
Later we went to an outdoor market and I ate spring rolls, and drank unsweetened Japanese Green Tea. Which tasted a lot like soap. which was kinda gross. But I payed for it, so I drank it all^^,
I am gonna go to bed now^^,
I'm not really that into American comic books, I get annoyed enough about Ret Cons when people tell me about them, if I have to experience the horror for myself, I think I will go absolutely nuts. So I am donating all (almost) of the comic books I picked out to my cousin who didn't have time to come get them himself^^,
I am keeping the Fragglerock comic thou. And the Nail Gaiman book^^,
Also I bought some Tru Blood. Which is a kind of synthetic blood, which the Japanese created as a substitute for human blood, and that vampires can survive on, so that they can come out into the open^^, Or at least in the books that's what it is. The bottle that I bought contained a carbonated blood orange drink. Which for some odd reason smelled like a shampoo.XD
Then we went to Dragens Hule, which is something as cool as a webshop that has moved on to getting a real-life honest to god store. And that is freakin' awesome=D=D
Anyway, in that very store we found (or rather L found and then showed me) a purse/backpack shaped like my logo. It's made of red and black vinyl, with the actual purse in red shaped like a heart, lined with black lace and with black vinyl wings sown on.
So it's shaped like my logo, the DragonHeart. I can't really afford it right now, but they only had two left, so I had them put it aside for me until Monday. (Because I forgot my wallet at home.)
Later we went to an outdoor market and I ate spring rolls, and drank unsweetened Japanese Green Tea. Which tasted a lot like soap. which was kinda gross. But I payed for it, so I drank it all^^,
I am gonna go to bed now^^,
Free Comic Book Day
I'm guessing Free Comic Book Day in America was last Saturday, like usually. But last Saturday was the 1st of May, and that is a holiday here in Norway, it's called Workers Day.
So we are having Free Comic Book Day today. I am guessing all other countries that celebrate Workers Day also are having Free Comic Book Day today.
So head over to you local Comic Book store and get your copies of the tons of free comics that they give out^^,
Happy Free Comic Book Day everyone^^,
So we are having Free Comic Book Day today. I am guessing all other countries that celebrate Workers Day also are having Free Comic Book Day today.
So head over to you local Comic Book store and get your copies of the tons of free comics that they give out^^,
Happy Free Comic Book Day everyone^^,
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I hate this day
Yeah, like my day haven't been bad enough, what with the zombies, and forgetting my breakfast in the toast oven, and apparently having hurt my finger.
You know the effing Pokémon games I bought used off the net. They're fake.
They're as fake as they can get. Fake through and through.
I have ordered new ones (from another seller obviously), and if those also turn out to be fake, I will report them both straight into oblivion.
Boyfriend seems to think that the seller didn't know they were fake, so he doesn't want me to report him, but I seriously want to. Not only because I don't think he's right. But I am also a little vindictive.
I have sent the seller a mail wanting my money back, and I am gonna wait a little, but if he doesn't respond I am going to report him. It's illegal to sell fake games, and I really should report him to maybe Nintendo or something. In my opinion it's one thing to download music, nobody makes money off of that, except actually the record companies. I end up buying a lot of the music or movies I have others download for me. Downloading isn't illegal anyway, uploading is.
But selling knock-offs, that IS illegal, and it's wrong to make money off of fake stuff. Also I would not be surprised if the fake game would ruin my real games.
And all these crappy things just HAD to happen right before my exam right? Everything has to go wrong at once when I am stressed out and on the edge already doesn't it?
I fucking (oh em gee, a cuss word) this day. This fucking awful day can go to hell!!!
You know the effing Pokémon games I bought used off the net. They're fake.
They're as fake as they can get. Fake through and through.
I have ordered new ones (from another seller obviously), and if those also turn out to be fake, I will report them both straight into oblivion.
Boyfriend seems to think that the seller didn't know they were fake, so he doesn't want me to report him, but I seriously want to. Not only because I don't think he's right. But I am also a little vindictive.
I have sent the seller a mail wanting my money back, and I am gonna wait a little, but if he doesn't respond I am going to report him. It's illegal to sell fake games, and I really should report him to maybe Nintendo or something. In my opinion it's one thing to download music, nobody makes money off of that, except actually the record companies. I end up buying a lot of the music or movies I have others download for me. Downloading isn't illegal anyway, uploading is.
