Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So, Boyfriend took me to see Trolljegeren.
I love mockumetaries. They are the funnest of the -umenatries.
It's about some students chasing after a guy who illegally hunts for bears, or so they think.
The lead, the troll hunter, is played by a Norwegian comedian called Otto Jesperen, and a lot of other comedians have small roles. Robert Stoltenberg (who is just as obnoxious as always) plays a east European fella who supplies the bears for the cover-up operation. And Knut Nærum, who plays a technician at a power plant up in the monutains. Both of them only got about 5 minutes of screen time, and these are huuuuge comedians in Norway. I am guessing that they got the parts so that they could put their names on the posters^^,

I think that it is worthy of the Oscar for foreign movies^^,

It's not a horror movie by the way, even thou it can seem that way from the trailer.

1 comment:

Filthy Smithereen said...

Good to know~
I think this is the first norwegian movie I've actually thought I might want to see, after I saw the trailer xD