Here is what I bought:

When I was little we went to Denmark every summer, and we took the boat to and from Frederikshavn. To we took the night boat, so we just ate and went to night club and watch whatever show they had that night, and then we went to bed.
On the way home I the boat sails during the day, so that's 8 hours stuck on boat with nothing to do. So we usually ran around the boat playing gambling machines and going to the tax-free stores. And there they had a perfume and makeup department. We ran around spraying perfume on ourselves until we stank perfume from the other end of the boat. And at this perfume department I once found this perfume, and all other perfumes were ruined for me forever.XP Almost XP
But I never had enough money for them, I was a child and I never really had money. And it was really expensive, so after Mom and Dad said no once, I don't think I ever asked again. I just stood there, longing for it.
And then when I got old enough to have enough money to buy it, it was gone. I had even seen it at one perfume shop at Aker Brygge in Oslo, but it was gone from there too. And I never found it again. Every perfume shop in every country I went I looked for it, and never found it.
But today. Today I found it. And it cost 37,70€. And then I found it at another store for 57 something €, so I felt that I had made a bargain^^,
So this perfume is kind of a big deal for me^^,
I am also searching for the Gwen Steffanie's Harajuku perfumes. Both because they are shaped like Kokeshi doll, and because I also had sort of the same deal with them, but not as much.
I saw them at a perfume shop at Egertoget in Oslo last summer I think. No, spring. And I told everyone I wanted it for my birthday, and no one gave it to me, so I saved to buy it, and when I went they were gone, and I couldn't find them anywhere. I had gone into the store every time I passed to smell them and look at them, and when I went to buy them, they were gone.=(
So I am gonna look for them now^^,

So I bought new ones.
Also the other ones are sneakers and very warm, so now I bought some cooler shoes. But they need to be broken in, so I'll have blisters everywhere all week XP

So I bought some. I got a necklace with the shampoo and a body lotion with the soap.

I went back and bought back two eyeshadows from the same brand, but I didn't get another nail file, because I was to shy to bring the file, and the clerk didn't get it for me, and nobody dared to say anything. But I got two awesome really bright eyeshadows, which was why I bought them in the first place^^,

I am addicted to notebooks. I have tons of them, and I buy cute ones whenever I find them, and I write in every single one of them. I rarely finish them thou, since I keep buying new ones^^,

And then we ate, and we got a bagel and a soda and a desert for 7,50€
We all got a doughnut thing, and they were really cute, so I made a collage. The heart one was mine, and it had something called pomade inside, which was very similar to the yellow stuff in the middle of solskinnsboller. It was really tasty^^,

I had yoghurt for breakfast also. I am already getting a little bit bored with yoghurt. Mission accomplished^^,

I have finished the kokeshi doll, but I had already taken out the memory card when I remembered that I had forgotten to take a picture of it, so there might come one tomorrow.^^,
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