But selling knock-offs, that IS illegal, and it's wrong to make money off of fake stuff. Also I would not be surprised if the fake game would ruin my real games.
And all these crappy things just HAD to happen right before my exam right? Everything has to go wrong at once when I am stressed out and on the edge already doesn't it?
I fucking (oh em gee, a cuss word) this day. This fucking awful day can go to hell!!!
I hate phobias!!!
So I just opened one of my webcomics. I almost screamed out loud. There was a big rotting monster-man staring at me.
I was so scared I almost started to cry.
I effing HATE this!!!
I was so scared I almost started to cry.
I effing HATE this!!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Big Bad Post of Quotes
What do Tinkerbell do when she is tired and has had a bad day. (It involved a car accident, it will be at written about at the very bottom. Ooooooh! SuspenseXP And scrolling down is cheatingXD)
This is gonna be a guess the quote post. Write in the comments if you get it, and I will feature your name (or nick) and the name of where the quote originated from. If you feel up to the challenge try to get the name of the character/person who said/sung it as well.^^,
Anyone is allowed to partake. Don't be shy peeps^^, But I will know if you have googled it, and your comment will be removed and you will go on the list of shame in the bottom of this post, so don't do that. Just don't.
(Note: Quotes will be from movies, tv-shows, comic-books, webcomics, music, whatever I fancy^^, Also there can be several quotes from the same thing.)
Here goes:
"He's gonna dinner-fuck her booze-hole."
"I do believe in spooks! I do! I do! I do!"
"I'm a very important man! I have a tower."
"All the world is a judge, but that doesn't compare, to what I do to myself when you're not there."
"Don't look a gift lion in the mouth."
"You know, that last one actually makes more sense than the original."
"I can bear it no longer! Goblin King! Goblin King! Wherever you may be take this child of mine far away from me!"
"That's not it! Where did she get that rubbish? It doesn't even start with "I wish!" "
"Do you want anything dampened? Or made soggy?"
"The most dashing, panty-snatching, I will leave your diapers dripping! "
"No, I am, but... it's a symptom. You're treating a symptom while the disease rages on, consumes the human race. The fish rots from the head, so they say. So I'm thinking, why not cut off the head?"
"These are not the Hammer." Holds up fists. "The hammer is my penis."
"Eg he vøri i dei kristne landi, der folkji kallar på Gud. Eg e sterkar hell du!"
"Swinging back and forth, although you noticed that I set your rope aflame."
"You're closer to me than I've ever been. You move so close. You're skin beneath my skin"
"Next time, I'll skin you like a stag and let the wolves pick your bones!"
"I'm just a mean green mother from outer space and I'm bad!"
"Drug market. Blood market. Some times I wonder why ever got in."
"I can guarantee the closest shave you'll ever know."
"At last! My arm is complete again!"
"Somewhere out there is a lady who I think will never be a nun. Auf Wiedersehen, darling."
"Now lets get this straight, Gus. The chaperon's job is to see that nobody else has any fun. Nobody chaperons the chaperon. That's why I'm so right for this job. "
"She put herself in your place - all you have to do is put yourself in her place, and you're *bound* to bump into each other in somebody's place. "
"I'm like cat here, a no-name slob. We belong to nobody, and nobody belongs to us. We don't even belong to each other. "
"I think it's just elegant to have an imagination. I just have no imagination at all. I have lots of other things, but I have no imagination. "
"Jerry, Jerry, will you take my advice? Forget about the whole thing, will ya? Just keep telling yourself: you're a boy, you're a boy. "
"Will you look at that! Look how she moves! It's like Jell-O on springs. Must have some sort of built-in motor or something. I tell you, it's a whole different sex! "
"My parents wanted to move me into high school out of the sixth grade, but we decided to chuck the idea because I'd have trouble making friends, blah, blah, blah. Now blah, blah, blah is all I ever do. I use my grand IQ to decide what color lip gloss to wear in the morning and how to hit three keggers before curfew... "
"Have I got things to tell you!
What happened?
I'm engaged.
Congratulations. Who's the lucky girl?
I am!"
"It's one thing to want someone out of your life, but it's another thing to serve them a wake-up cup full of liquid drainer. "
"Oh no you don't! Osgood, I'm gonna level with you. We can't get married at all.
Why not?
Well, in the first place, I'm not a natural blonde.
Doesn't matter.
I smoke! I smoke all the time!
I don't care.
Well, I have a terrible past. For three years now, I've been living with a saxophone player.
I forgive you.
[Tragically] I can never have children!
We can adopt some.
But you don't understand, Osgood!
[Pulls of wig]
I'm a man!
Well, nobody's perfect!"
(I seriously worry about your cultural upbringing if you have never heard this quote. It's the best quote from the golden age of Hollywood in my opinion.)
"Ruffles and laces and candy-sweet faces directed your furtive hand, I perfectly understand."
"I want an old straw hat, a pair of overalls, and a worn out pair of shoes."
"She drowned her father in the creek. The water tasted bad for a week, and we had to make do with gin."
"God was there from the very beginning
He invented men and women,
Then He also invented wanking,
Then He said wanking was sinning.
So if I'm feeling randy
I'm not allowed to hand-shandy,
But having sex with my family,
That is just fucking great.
It's all there in Ezekial 8"
(Um, quicktip here. If you are religious and kind of uptight and a prude about it, don't look up this quote. If you are, however, religious and can actually joke around with it, then this song is really funny. It really is^^, It's meant to be funny, the guy who wrote it is comedian. Come on people, loosen up, laugh a little. Nothing (and I mean nothing) is so awful that it can't be joked about.(Given time and distance of course.))
"He eyes ain't green and my hair I ain't yellow, it's more likely the other way around."
"And when at last the police came by,
Her little pranks she did not deny,
To do so she would have had to lie,
And lying, she knew, was a sin, a sin"
"A woman happily in love, she burns the soufflé. A woman unhappily in love, she forgets to turn on the oven."
"I don't want to lose my virginity to a piece of fruit."
"Now... it seems we were in a similar position on Monday when I thoughtfully suggested we get everybody together for an unadulterated emotional outpouring. But no. You took this as an opportunity to play yet another round of "Let's Laugh at the Hippie." "
"One of the boys I dated, and they were boys, suggested that we go to Paris and I said I'd always wanted to see Paris. As if I'd never been!"
"People will look at the ashes of Westerburg and say, "Now there's a school that self-destructed, not because society didn't care, but because the school was society." Now that's deep. "
"Do you go to concerts?
No. We don't believe in concerts.
Oh, I assure you, they're real."
"And it boom!"Flings her arms out. "What?"
"This can only ever happen once.
Oh... Why?
There can only ever be one first time."
"Bonjour, mesdames et monsiuers. Yesterday we have learned the correct way how to boil water. Today we will learn the correct way how to crack an egg. Voilà! An egg. Now, an egg is not a stone; it is not made of wood, it is a living thing. It has a heart. So when we crack it, we must not torment it. We must be merciful and execute it quickly, like with the guillotine."
"You don't marry a girl because she's pretty, but by jove, doesn't it help?"
"I don't want to get involved in the racial situation at the expense of losing fans. I wouldn't say anything too strong but I do know that God created us equal and we're not living up to it."
(Fantastic woman this one. And gorgeous too. She said some truly deep things in her day. Oh em gee! Was that a hint? The next few ones will be quotes that actual people said, these you are allowed to search for, as I imagine none of you will know them, or have ever read them. You are allowed to brag if you do know it thouXD)
"A lot of happiness can be brought to the mentally distraught by a little understanding."
"I'd like ten more babies and ten more chihuahuas and a few Academy Awards. Meanwhile, I enjoy being a sex symbol and making people happy."
"I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
(I choose my friends and basically everyone I surround myself with by this quote. I also live by it. If I can't handle you at your worst, I don't deserve you at your best.)
"Speaking of Oscars, I would win overwhelmingly if the Academy gave an Oscar for faking orgasms. I have done some of my best acting convincing my partners I was in the throes of ecstasy."
"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything."
"Talent is developed in privacy... but everybody is always tugging at you. They'd all like sort of a chunk at you. They'd kind of like to take pieces out of you."
"Wouldn't it be nice to be like men and get notches in your belt and sleep with most attractive men and not get emotionally involved?"
"Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm. As you get older, remember you have another hand: the first is to help yourself, the second is to help others."
"Success is like reaching an important birthday and finding you're exactly the same."
"I think sex is overrated. I don't have sex appeal and I know it. As a matter of fact, I think I'm rather funny looking. My teeth are funny, for one thing, and I have none of the attributes usually required for a movie queen, including the shapeliness."
"From the time I was thirteen, there was a constant struggle between MGM and me - whether or not to eat, how much to eat, what to eat. I remember this more vividly than anything else about my childhood."
"I have the unfortunate habit of not being able to have an affair with a man without being in love with him."
"I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph."
"One famous movie executive who shall remain nameless, exposed himself to me in his office. 'Mr X,' I said, 'I thought you were a producer not an exhibitor'."
Okey, I am gonna have to end it here. I have so many many fantastic quotes to share with you, but I am guessing only half of you made it this far.
There's a lot of repeats. Meaning I have several from the same thing or person. I just really like the things I like I guess.
Some of them I looked up, some of them I wrote from memory. The latter might have anomalies. If you know me in real life you earn your self a great big hug for everyone you get right^^,
(Oh em gee, I am gonna get many search engine hits off this post ain't I?O.o)
Oh, and I don't remember all these quotes at once, so don't expect me to remember them from the top of my head. I have to set aside some brain for my studies too.
And now for the car accident.
Lets just start off with: Had I been in front of that car I might not have survived. It was that bad.
So me and boyfriend was walking up from Smart Club when we hear the whine of tires and see a swerving car going really fast (I have absolutely no powers of deducting speeds, but it was way too fast. Well over the speed limit, which is 50km/hour). It ended up crashing into a light pole, wrapping it's front around it in the process.
Then the car it had been swerving to avoid rolls down it's window and someone yell's "you're not supposed to be laughing! You're supposed to cry!"
Then four girl all but falls out of the wreck, laughing maniacally. We run over to see if they are okey, and they just nod, still laughing.
Our best guess is they were racing, and the first car stopped in front of the round about rather abruptly and the second car had to swerve to avoid it.
I think the girls in the wreck probably all have whiplashes.
All I could think walking away from it all was "someone is going to get grounded all the way into the next millennium", because the car looked very much like it could very well had belonged the one of their dads. Schadenfraude is a wonderful thing^^,
I am also guessing they might not have been soberXP I would hate to be them if the police finds out, and they weren'tXD
This is gonna be a guess the quote post. Write in the comments if you get it, and I will feature your name (or nick) and the name of where the quote originated from. If you feel up to the challenge try to get the name of the character/person who said/sung it as well.^^,
Anyone is allowed to partake. Don't be shy peeps^^, But I will know if you have googled it, and your comment will be removed and you will go on the list of shame in the bottom of this post, so don't do that. Just don't.
(Note: Quotes will be from movies, tv-shows, comic-books, webcomics, music, whatever I fancy^^, Also there can be several quotes from the same thing.)
Here goes:
"He's gonna dinner-fuck her booze-hole."
"I do believe in spooks! I do! I do! I do!"
"I'm a very important man! I have a tower."
"All the world is a judge, but that doesn't compare, to what I do to myself when you're not there."
"Don't look a gift lion in the mouth."
"You know, that last one actually makes more sense than the original."
"I can bear it no longer! Goblin King! Goblin King! Wherever you may be take this child of mine far away from me!"
"That's not it! Where did she get that rubbish? It doesn't even start with "I wish!" "
"Do you want anything dampened? Or made soggy?"
"The most dashing, panty-snatching, I will leave your diapers dripping! "
"No, I am, but... it's a symptom. You're treating a symptom while the disease rages on, consumes the human race. The fish rots from the head, so they say. So I'm thinking, why not cut off the head?"
"These are not the Hammer." Holds up fists. "The hammer is my penis."
"Eg he vøri i dei kristne landi, der folkji kallar på Gud. Eg e sterkar hell du!"
"Swinging back and forth, although you noticed that I set your rope aflame."
"You're closer to me than I've ever been. You move so close. You're skin beneath my skin"
"Next time, I'll skin you like a stag and let the wolves pick your bones!"
"I'm just a mean green mother from outer space and I'm bad!"
"Drug market. Blood market. Some times I wonder why ever got in."
"I can guarantee the closest shave you'll ever know."
"At last! My arm is complete again!"
"Somewhere out there is a lady who I think will never be a nun. Auf Wiedersehen, darling."
"Now lets get this straight, Gus. The chaperon's job is to see that nobody else has any fun. Nobody chaperons the chaperon. That's why I'm so right for this job. "
"She put herself in your place - all you have to do is put yourself in her place, and you're *bound* to bump into each other in somebody's place. "
"I'm like cat here, a no-name slob. We belong to nobody, and nobody belongs to us. We don't even belong to each other. "
"I think it's just elegant to have an imagination. I just have no imagination at all. I have lots of other things, but I have no imagination. "
"Jerry, Jerry, will you take my advice? Forget about the whole thing, will ya? Just keep telling yourself: you're a boy, you're a boy. "
"Will you look at that! Look how she moves! It's like Jell-O on springs. Must have some sort of built-in motor or something. I tell you, it's a whole different sex! "
"My parents wanted to move me into high school out of the sixth grade, but we decided to chuck the idea because I'd have trouble making friends, blah, blah, blah. Now blah, blah, blah is all I ever do. I use my grand IQ to decide what color lip gloss to wear in the morning and how to hit three keggers before curfew... "
"Have I got things to tell you!
What happened?
I'm engaged.
Congratulations. Who's the lucky girl?
I am!"
"It's one thing to want someone out of your life, but it's another thing to serve them a wake-up cup full of liquid drainer. "
"Oh no you don't! Osgood, I'm gonna level with you. We can't get married at all.
Why not?
Well, in the first place, I'm not a natural blonde.
Doesn't matter.
I smoke! I smoke all the time!
I don't care.
Well, I have a terrible past. For three years now, I've been living with a saxophone player.
I forgive you.
[Tragically] I can never have children!
We can adopt some.
But you don't understand, Osgood!
[Pulls of wig]
I'm a man!
Well, nobody's perfect!"
(I seriously worry about your cultural upbringing if you have never heard this quote. It's the best quote from the golden age of Hollywood in my opinion.)
"Ruffles and laces and candy-sweet faces directed your furtive hand, I perfectly understand."
"I want an old straw hat, a pair of overalls, and a worn out pair of shoes."
"She drowned her father in the creek. The water tasted bad for a week, and we had to make do with gin."
"God was there from the very beginning
He invented men and women,
Then He also invented wanking,
Then He said wanking was sinning.
So if I'm feeling randy
I'm not allowed to hand-shandy,
But having sex with my family,
That is just fucking great.
It's all there in Ezekial 8"
(Um, quicktip here. If you are religious and kind of uptight and a prude about it, don't look up this quote. If you are, however, religious and can actually joke around with it, then this song is really funny. It really is^^, It's meant to be funny, the guy who wrote it is comedian. Come on people, loosen up, laugh a little. Nothing (and I mean nothing) is so awful that it can't be joked about.(Given time and distance of course.))
"He eyes ain't green and my hair I ain't yellow, it's more likely the other way around."
"And when at last the police came by,
Her little pranks she did not deny,
To do so she would have had to lie,
And lying, she knew, was a sin, a sin"
"A woman happily in love, she burns the soufflé. A woman unhappily in love, she forgets to turn on the oven."
"I don't want to lose my virginity to a piece of fruit."
"Now... it seems we were in a similar position on Monday when I thoughtfully suggested we get everybody together for an unadulterated emotional outpouring. But no. You took this as an opportunity to play yet another round of "Let's Laugh at the Hippie." "
"One of the boys I dated, and they were boys, suggested that we go to Paris and I said I'd always wanted to see Paris. As if I'd never been!"
"People will look at the ashes of Westerburg and say, "Now there's a school that self-destructed, not because society didn't care, but because the school was society." Now that's deep. "
"Do you go to concerts?
No. We don't believe in concerts.
Oh, I assure you, they're real."
"And it boom!"Flings her arms out. "What?"
"This can only ever happen once.
Oh... Why?
There can only ever be one first time."
"Bonjour, mesdames et monsiuers. Yesterday we have learned the correct way how to boil water. Today we will learn the correct way how to crack an egg. Voilà! An egg. Now, an egg is not a stone; it is not made of wood, it is a living thing. It has a heart. So when we crack it, we must not torment it. We must be merciful and execute it quickly, like with the guillotine."
"You don't marry a girl because she's pretty, but by jove, doesn't it help?"
"I don't want to get involved in the racial situation at the expense of losing fans. I wouldn't say anything too strong but I do know that God created us equal and we're not living up to it."
(Fantastic woman this one. And gorgeous too. She said some truly deep things in her day. Oh em gee! Was that a hint? The next few ones will be quotes that actual people said, these you are allowed to search for, as I imagine none of you will know them, or have ever read them. You are allowed to brag if you do know it thouXD)
"A lot of happiness can be brought to the mentally distraught by a little understanding."
"I'd like ten more babies and ten more chihuahuas and a few Academy Awards. Meanwhile, I enjoy being a sex symbol and making people happy."
"I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
(I choose my friends and basically everyone I surround myself with by this quote. I also live by it. If I can't handle you at your worst, I don't deserve you at your best.)
"Speaking of Oscars, I would win overwhelmingly if the Academy gave an Oscar for faking orgasms. I have done some of my best acting convincing my partners I was in the throes of ecstasy."
"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything."
"Talent is developed in privacy... but everybody is always tugging at you. They'd all like sort of a chunk at you. They'd kind of like to take pieces out of you."
"Wouldn't it be nice to be like men and get notches in your belt and sleep with most attractive men and not get emotionally involved?"
"Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm. As you get older, remember you have another hand: the first is to help yourself, the second is to help others."
"Success is like reaching an important birthday and finding you're exactly the same."
"I think sex is overrated. I don't have sex appeal and I know it. As a matter of fact, I think I'm rather funny looking. My teeth are funny, for one thing, and I have none of the attributes usually required for a movie queen, including the shapeliness."
"From the time I was thirteen, there was a constant struggle between MGM and me - whether or not to eat, how much to eat, what to eat. I remember this more vividly than anything else about my childhood."
"I have the unfortunate habit of not being able to have an affair with a man without being in love with him."
"I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph."
"One famous movie executive who shall remain nameless, exposed himself to me in his office. 'Mr X,' I said, 'I thought you were a producer not an exhibitor'."
Okey, I am gonna have to end it here. I have so many many fantastic quotes to share with you, but I am guessing only half of you made it this far.
There's a lot of repeats. Meaning I have several from the same thing or person. I just really like the things I like I guess.
Some of them I looked up, some of them I wrote from memory. The latter might have anomalies. If you know me in real life you earn your self a great big hug for everyone you get right^^,
(Oh em gee, I am gonna get many search engine hits off this post ain't I?O.o)
Oh, and I don't remember all these quotes at once, so don't expect me to remember them from the top of my head. I have to set aside some brain for my studies too.
And now for the car accident.
Lets just start off with: Had I been in front of that car I might not have survived. It was that bad.
So me and boyfriend was walking up from Smart Club when we hear the whine of tires and see a swerving car going really fast (I have absolutely no powers of deducting speeds, but it was way too fast. Well over the speed limit, which is 50km/hour). It ended up crashing into a light pole, wrapping it's front around it in the process.
Then the car it had been swerving to avoid rolls down it's window and someone yell's "you're not supposed to be laughing! You're supposed to cry!"
Then four girl all but falls out of the wreck, laughing maniacally. We run over to see if they are okey, and they just nod, still laughing.
Our best guess is they were racing, and the first car stopped in front of the round about rather abruptly and the second car had to swerve to avoid it.
I think the girls in the wreck probably all have whiplashes.
All I could think walking away from it all was "someone is going to get grounded all the way into the next millennium", because the car looked very much like it could very well had belonged the one of their dads. Schadenfraude is a wonderful thing^^,
I am also guessing they might not have been soberXP I would hate to be them if the police finds out, and they weren'tXD
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